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DISCLAIMER: This repository is in development and not meant for production use

Functions Framework for PHP Build Status Packagist

An open source FaaS (Function as a service) framework for writing portable PHP functions.

The Functions Framework lets you write lightweight functions that run in many different environments, including:

The framework allows you to go from:

function helloHttp()
    return "Hello World from a PHP HTTP function!" . PHP_EOL;


curl http://my-url
# Output: "Hello World from a PHP HTTP function!"

All without needing to worry about writing an HTTP server or complicated request handling logic.

Watch this video to learn more about Functions Frameworks.


  • Spin up a local development server for quick testing
  • Invoke a function in response to a request
  • Portable between serverless platforms


Add the Functions Framework to your composer.json file using Composer.

composer require google/cloud-functions-framework

Define your Function

Create an index.php file with the following contents:


use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

function helloHttp(Request $request)
    return "Hello World from a PHP HTTP function!" . PHP_EOL;


Run your function locally

After completing the steps under Installation and Define your Function, run the following commands:

export FUNCTION_TARGET=helloHttp
php -S localhost:8080 vendor/bin/router.php

Open http://localhost:8080/ in your browser and see Hello World from a PHP HTTP function!.

Run your function in a container

After completing the steps under Installation and Define your Function, build the container using the example Dockerfile:

docker build . \
    -f vendor/google/cloud-functions-framework/examples/hello/Dockerfile \
    -t my-cloud-function

Run the cloud functions framework container:

docker run -p 8080:8080 \
    -e FUNCTION_TARGET=helloHttp \

Open http://localhost:8080/ in your browser and see Hello World from a PHP HTTP function. You can also send requests to this function using curl from another terminal window:

curl localhost:8080
# Output: Hello World from a PHP HTTP function!

Run your function in Cloud Run

To run your function in Cloud Run, first you must have the gcloud SDK installed and authenticated.

Additionally, you need to have a Google Cloud project ID for the Google Cloud Project you want to use.

After completing the steps under Installation and Define your Function, build the container using the example Dockerfile. This Dockerfile is built on top of the App Engine runtime for PHP 7.3, but you can use any container you want as long as your application listens on Port 8080.

docker build . \
    -f vendor/google/cloud-functions-framework/examples/hello/Dockerfile \

NOTE: Be sure to replace $GCLOUD_PROJECT with your Google Cloud project ID, or set the environment variable using export GCLOUD_PROJECT="some-project-id".

Next, push your image to Google Container Registry. This will allow you to deploy it directly from Cloud Run.

docker push$GCLOUD_PROJECT/my-cloud-function

Finally, use the gcloud command-line tool to deploy to Cloud Run:

gcloud run deploy my-cloud-function \$GCLOUD_PROJECT/my-cloud-function \
    --platform managed \
    --set-env-vars "FUNCTION_TARGET=helloHttp" \
    --allow-unauthenticated \
    --region $CLOUD_RUN_REGION \
    --project $GCLOUD_PROJECT

NOTE: Be sure to replace $CLOUD_RUN_REGION with the correct region for your Cloud Run instance, for example us-central1.

After your instance deploys, you can access it at the URL provided, or view it in the Cloud Console.

Accessing the HTTP Object

The first parameter of your function is a Request object from symfony/http-foundation:

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

function helloHttp(Request $request)
    return sprintf("Hello %s from PHP HTTP function!" . PHP_EOL,
        $request->query->get('name') ?: 'World'

See the HttpFoundation documentation documentation for more on working with the request object.

Run your function on Knative

Cloud Run and Cloud Run on GKE both implement the Knative Serving API. The Functions Framework is designed to be compatible with Knative environments. Just build and deploy your container to a Knative environment.

If you want even more control over the environment, you can deploy your container image to Cloud Run on GKE. With Cloud Run on GKE, you can run your function on a GKE cluster, which gives you additional control over the environment (including use of GPU-based instances, longer timeouts and more).

Configure the Functions Framework

You can configure the Functions Framework using the environment variables shown below:

Environment variable Description
FUNCTION_TARGET The name of the exported function to be invoked in response to requests.
FUNCTION_SOURCE The name of the file containing the source code for your function to load. Default: index.php (if it exists)
FUNCTION_SIGNATURE_TYPE The signature used when writing your function. Controls unmarshalling rules and determines which arguments are used to invoke your function. Can be either http or event. Default: http

Enable CloudEvents

The Functions Framework can unmarshall incoming CloudEvents payloads to data and context objects. These will be passed as arguments to your function when it receives a request. Note that your function must use the event-style function signature:

function helloEvents($data, $context)

To enable automatic unmarshalling, set the FUNCTION_SIGNATURE_TYPE environment variable to event. For more details on this signature type, check out the Google Cloud Functions documentation on background functions.


Contributions to this library are welcome and encouraged. See CONTRIBUTING for more information on how to get started.