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To use the AWS KMS to encrypt and decrypt data using the aws kms

Inputs :

  1. You have already created a CUSTOMER MANAGER KEY using the AWS console with the alias name as master
  2. You have also created an IAM user with policy AWSKeyManagementServicePowerUser

Docs and Links referred

aws kms generate-data-key


Step 1

Configure the AWS account using the right region and correct access keys

$ aws configure                                                            
AWS Access Key ID [****************]: 
AWS Secret Access Key [****************]: 
Default region name [ap-south-1]: 
Default output format [None]: 

Step 2

Let's list the aliases first to validate

$ aws kms list-aliases | grep master | grep -v "arn"
            "AliasName": "alias/master",

Step 3

Generate the symmetric keys using generate-data-key method. Note that these keys are base64 encoded.

$ aws kms generate-data-key --key-id alias/master --key-spec AES_256 --region ap-south-1
    "CiphertextBlob": "your_key_in_cipher_text",
    "Plaintext": "your_key_in_plain_text",
    "KeyId": "your_key_aws_arn"

Step 4

Decode you keys and save them in files

$ echo "your_key_in_cipher_text" | base64 --decode > ciphertextblob

$ echo "your_key_in_plain_text" | base64 --decode > plaintext

Step 5

Let's create a sensitive datafile

$ cat sensitivedatafile.txt          
This is very sensitive data
please do not copy
copying the data is strictly prohibited
okay you can copy the data.

Step 6

Encrypt the sensitive data file

$ openssl enc -in ./sensitivedatafile.txt -out ./sensitivedatafile_encrypted.txt -e -aes256 -k ./plaintext

NOTE: Delete your plaintext symmetric key now. We will only store the encrypted version of the plaintext key

$ mv plaintext ~/tmp/
$ mv sensitivedatafile.txt /tmp/                                                            

Okay, I moved it to /tmp just in case. But we need to remove! Very Important!

Step 7

Now the task is to decrypt the sensitivedatafile_encrypted.txt using the ciphertextblob. Both of them are encrypted files.

So first we will get the plaintext version of our datakey using the aws cli

$ aws kms decrypt --ciphertext-blob fileb://ciphertextblob --region ap-south-1
    "KeyId": "aws_arn",
    "Plaintext": "your_plaintext_key",
    "EncryptionAlgorithm": "SYMMETRIC_DEFAULT"

Decode the key

$ echo "your_plaintext_key" | base64 --decode > plaintext

Step 8

Finally decrypt the sensitivedatafile_encrypted.txt using the plaintext key you just obtained. We will use the openssl library for the same

$ openssl enc -in ./sensitivedatafile_encrypted.txt -out ./sensitivedatafile_final.txt -d  -aes256 -k ./plaintext 

$ cat sensitivedatafile_final.txt
This is very sensitive data
please do not copy
copying the data is strictly prohibited
okay you can copy the data.