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Releases: bbc/tal

Added 'enableHTML' to Label constructor

13 Mar 09:27
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You can no longer use the unsafeSetHTMLText function on Label. This is achieved by passing through an optional boolean on the Label constructor.

Label now uses 'textContent' instead of 'innerHTML'

10 Mar 11:05
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This change could break some uses of Label.

If you have special characters or HTML elements in your Label contents then they will no longer work (it will render them as plain text). This is to plug a security hole where by malicious code could be injected into a TAL label and executed.

Note: There is an alternate function on Label called 'unsafeSetHTMLText', this will apply the Label contents using 'innerHTML' (equivalent to Label.setText previously).

Further enhancement to css3transform animation modifier

27 Feb 16:02
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The css3transform animation modifier now sets animation properties (such as duration and easing) in code, rather than relying on transitions being specified in application CSS. This brings it close to parity with the other animation modifiers.

Further documentation on the current state of the modifier is here.

Enhancement to css3transform animation modifier

21 Feb 14:12
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Adds ability to use 'units' option in the tweenElementStyle() animation call.

Add secure cookie flag option

25 Jan 15:03
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  • Add ability to mark a cookie as secure by passing a flag in the device storage options.

Release 6.3.0

17 Jan 12:02
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  • Update open source configs with latest defaults
  • Upgrade jasmine/grunt-contrib-jasmine to get jasmine 2x
  • StorageProvider isEmpty public

Adds experimental CSS Transforms animation modifier

08 Nov 13:51
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Adds css3transform, an experimental animation modifier utilising minimal JavaScript and CSS Transforms to animate onscreen elements, particularly carousels. Currently must be used in conjunction with CSS in the application to define transition easing and duration.


07 Nov 16:39
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  • [MAJOR] Remove all Device Modifiers for networking.
  • [MAJOR] Implement default Networking in Device.
  • [MAJOR] Remove indexOf shims.
  • [MAJOR] Require es5 browser support.
  • [MINOR] Add optional path for cookies to be saved against.
  • [DOCUMENTATION] Update styles.

Fix auto resume functionality in seekable live facade

12 Sep 16:15
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When playing live MPEG-DASH, pausing at the start of the seekable range can cause devices to error, even if we immediately resume. We therefore need to fake an auto resume, to keep the TAL media API consistent and prevent devices from throwing errors.

Make broadcast visible after setChannelByName() for HbbTV

18 Aug 11:34
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Prior to this version, stopCurrentChannel() made the HbbTV broadcast object invisible, and a subsequent call to setChannelByName() would restore its visibility only if the channel requested was the one already tuned. This was a bug - now calling setChannelByName() will restore the broadcast object's visibility every time.