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The varCA pipeline

Pipeline Skeleton

The pipeline consists of the prepare (red) and classify (green) subworkflows. The prepare subworkflow runs a set of variant callers on the provided ATAC-seq data and prepares their output for use by the classify subworkflow, which uses a trained ensemble classifier to predict the existence of variants. The prepare subworkflow can use FASTQ or BAM/BED files as input. The classify subworkflow can predict variants from the prepared datasets or use them for training/testing. If a pre-trained model is available (orange), the two subworkflows can be executed together automatically via the master pipeline. However the subworkflows must be executed separately for training and testing (see below).

The prepare subworkflow

The prepare subworkflow is a Snakemake workflow for preparing data for the classifier. It generates a tab-delimited table containing variant caller output for every site in open chromatin regions of the genome. The prepare subworkflow uses the scripts in the callers directory to run every variant caller in the ensemble.


The prepare subworkflow is included within the master pipeline automatically. However, you can also execute the prepare subworkflow on its own, as a separate Snakefile.

First, make sure that you fill out the prepare.yaml and the callers.yaml config files, which specify input and parameters for the prepare subworkflow. See the config README for more information.

Then, just call Snakemake with -s rules/prepare.smk:

snakemake -s rules/prepare.smk --use-conda -j


The primary outputs of the prepare subworkflow will be in <output_directory>/merged_<variant_type>/<sample_ID>/final.tsv.gz. However, several intermediary directories and files are also generated:

  • align/ - output from the BWA FASTQ alignment step and samtools PCR duplicate removal steps
  • peaks/ - output from MACS 2 and other files required for calling peaks
  • callers/ - output from each caller script in the ensemble (see the callers README for more information) and the variant normalization and feature extraction steps
  • merged_<variant_type>/ - all other output in the prepare subworkflow, including the merged and final datasets for each variant type (ie SNV or indels)

The classify subworkflow

The classify subworkflow is a Snakemake workflow for training and testing the classifier. It uses the TSV output from the prepare subworkflow. Its final output is a VCF containing predicted variants.


The classify subworkflow is included within the master pipeline automatically. However, you can also execute the classify subworkflow on its own, as a separate Snakefile.

First, make sure that you fill out the classify.yaml config file, which specifies input and parameters for the classify subworkflow. See the config README for more information.

Then, just call Snakemake with -s rules/classify.smk:

snakemake -s rules/classify.smk --use-conda -j


The primary output of the classify subworkflow will be in <output_directory>/classify/<sample_ID>/final.vcf.gz. However, several intermediary files are also generated:

for all datasets

  • subset.tsv.gz - the result of subsetting some callers from the input (only if requested)
  • filter.tsv.gz - the result of filtering rows from the input (only if requested)
  • prepared.tsv.gz - datasets that are ready to be interpreted by the ensemble classifier

for prediction datasets

  • results.tsv.gz - the predicted variants in TSV format
  • final.vcf.gz - the predicted variants in VCF format with recalibrated QUAL scores

for training datasets

  • model.rda - the trained classifier
  • variable_importance.tsv - a table containing importance values for every feature in the RF classifier; visualize this with
  • tune_matrix.tsv - the results from hyperparameter tuning (only if requested)
  • tune.pdf - a visualization of the results in tune_matrix.tsv

for test datasets

  • prc/results.pdf - precision-recall plot for evaluating the performance of varCA and comparing it to other variant callers
  • prc/curves - data used to create the precision-recall plot
  • prc/pts - single point metrics evaluating the performance of varCA and comparing it to other callers; you may aggregate these with

Training and Testing varCA



You may want to create your own trained models (rather than use the ones we provided in the example data) for any number of reasons. The most common are

  1. You changed one of the caller specific parameters in the callers.yaml config file, or
  2. You would like to use a different set of variant callers than the example models support, or
  3. You'd like to include a new variant caller that hasn't already been implemented as a caller script in the callers directory
  4. You'd like to wholly and completely reproduce our results (since the training and testing steps are usually skipped by the master pipeline)

In general, you will need to create a new trained model whenever the columns in the output of the prepare subworkflow change.


