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octav - The main API server

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octav is the API server that does the basic CRUD operations on data. No authentication is done on this component.

All basic text data is expected to be registered using English, but each data component may have elements that can be localized. You can register such data by providing data with keys such as name#ja

Localized data can be retrieved by providing the lang key to each of the Lookup* endpoints. For example, to fetch sessions with localized title and abstract, you can issue a request like the following:


As you can see, endpoints that fetch data are normally represented using GET endpoints, with data encoded in query strings.

For other endpoints that require register, update, or delete data are represented using POST endpoints. In this case the data should be encoded as JSON text.

Data structure

Conference Series

"builderscon" is a series. "builderscon tokyo 2016" is a conference instance in that series.

Only system administrators can create conference series.


Conferences have title, sub title, series_id and slug. The slug is used to create URL (*slug*)

Conferences can have multiple dates. Most conferences will be 1 day only, but sometimes they span multiple days. Use AddConferenceDates to add dates to a conference.

Conferences must have at least 1 administrator associated, but can have multiple administrators. The account that created the conference is automatically registered as administrator. To add more administrators, use AddAdminisrator

Conferences may only be created by conference series administrators, but may be edited by conference administrators.


Conference dates take the following format:


When you specify the time, it's in one of these forms [OpenTime-CloseTime], [OpenTime]

You can add a new date using AddConferenceDates API call, and remove them using DeleteConferenceDates.

Conference Administrators

You may register as many conference administrators as you like. The original creator of the conference resource is automatically associated as the administrator.

You can add more administrators by using the AddConferenceAdmin API call, and remove them using DeleteConferenceAdmin


Venues can contain multiple rooms.

Venues can be created by anybody who is an administrator of any conference.


Rooms belong to a venue.

Rooms can be created by anybody who is an administrator of any conference.


Sessions can be regeistered to be presented at a room.

Sessions for a particular conference can only be created by administrators of that conference.

Featured Speakers

Sometimes you have to announce your pscheduled speakers even before your speakers can register on your system.

This allows you to register a special section for those speakers, so you can promote them independently of your session registrations.


A sponsor for a conference has

  • name
  • url
  • logo url
  • group_name

The group is used to group sponsors so you can differentiate how you present your sponsors. For example, perhaps you want to show "tier-1" group the largest, "tier-2" smaller, et al.

Code generation directions

If you edited spec/v1/api.json

make buildspec

This will regenerate

  • octav/client/client.go
  • octav/validator/validator.go
  • octav/octav_hsup.go

If you add more endpoints, you need to write additional doXXXX handlers in handlers.go

If you edited model/interface.go or db/interface.go

Technically, you do NOT need to do this every time, but if you want to be safe, whenever you touch these files you should regenerate auto-generated files

To regenerate files, run:

make generate

If you add transport types (e.g. CreateSessionRequest, UpdateSessionRequest, etc) make sure to include a flag in the comment, or otherwise the code generation tools do not pick them up:

// +transport
type CreateFooRequest struct {

Useful Debugging Tips

Enable Debug Prints

When running your tests, use the tag debug0 (or debug). See for details. |

Useful Environment Variables

Name Description
OCTAV_TEST_DSN DSN to use to connect to the database. See for syntax details.
OCTAV_DB_TRACE Enable to see SQL execution trace. See for details.
PDEBUG_TRACE Enable print debug mode. See for details.

Running Tests

See "Useful Environemnt Variables", and "Useful Debugging Tips"

0. Drop the old database

The schema is still changing wildly. You probably want to flush it from time to time

make initdb

1. Create a database

make initdb

2. Run

cd octav
OCTAV_TEST_DSN='root:@:/octav?parseTime=true' go test .

Currently, the tests are still failing.

Deploying to GKE

There are LOTS of things that needs to be automated. Please HELP!

Get CloudSQL Credentials

Ask an administrator for them.

Once you have them, you will be able to access the CloudSQL from your terminal by typing:

make cloudsql

Build and Deploy the container

cd gke/containers/apiserver
make docker
make publish # Remember the tag that is printed
make deploy TAG=XXXXX

make docker builds octav, and creates a docker container.

make publish will display a line like the following:

Publishing [ ]

You need to know the tag (20160317.212833) to deploy. You can also find it in the GCP console page.

make deploy deploys the specified tag using kubectl rolling-update


Random kubectl commands that are good to know:

Command Description
kubectl get pods List all pods
kubectl get rc List all replication controllers
kubectl get service List all services
kubectl delete pod -l name=apiserver Delete all apiserver pods. If there's a replication controller, new instances will be brought up
kubectl delete rc -l name=apiserver Delete all apiserver replication controllers. This also kills associated pods
kubectl logs [-f] [pod name] Show standard output logs. -f does the equivalent of tail
kubectl describe [name] name can be any name like pod name, rc name, service name, etc. Gives detail information about the resource
kubectl exec -it [pod name] /bin/sh Open a shell session to the named pod. Note: if you have multiple containers in a pod, you need add the container name