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Blockmason Link SDK for JavaScript

Link SDK



To add this library to your app, do one of the following:

Using Yarn:

yarn add @blockmason/link-sdk

Using NPM:

npm install @blockmason/link-sdk


Importing the module

First, your app should import the link module from this library.

Using ES6:

import { link } from '@blockmason/link-sdk';

Using CommonJS modules (Node.js):

const { link } = require('@blockmason/link-sdk');


Once you have the link() function imported, create a client for your Link project like this:

const project = link({
  clientId: '<your-client-id>',
  clientSecret: '<your-client-secret>'

Use the Client ID and Client Secret provided by your Link project to fill in the respective values above.

Using from a Node.js environment

The Link SDK uses fetch() to make HTTP requests. Most modern browsers provide this function as a global, but it is absent from Node.js.

When calling the link() function from a Node.js environment, you can pass in a fetch() implementation along as a second parameter, like this:

const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const { link } = require('@blockmason/link-sdk');

const project = link({
  clientId: '<your-client-id>',
  clientSecret: '<your-client-secret>'
}, {

The above snippet uses the node-fetch compatibility package.

Interacting with your Link project

Then, you can use the project object to make requests against your Link project.

For example, assuming your project has a GET /echo endpoint that expects a message input and responds with a message output:

const { message } = await project.get('/echo', {
  message: 'Hello, world!'
// "Hello, world!"

Another example, assuming your project has a POST /mint endpoint that expects to and amount inputs:

await'/mint', {
  amount: 1000,
  to: '0x1111222233334444555566667777888899990000'