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221 lines (167 loc) · 9.22 KB

Quick overview of changes and features, compared to vim-go.

See README.markdown for more detailed information to get started and :help gopher for the full reference manual. This is just a quick overview.

Changes from vim-go

Some of the biggest changes/improvements from vim-go (not a comprehensive list):

  • No need to run :GoInstallBinaries or :GoUpdateBinaries. It's all done automatically on first command use.

  • :GoInstall, :GoTest, etc. are now implemented as a compiler. This is essentially the same in most respects, except that it doesn't re-implement quite a bit of native Vim features. It's also a bit smarter about which package to build and passing build tags.

  • :GoImpl is now :GoFrob implements. All code change commands are now behind one :GoFrob command. They're also mapped to ;[letter] in normal mode, and <C-k>[letter] in insert mode. implements is ;m and <C-k>m.

    There are a number of improvements:

    • It just needs the interface name. I always thought it was very confusing before with the reciever name etc. If you want a different name then it should be easy to :s/../../.
    • Don't generate methods that already exist.
    • Add return with zero values and comment, instead of panic.
    • Accept more than one interface (:GoFrob implements io.Reader io.Writer).
  • :GoIfErr is now :GoFrob error and has a few fixes: the code is placed smarter (e.g. not outside of a function), is properly indented, has better cursor positioning, etc. Also works via ;e and <C-k>e.

  • :GoRename is still the same, with some minor improvements mostly relating to race conditions where the buffer on disk was changed but Vim didn't pick up on it, etc. Overall, it should have a smoother experience.

  • :GoCoverage* commands are just one :GoCoverage command. The most notable improvement is that all buffers are now updated: if you run :GoCoverage on a.go and you also have b.go open, then b.go will be highlighted as well.

  • GoImport was completely reimplemented using an external tool instead of regexps; it's smarter about various things, such as replacing text/template with html/template.

  • Several improvements to the syntax highlighting; it adds a few minor highlights (e.g. struct tags, highlight erroneous go:generate, highlight cgo directives, few more), but also removes a few features that were very slow, complex, and not even 100% correct in all cases.

    The syntax highlighting is also much faster (even faster than the standard one in Vim) and should break less often:

    TOTAL      COUNT
    0.113017   101215     gopher.vim
    0.129921   114903     vim runtime
    0.306453   141057     vim-go
  • Indentation is a bit smarter.

  • Template syntax and filetypes are loaded for .gohtml (.tmpl in vim-go) and .gotxt (not in vim-go) files. This is that Gogland uses, and seems more useful to me. Also renamed the filetypes to gohtml and gotxt instead of gohtmltmpl and gotxttmpl.

  • All the go guru commands are now in just one command: :GoGuru. Use e.g. :GoGuru whicherrs instead of :GoWhichErrs. Note: guru doesn't always work well with modules, and gopls is expected to replace much of it eventually.

  • :GoAddTags and :GoRemoveTags is now :GoTags. Use :GoTags -rm json to remove a tag.

  • Many small improvements in edge cases and code quality.

Features not in vim-go

  • Use :GoDiag to get useful debugging information. Even more useful with g:gopher_debug = ['commands'] to record the input/output of all commands that are run.

  • Normal and insert mode mappings. Pressing ; in normal mode or <C-k> in insert mode gives you a popup menu (Vim 8.1.1513 recommended). See :help gopher-mappings for details.

  • :GoFrob return (;r/<C-k>r) generates a blank return statement with zero values.

  • :GoFrob if (;i / <C-k>i) toggles between single-line if a := f(); a and normal if statements.

  • Basic support for present files.

Feature table

vim-go on left, gopher.vim on right.


:GoInstall                    :make
:GoBuild                      :setl makeprg=go\ build | :make
:GoGenerate                   :setl makeprg=go\ generate | :make
:GoRun                        :setl makeprg=go\ run | :make

                              NOTE: can also set makeprg to go:
                                :setl makeprg=go
                                :make install
                                :make run main.go
                              Replace :make with :MakeJob from vim-makejob for async versions.