You may want to test a trained model if:

  1. You want to create precision-recall curves and generate performance metrics for every variant caller in the ensemble
  2. You want to compare the performance of varCA to other variant callers
  3. You'd like to reproduce our results (since the training and testing steps are usually skipped by the master pipeline)

Creating your own trained model

For the sake of this example, let's say you'd like to include a new indel variant caller (ie #3 above). You've also already followed the directions in the callers README to create your own caller script, and you've modified the prepare.yaml and callers.yaml config files to include your new indel caller. However, before you can predict variants using the indel caller, you must create a new trained classification model that knows how to interpret your new input.

To do this, we recommend downloading the truth set we used to create our model. First, download the GM12878 FASTQ files from Buenrostro et al. Specify the path to these files in data/samples.tsv, the samples file within the example data. Then, download the corresponding Platinum Genomes VCF for that sample.

Fill out the prepare.yaml config file with the necessary information to run it on the GM12878 sample. Add pg-indel as the last caller under the indel_callers list, so that the prepare subworkflow will know to include the Platinum Genomes VCF in its output. Also, include the path to your Platinum Genomes VCF in the callers.yaml config file under pg, pg-snp, and pg-indel. Next, execute the prepare subworkflow on its own (see above).

After the prepare subworkflow has finished running, add the sample (specfically, the path to its final.tsv.gz file) as a dataset in the classify.yaml file and specify its attributes. Most of the yaml for this has already been written for you. Specifically, make sure you've specified pg-indel (for the Platinum Genomes VCF) as the truth caller ID. Next, execute the classify subworkflow on its own (see above).

The classify subworkflow can only create one trained model at a time, so you will need to repeat these steps if you'd also like to create a trained model for SNVs. Just replace every mention of "indel" in classify.yaml with "snp". Also remember to use only the SNV callers (ie GATK, VarScan 2, and VarDict).

Testing your model / Reproducing our results

For this example, we will demonstrate how you can reproduce the results in our paper using the indel.tsv.gz truth dataset we provided in the example data. This data was generated by running the prepare subworkflow on the GM12878 data as described above. If you ran the prepare subworkflow to create your own trained model, just use your truth dataset instead of the one we provided in the example data.

First, split the truth dataset by chromosome parity using awk commands like this:

zcat data/indel.tsv.gz | { read -r head && echo "$head" && awk -F $"\t" -v 'OFS=\t' '$1 ~ /^[0-9]+$/ && $1%2'; } | gzip > data/indel-odds.tsv.gz
zcat data/indel.tsv.gz | { read -r head && echo "$head" && awk -F $"\t" -v 'OFS=\t' '$1 ~ /^[0-9]+$/ && !($1%2)'; } | gzip > data/indel-evens.tsv.gz

Then, specify in classify.yaml the path to the indel-odds.tsv.gz file as your training set and the path to the indel-evens.tsv.gz file as your test set. Make sure that both your training and test sets have a truth caller ID and that you've specified the test set ID in the list of predict datasets. Once you've finished, execute the classify subworkflow on its own (see above).

To truly reproduce our results, we also recommend predicting variants for the ATAC-seq cell lines we tested (Jurkat, Molt-4, K-562, etc) by downloading them from GEO accession GSE129086. Although the example data includes the Jurkat and Molt-4 samples, it only includes chromosome 1 from those cell lines, thereby artificially lowering the VarCA scores of the variants in those samples.

The classify subworkflow can only work with one trained model at a time, so you will need to repeat these steps for SNVs. Just replace every mention of "indel" in classify.yaml with "snp". Also remember to use only the SNV callers (ie GATK, VarScan 2, and VarDict).

When provided with a test set, the classify subworkflow will produce a plot and metrics to help you evaluate the performance of the trained model and compare it with the other variant callers in the ensemble. These will be stored in the test set's prc folder. The precision-recall plot will be named results.pdf and the metrics will be appear in the pts directory. You can create the other plots and tables in our paper using the and scripts in the scripts directory.