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blak3r edited this page Apr 4, 2012 · 27 revisions

There are a lot of things that could be done to improve this project. Any help would be greatly appreciated. This page is currently a stub. Refer to the TODO.txt in the Code root directory for now.

JQUERY Loading on Page Problem Notes

In my production system, I have 6.4.1. I have an extension which uses JQUERY already (1.4 something)... Here's my results:

If I force include: echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="custom/include/javascript/jquery/jquery.pack.js"></script>'; Asterisk Plugin works fine... But, Dispage Fails.

If I conditionally include JS, works in Firefox... and it chrome...

On my demo 6.4 instance (I don't have any other extensions so jquery isn't loaded).
  • Include local copy of jquery works.
  • Conditional Include results in: Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
... I guess my conditional include isn't being loaded before the code reaches dialin.js and dialout.js.

My conditional code is inserting it after the head... but the code isn't at the head. So, I think I might have to surround my code with some YUI.

YAHOO.util.Event.onDomReady YAHOO.util.Event.onContentReady Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined

Ugh... So, I need some YUI or standard javascript way to invoke some code which requires JQuery to be loaded...