:GoTest                       :compiler gotest | :make
:GoTestCompile                :make -c or :make -c -o/dev/null
:GoTestFunc                   :make -run ..

:GoBuildTags                  let g:gopher_build_tags = [..], or b:gopher_build_tags


:GoMetaLinter                 :compiler golint | :make
                              Or use LSP, ALE, or other generic linting plugin.
:GoMetaLinterAutoSaveToggle   autocmd

:GoFmt                        = (equalprg is set to gofmt), also LSP feature
:GoImports                    :set equalprg=goimports (see :help ft-go), also LSP feature
:GoFmtAutoSaveToggle          autocmd or plugin like ALE
:GoAsmFmtAutoSaveToggle       ⤶

:GoLint                       Use gometalinter or golangci-lint
:GoErrCheck                   ⤶
:GoVet                        ⤶

Code insight

:GoDoc                        Use LSP for all of this.
:GoDecls                      ⤶
:GoDeclsDir                   ⤶
:GoDef                        ⤶
:GoDef                        ⤶
:GoDefPop                     ⤶
:GoDefPop                     ⤶
:GoDefStack                   ⤶
:GoDefStack                   ⤶
:GoDefStackClear              ⤶
:GoDefStackClear              ⤶
:GoDocBrowser                 ⤶
:GoInfo                       ⤶
Insert mode completion        ⤶
:GoSameIdsAutoToggle          ⤶
:GoSameIdsClear               ⤶
:GoSameIdsToggle              ⤶
:GoAutoTypeInfoToggle         ⤶

:GoFiles                      :!go list ...; probably rare enough to not need a command on its own.
:GoDeps                       ⤶

:GoCoverage                   :CoCoverage; would be a good candidate for an external plugin, but
                                           I can't find any good ones.
:GoCoverageClear              :GoCoverage clear
:GoCoverageToggle             :GoCoverage toggle

:GoCallees                    These are all guru commands, and can be used with :GoGuru
:GoCallers                    e.g. :GoGuru callers, :GoGuru whicherrs, etc.
:GoCallstack                  ⤶
:GoChannelPeers               ⤶
:GoDescribe                   ⤶
:GoFreevars                   ⤶
:GoImplements                 ⤶
:GoPointsTo                   ⤶
:GoReferrers                  ⤶
:GoSameIds                    ⤶
:GoWhicherrs                  ⤶

:GoGuruScope                  :let gopher_guru_scope = '..' or :GoGuru -scope .. command


:GoDebugBreakpoint            There are external plugins for this.
:GoDebugStart                 ⤶
:GoDebugTest                  ⤶

Code modification

:GoRename                     :GoRename (LSP should be able to do this eventually but it kind of
                                         sucks right now)

:GoAddTags                    :GoTags
:GoRemoveTags                 :GoTags -rm

:GoImport                     :GoImport foo
:GoImportAs                   :GoImport foo:alias
:GoDrop                       :GoImport -rm foo

:GoIfErr                      :GoFrob if; also mapped to ;e (normal) and <C-k>e (insert)
:GoImpl                       :GoFrob implement; also mapped to ;m (normal) and <C-k>m (insert)
:GoFillStruct                 :GoFrob fillstruct and ;f / <C-k>f mappings


:GoInstallBinaries            Managed automatically; :GoSetup if you want.
:GoUpdateBinaries             ⤶
motions ([[, ]], etc.)        Implemented, but different from vim-go.
text objects (af, etc.)       Works as vim-go
:GoPath                       :let $GOPATH = '..'
:GoTemplateAutoCreateToggle   Easy to use an autocmd.
:GoReportGitHubIssue          :GoDiag report
:GoAlternate                  Several external plugins for this.

Not implemented

:GoKeyify                     Doesn't work well with Go Modules, build tags; would be good to
                              have, but tool is 'too broken' atm.
:GoCoverageBrowser            Not sure if it's worth having? Could add ":GoCoverage browser" if there's demand.
:GoPlay                       ⤶ can also be done by external "send to pastebin"-like plugin.
:GoModFmt                     go mod edit -fmt doesn't read from stdin so can't use formatprg:
                              Can modify after write and re-read; not sure how often this command is used.