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File metadata and controls

142 lines (81 loc) · 6.91 KB


This document covers how to setup locally and also a brief overview of its architecture.

Please, note this document is work in progress 💅 !



Local development

  • yarn install to install

  • yarn start to start bangle on localhost:4000

  • yarn test:regular: To run the regular tests.

  • yarn test:network: To run the network based tests. Please note these tests will hit Github API and may create bunch of test repositories. Make sure you have GITHUB_OWNER and GITHUB_TOKEN set in your environment variables.

  • yarn g:playwright-dep to install playwright dependencies if you want to run e2e testing.

  • yarn g:e2e to run the e2e tests.

  • yarn lint to run all of the linters.

  • yarn build to build the application for production.

  • yarn g:build-prod-serve to start a production optimized version of bangle on localhost:1234.

  • yarn g:run-scripts to run all of the scripts in the tooling/_scripts. This is helpful to update any autogenerated code.

Yarn and Typescript version

E2E Tests

Updating the snapshots

Playwright creates two types of snapshots, one for mac (darwin) and other for linux. If you are running the tests on a mac, you will have to update the darwin snapshots.

Run the following in mac to update linux snapshots:

docker run -v $(pwd):/work/ bash -c 'cd work && yarn install &&  yarn g:playwright-dep && NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=8144"  yarn g:e2e '

If you are running the tests on a linux machine, you will have to update the darwin snapshots. I haven't found a way to run the tests on a linux machine and update the darwin snapshots. Please open an issue if you have any ideas on how to deal with this.

Updating Playwright version

Search the code base (excluding .yarn and lock files) for the currently installed version of the playwright and then replace it with the new version.



The repository is divided into multiple smaller node packages which are linked to each other via yarn.

Directory structure

Bangle has the following top level directories containing smaller packages.

  • extensions:All of the first party extensions sit here. If you are fixing a bug or extending a feature, you will most likely start here.

  • lib: The packages that are shared across the app.

  • js-lib: Independent packages that have no awareness of bangle and have no dependency on any other part of the code.

  • app: The core app that bootstraps everything sits here.

  • worker: Separate directory for any code that will be run the web worker.

  • tooling: Focused on things like integration tests, scripts etc. Any code in here is not bundled in the production app.

Extension file structure

Each extension must have the following top level files:

  • index.ts The entry point for the extension.
  • style.css A single css file containing all the styles of your extension.
  • style.ts: A file which imports the style.css file.

Please note your index.ts file should not import style.ts. This restriction exists to keep the imports within the realms of standard Javascript.

Styling and design tokens

  • uses unocss an atomic css library which has tailwind like API. It is strongly recommended to use the editor extension to get autocompletion for the css classes.

  • We generate the css variables ( yarn g:generate-core-theme) from the design tokens described in design-tokens.ts. These tokens are then passed to unocss to generate the atomic css classes and css variables.

  • If you cannot use the atomic css classes for some reason, you can directly import the variable by doing import {vars} from '' in typescript or var(--BV-myVariable) in CSS. All design tokens are prefixed with --BV- followed by the name of the token.

  • Not recommended if you are going to create a custom CSS class name, make sure it is prefixed with a B- followed by the extension name / package name followed by a _ and then a valid string. For example B-my-extension_my-class. A utility class helper starts with BU_ followed by the name of the helper, for example, BU_my-helper.

  • Not recommended but for some reason if you want to use a custom css variable outside of the provided design tokens, you can use BC- followed by the name of the variable, for example, var(--BC-myVariable). If you do not use this syntax, the linter will throw an error.


Bangle uses a concept of context for sharing state across the extensions.

  • editor-manager-context exposes the Editors.
  • extension-registry-context: the glue code for the extension. If you are developing an extension you can ignore this.
  • page-context for pending writes, page lifecycle, navigation etc.
  • serial-operation-context for dispatching serial Operations.
  • ui-context provides the UI state information, like sidebars, palettes etc.
  • workspace-context: place for centralized workspace ops like note creation, renaming, deletion etc.


Operations are used across bangle to dispatch complex state changes with the help of actions.

Operations exist in two different forms:

  • Functional operations have the signature (...parms) => (state, dispatch, store?) => {}.
  • Serial operations, similar to functional operation but have a serializable notation so that they can be executed in contexts where functions are not possible, for example the Operation Palette UI. See this extension's code to get a rough idea.


A file path in Bangle is denoted by a string with the following syntax:

  • wsPath: A unique string representing a file and its workspace. hello:foo/

  • wsName: Workspace name, in hello:foo/ hello is the workspace name.

How editor opens a file?

  1. User somehow clicks on a file and triggers pushWsPath
  2. That then becomes a wsPath derived from history.location
  3. An <Editor /> gets mounted with new wsPath
  4. At this point the editor is loaded with empty doc.
  5.'s collab-client sets up communication with worker thread.
  6. Worker thread has a collab-manager instance running.
  7. When collab-client calls getDocument, it is passed on to worker thread's manager
  8. manager calls localDisk.getItem to get the document from indexdb.
  9. Collab-client plugin refreshes the editor with correct content.