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Blockchains Module

Please note that it is BitcoinJS-Lib that makes most of these functions possible.

The framework currently supports the following blockchains (and their corrresponding testnets):

Blockchain Homepage Active Chain Code Test-Net Code
Bitcoin btc btct
Litecoin ltc ltct
Dogecoin doge doget
Dash dash dasht

Blockchains Functions & Variables

The Blockchains Module features the following functions:

blockchains.check(address) - back to top

This function will return the first character of a validated address.

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blockchains.decode(script_pub_key) - back to top

This function decodes the script_pub_key from a valid OP_Return outgoing transaction into a readable text string.

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blockchains.empty(private_key, to_address, chain, callback) - back to top

This function checks the balance belonging to the provided private_key and then sends all of the funds (minus the default network fee) to the required to_address. The chain variable is also required and the callback function is initiated if provided.

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blockchains.key(code) - back to top

This function will return the BitcoinJS-Lib formatted blockchain code if provided with the Blockstrap blockchain code.

For example, btc becomes bitcoin and doget becomes dogecointestnet.

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blockchains.keys(secret, blockchain, number_of_keys, indexes, raw) - back to top

This function takes the secret seed and blockchain and returns an object containing the public and private keys generated from the secret.

Please note that by default, Blockstrap DOES NOT store the private keys anywhere.

Multiple keys or specific HD derivative keys can be generated using the number_of_keys and indexes variables, where as the raw variable can be used to also return the complete unfiltered keys and attach them to the returned object within a raw field.

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blockchains.raw(return_to, privkey, inputs, outputs, this_fee, amount_to_send, data, sign_tx, script) - back to top

This function returns a raw transaction Hex-string that can then be relayed.

It already requires you to have the inputs and outputs properly formed. The return_to variable is the change address that should be used to send-back the left-over inputs. You need to set the amount_to_send (as an integer) as well as the preferred mining fee by using this_fee.

If you the raw transaction return to be signed, you need to provide the appropriate privkey for the inputs (currently assumes all inputs from same address). You can leave this false or null but should also set the sign_tx variable to false.

The data variable is used to store additional information within the op_return field of the transaction and must conform to the relevant $.fn.settings.blockchains[chain].op_limit.

The script variable is used for multisignature transactions.

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blockchains.send(to, amount, from, keys, callback, blockchain, data, fee) - back to top

This function is used to construct a raw transaction and then relay it. Basic settings such as who to send the coins to with to address, or how much to send with the amount and blockchain are clear enough. The from will be used as the returning change address. The keys should be a key object as returned by blockchains.keys, which contains both the public and private keys. Before proceeding, we first check locally to see if the account belongs to this user and it has the necessary balance required to perform the transaction. If it does, the public key is used in reference to an api.unspents call, the results from which are then used to construct the necessary available inputs. We then call blockchains.raw and use the returned object as the required variable in an api.relay call.

In order to attach aribitary data to the transaction via an OP_Return, simply add a data variable, where custom transaction fees canalso be set using the fee variable, which if left empty will then use the default fee structure instead.

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blockchains.supported(blockchain) - back to top

This function will return a boolean value confirming whether or not the selected blockchain has API support or not.

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blockchains.validate(address) - back to top

This function returns a boolean and is used on conjunction with blockchains.check to validate an address.

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blockchains.which(address) - back to top

This function will return the blockchain code (or false) for a given address.

However, please note that this IS NOT ACCURATE as it currently uses a very hacky method. Sorry about that.

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