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Publication Scrapper

Publication scrapper for Badan Penerbit dan Publikasi UGM

System Requirement

  1. PHP > 7.1
  2. MySQL Database
  3. MongoDB Database
  4. Composer
  5. NodeJS >= 8
  6. MongoDB php extension
  7. Elsevier API Key
  8. Microsoft Academic API Key

How to Install

  1. Clone this repository to your local.
  2. run composer install.
  3. run npm install.
  4. Make new .env based on .env.example.
  5. Create a new MySQL database on your machine and modify the database connection in .env.
  6. Fill ELSEVIER_API_KEY in .env using your Elsevier API Key
  7. Fill MA_API_KEY in .env with your Microsoft Academic API Key
  8. run php artisan key:generate.
  9. run php artisan migrate --seed.
  10. run php artisan storage:link.
  11. run php artisan passport:install.
