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Note: authok-vue uses Authok SPA JS behind the scenes, so be sure to check their FAQs too.

1. User is not logged in after page refresh

There are usually 3 reasons for this:

1. The user logged in with a Social Provider (like Google) and you are using the Authok Developer Keys

If you are using the Classic Universal Login experience, Silent Authentication won't work on the /authorize endpoint. This library uses Silent Authentication internally to check if a user is already signed in after page refresh, so that won't work either. You should either change to the New Universal Login experience or add your own keys to that particular social connection.

2. You are using a browser like Safari or Brave that has Intelligent Tracking Prevention turned on by default

In this case Silent Authentication will not work because it relies on a hidden iframe being logged in to a different domain (usually and browsers with ITP do not allow third-party (eg iframed) cookies. There are 2 workarounds for this using Rotating Refresh Tokens or Custom Domains

3. You are using Multifactor Authentication

In this case, when your users are not remembering this device for 30 days, Silent Authentication will not work because it can not get past the MFA step without the user's interaction. The consequence of it is that on both a page refresh as well as when trying to renew an expired Access Token, our SDK will throw a Multifactor authentication required error.

  • On page load, catch this error and redirect the user to Authok by calling loginWithRedirect, prompting the user with MFA.
  • Ensure you can renew access tokens without relying on Silent Authentication by using Rotating Refresh Tokens.

Because our SDK persists tokens in memory by default, refreshing the page relies on Authok side to restore our session. If you combine Rotating Refresh Tokens with localstorage, calling loginWithRedirect on page load should not be necessary.

import { createAuthOK } from '@authok/authok-vue';

const app = createApp(App);
    domain: '<AUTHOK_DOMAIN>',
    client_id: '<AUTHOK_CLIENT_ID>',
    redirect_uri: '<MY_CALLBACK_URL>',
    useRefreshTokens: true,
    cacheLocation: 'localstorage'

Important: This feature will allow the caching of data such as ID and access tokens to be stored in local storage. Exercising this option changes the security characteristics of your application and should not be used lightly. Extra care should be taken to mitigate against XSS attacks and minimize the risk of tokens being stolen from local storage.

2. User is not logged in after successful sign in with redirect

If after successfully logging in, your user returns to your SPA and is still not authenticated, do not refresh the page - go to the Network tab on Chrome and confirm that the POST to oauth/token resulted in an error 401 Unauthorized. If this is the case, your tenant is most likely misconfigured. Go to your Application Properties in your application's settings in the Authok Dashboard and make sure that Application Type is set to Single Page Application and Token Endpoint Authentication Method is set to None (Note: there is a known issue with the Authok "默认 App", if you are unable to set Token Endpoint Authentication Method to None, create a new Application of type Single Page Application or see the advice in authok-react/issues/93)

3. User is redirected to / after successful sign in with redirect

By default, the SDK is configured to redirect the user back to the root of the application after succesfully exchanging the code for the corresponding token(s).

This is what a typical default flow looks like:

  • createAuthOK is configured with a specific redirectUrl (e.g. http://localhost:4200/callback).
  • User initiates login by calling loginWithRedirect()
  • User is redirected to Authok, including a redirectUri (in this case http://localhost:4200/callback)
  • After succesful authentication, the user is redirected back to the provided redirectUri, including a code and state query parameter (in this case http://localhost:4200/callback?code={code}&state={state})
  • The configured redirectUri is only used to process code and state in order to retrieve an actual token.
  • The user is then redirected to /

However, if the user should not be redirected back to / in the very last step, but instead they should end up at a different URL, this can be configured by providing that information to loginWithRedirect():

  import { useAuthok } from '@authok/authok-vue';

  export default {
    setup() {
      const { loginWithRedirect } = useAuthok();

      return {
        login: () => {
            appState: { target: '/some-url' }

By doing that, in the very last step the SDK will not redirect the user back to /, but to /some-url instead.

Restoring querystring parameters

The same approach can be used in order to restore application specific querystring parameters that need to be restored after being redirected back to your application.

  appState: { target: '/some-url?query=value' }

4. 在应用和 Authok 之间发生无限循环重定向

通常是 redirectUri 指向了一个 被保护 路由.

redirectUri 应该指向一个应用的 公开 路由(even if the entire application is secure, our SDK needs a public route to be redirected back to). This is because, when redirecting back to the application, there is no user information available yet. The SDK first needs to process the URL (code and state query parameters) and call Authok's endpoints to exchange the code for a token. Once that is successful, the user is considered authenticated.