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File metadata and controls

243 lines (158 loc) · 6.21 KB


WLTS implementation depends essentially on:

Development Installation - GitHub

Clone the Software Repository

Use git to clone the software repository:

git clone

Go to the source code folder:

cd wlts

Install in development mode:

pip3 install -e .[all]


If you want to create a new Python Virtual Environment, please, follow this instruction:

1. Create a new virtual environment linked to Python 3.7:

python3.7 -m venv venv

2. Activate the new environment:

source venv/bin/activate

3. Update pip and setuptools:

pip3 install --upgrade pip

pip3 install --upgrade setuptools

Or you can use Python Anaconda Environment:

1. Create an virtual environment using conda with Python Interpreter Version +3:

conda create --name bdc_wlts python=3

2. Activate environment:

conda activate bdc_wlts

Run the Tests

Run the tests:


Build the Documentation

Generate the documentation:

python build_sphinx

The above command will generate the documentation in HTML and it will place it under:


You can open the above documentation in your favorite browser, as:

firefox docs/sphinx/_build/html/index.html

Running in Development Mode

In the source code folder, enter the following command:

FLASK_APP="wlts" \
FLASK_ENV="development" \
WLTS_URL="http://localhost:5000" \
flask run

You may need to replace the definition of some environment variables:

  • FLASK_ENV="development: used to tell Flask to run in Debug mode.
  • WLTS_URL="http://localhost:5000": Base URI of the service.
  • BDC_AUTH_CLIENT_ID=BDC_OAuth_ClientID: the OAuth 2 client id.
  • BDC_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=BDC_OAuth_ClientSecret: the OAuth 2 client secret.
  • BDC_AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL= OAuth 2 authentication url.

The above command should output some messages in the console as showed below:

* Environment: development
* Debug mode: on
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
* Restarting with stat
* Debugger is active!
* Debugger PIN: 184-616-293

Running WLTS with a real data

We will use DETER Amazônia Legal data to present how to configure and use WLTS to recover trajectories. For this we use the data available by TerraBrasilis via GeoServer

In wlts/json_configs/datasources.json file the necessary settings must be added:

"datasources": {
   "webservice_source": [
       "type": "WFS",
       "id": "3c20cbb4-ca94-4c1f-99af-6377f30bc683",
       "host": "",
       "workspace": "deter-amz"

You may need to replace definition of some information about database you loaded example data:

  • "type": "WFS": The Web Service Type (WCS or WFS).
  • "id": "3c20cbb4-ca94-4c1f-99af-6377f30bc683": unique identifier to identify the datasource.
  • "host": Geoserver data address.
  • "workspace": "deter-amz": the wokspace name containing the DETER data.

In wlts/json_configs/collections.json file the necessary settings must be added for accessing the collection :

If you want to check if the system is up and running, try the following URL in your web browser:

You should see an output like:

  "collections": [
  "classification_system": {
    "classification_system_id": null,
    "classification_system_name": null,
    "type": "Self"
  "collection_type": "Feature",
  "description": "Alertas de Desmatamento",
  "detail": "",
  "name": "deter_amz",
  "period": {
    "end_date": "2017",
    "start_date": "2006"
  "resolution_unit": {
    "unit": "DAY",
    "value": "1"
  "spatial_extent": {
    "xmax": -44.0003914444064,
    "xmin": -73.5490878282397,
    "ymax": 4.55537642867927,
    "ymin": -18.0364406523564
  "query": {
    "collections": null,
    "end_date": null,
    "latitude": -9.091,
    "longitude": -66.031,
    "start_date": null
  "result": {
    "trajectory": [
        "class": "DEGRADACAO",
        "collection": "deter_amz",
        "date": "2016-10-06Z"