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60 lines (45 loc) · 1.87 KB


Castle of cowardice is a game I created in 2011 for one of Warwick Game Design's 48 hour game-creation competitions.

The theme of the competition was "Cowardice".

Builds & Runs on Linux (gcc) or Windows (mingw32).

This version contains the following changes added after the competition:

  • Different font
  • Different title screen

Original Readme:

#     #   ##    ####  ##### #      ######     ####  ###### 
#        #  #  #        #   #      #         #    # #      
#       #    #  ####    #   #      #####     #    # #####  
#       ######      #   #   #      #         #    # #      
#     # #    # #    #   #   #      #         #    # #      
 #####  #    #  ####    #   ###### ######     ####  #      
#     #  ####  #    #   ##   #####  #####  #  ####  ###### 
#       #    # #    #  #  #  #    # #    # # #    # #      
#       #    # #    # #    # #    # #    # # #      #####  
#       #    # # ## # ###### #####  #    # # #      #      
#     # #    # ##  ## #    # #   #  #    # # #    # #      
 #####   ####  #    # #    # #    # #####  #  ####  ######

You are a coward, trapped in an evil-infested castle.
You must do the only thing you know; run for your life.

Created for the Warwick Game Design 2011 Term-1 48 hour Competition.

How to play
Run from the Zombies and other creatures that infest the castle while waiting
for the door to the next chamber to open. Once it has opened, move through it
to continue your perilous journey.

Arrow keys  : Move
Space bar   : Start game
Alt + Enter : Toggle full-screen

Programming : Alex Baines
	using SDL & OpenGL.

Audio : Generated by sfxr.