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Releases: backstage/backstage


23 Apr 16:08
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v1.27.0-next.0 Pre-release


19 Apr 15:15
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This release is the official (for real this time, we missed some plugins) start of the community-plugins repository! 🎉

Out of the back of the discussions in #20266, we aligned with the help of RedHat to move some plugins which are maintained by the community out of this repo, and have a dedicated space. There they will have their own independent workspaces, with their own release cycles not coupled to the Backstage mainline / next release.

With the move comes a new NPM scope, @backstage-community. Upgrading to these packages is as easy as running yarn backstage-cli versions:bump followed by yarn backstage-cli versions:migrate, in which these scripts will update both code references under ./src and package.json references to the old namespace.

If you have already upgraded to v1.26.1 make sure to run yarn backstage-cli versions:bump --skip-migrate and then yarn backstage-cli versions:migrate separately in order to take advantage of the inline code replacements that shipped in this release!

From this release versions:bump will also try to migrate any packages over time for you, without needing to do versions:migrate separately.

Please reach out on Discord, or file an issue, if you're having issues with moving to the new packages.


19 Apr 12:14
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This release is the official start of the community-plugins repository! 🎉

Out of the back of the discussions in #20266, we aligned with the help of RedHat to move some plugins which are maintained by the community out of this repo, and have a dedicated space. There they will have their own independent workspaces, with their own release cycles not coupled to the Backstage mainline / next release.

With the move comes a new NPM scope, @backstage-community. Upgrading to these packages is as easy as running yarn backstage-cli versions:bump followed by yarn backstage-cli versions:migrate, in which these scripts will update both code references under ./src and package.json references to the old namespace.

If you have already upgraded to v1.26.1 make sure to run yarn backstage-cli versions:bump --skip-migrate and then yarn backstage-cli versions:migrate separately in order to take advantage of the inline code replacements that shipped in this release!

From this release versions:bump will also try to migrate any packages over time for you, without needing to do versions:migrate separately.

Please reach out on Discord, or file an issue, if you're having issues with moving to the new packages.


18 Apr 10:19
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This release deprecates @backstage/plugin-todo and @backstage/plugin-todo-backend has they have now been moved to the @backstage-community/* namespace over in the community-plugins repository.

You should be able to do yarn backstage-cli versions:bump if you're already on v1.26.0+ of Backstage.
Otherwise, you can do do yarn backstage-cli versions:bump followed by yarn backstage-cli versions:migrate to switch over to the new packages, if you're on versions <v1.26.0


16 Apr 13:42
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See docs/releases/ for more information.


09 Apr 17:48
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v1.26.0-next.1 Pre-release


04 Apr 14:42
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This release fixes an issue where requests for the public http routes for the events-backend were authenticated causing 401 errors.


03 Apr 19:26
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This release fixes an bug where the kubernetes plugin would crash reading credentials from undefined.


02 Apr 15:46
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v1.26.0-next.0 Pre-release


27 Mar 11:02
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These are the release notes for the v1.25.0 release of Backstage. This is an unscheduled release that replaces what would’ve otherwise been the v1.25.0-next.1 release, due to a problem with the patch releases for 1.24.0. The next main line release will still be released on April 16th as scheduled, but will now instead be 1.26.0.

A huge thanks to the whole team of maintainers and contributors as well as the amazing Backstage Community for the hard work in getting this release developed and done.


Auth service fixes

A number of fixes have been made to various plugins related to the new auth system:

Rate limiting has been disabled as it was a bit too aggressive and didn’t interact well with proxies.
Fixes an issue in the TechDocs CLI related to cookie auth
Fixes an integration issue of the new auth services in the Jenkins backend plugin
Fixed an issue in the scaffolder were credentials weren’t forwarded correctly to the action context.
Fixed an issue where the proxy backend blocked unauthenticated requests.


The catalog backend can now be extended with additional permissions through new addPermissions methods of the CatalogBuilder and catalogPermissionExtensionPoint.
The paginated catalog table now saves the search text in the query parameters and debounces the server requests.

Security Fixes

This release does not contain any security fixes.

Upgrade path

We recommend that you keep your Backstage project up to date with this latest release. For more guidance on how to upgrade, check out the documentation for keeping Backstage updated.

Links and References

Below you can find a list of links and references to help you learn about and start using this new release.

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