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File metadata and controls

72 lines (46 loc) · 2.41 KB


A module for HAProxy 2.5 and above to interact with hashicorp Vault using Lua.

Quick start

Copy the vault.lua file in your Lua path or use the haproxy global directive lua-prepend-path to load it properly form your own Lua code.

Example, if your lua scripts are installed in a specific path:

lua-prepend-path /my/path/lua/?.lua

In your Lua script, simply load the module like this:

haproxy = require("vault")

Generate a token in vault with relevant policy

vault token create -policy=certs -display-name=ca

Then, use the New() function to create a new instance:

-- Vault handler
local myVault = {
  url   = "",
  host  = "",
local h, err = vault:New(myVault)
if err ~= nil then

Note: due to a limitation in current httpclient, the URL must contain the IP address of the Vault server and we pass the relevant hostname as a Host header.



Create a new vault instance

  • @param o: object containing information to get connected to vault
  • @return: module instance or nil and an error message

The o object takes the following parameters:

Parameter type description default value
url string URL with IP address where vault is available
host string Option Host header to get connected to vault 1023
token string Vault token


Read a secret from vault

  • @param o: object containing information related to the secret we want to get
  • @return: a Lua indexed table with the secret object or nil and an error message

The o object takes the following parameters:

Parameter type description default value
secretPath string KV name where the secrets are stored
name string name of the certificate in KV storage


Renew a vault token. The token to be renewed is the one used when creating the instance.

  • @return: nil or an error message