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Releases: arkivanov/Decompose


23 Dec 21:33
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This is the same release as 2.2.2, but with Compose for iOS and Web (Canvas, js only) support.

Versions and dependencies

Kotlin: 1.9.21
Essenty: 1.3.0
kotlinx-serialization: 1.6.0
parcelize-darwin: 0.2.3
JetBrains Compose: 1.5.11


16 Dec 21:08
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3.0.0-alpha03 Pre-release
  • Added LocalStackAnimationProvider for configuring a default stack animation (#571 by @LionZXY)

The new LocalStackAnimationProvider

The new LocalStackAnimationProvider API allows configuring a default stack animation for Children and predictiveBackAnimation. Please see the updated docs.

Versions and dependencies

Kotlin: 1.9.21
Essenty: 2.0.0-alpha02
kotlinx-serialization: 1.6.2
JetBrains Compose: 1.6.0-alpha01


12 Dec 23:45
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3.0.0-alpha02 Pre-release
  • Support WebHistoryController on wasmJs by using serialization (#569)
  • Updated Essenty to 2.0.0-alpha02 (reduces the size of the saved state) (#572)

WebHistoryController on Wasm

This release adds WebHistoryController for wasmJs target. It is shared with js target and now relies on kotlinx-serialization. The WebHistoryController#attach method got a new argument (serializer: KSerializer<C>), which is a breaking change.

Versions and dependencies

Kotlin: 1.9.21
Essenty: 2.0.0-alpha02
kotlinx-serialization: 1.6.2
JetBrains Compose: 1.6.0-alpha01


09 Dec 00:03
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3.0.0-alpha01 Pre-release
  • Complete migration to kotlinx-serialization (#553)
  • Added support for the wasmJs target for browser (#564)
  • Renamed extensions-compose-jetbrains module to extensions-compose (#559)
  • Removed deprecated Value#subscribe and Value#unsubscribe methods (#554)
  • Renamed predictiveBackAnimation animation argument to fallbackAnimation (#555)
  • Added STARTED status to ChildNavState (#557)
  • Added API to discard saved state on Android (#558)

Multiplatform Compose Extensions

The extensions-compose-jetpack module is removed, the extensions-compose-jetbrains module is renamed to extensions-compose. Please update your dependencies accordingly and replace all com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.* imports with com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.*.

Compose for iOS, macOS and Web support

Starting with this release there is no need to use -compose-experimental version suffix. The support of Compose for iOS, macOS and Web is now published under the main version.

Compose for Wasm

Starting with this release Compose for Wasm (wasmJs target) is also supported.

Migration to kotlinx-serialization

This release completes the migration to kotlinx-serialization and removes the support of Parcelable/Parcelize. See the updated docs for more information.

Changes in ChildNavState

The ChildNavState.Status enum (Generic Navigation) has changed and now includes STARTED variant. Please see the updated docs.

Removal of Value subscribe and unsubscribe methods

Previously deprecated methods Value#subscribe and Value#unsubscribe are removed. The Value#observe method returning Cancellation is renamed to subscribe. The Value.observe(Lifecycle, ...) method is also renamed to subscribe.

API to discard saved state on Android

The defaultComponentContext function now accepts two new optional arguments:

  • discardSavedState - a flag indicating whether any previously saved state should be discarded or not, default value is false. Can be useful for handling deep links in onCreate, so that the navigation state is not restored and initial state from the deep link is applied instead.
  • isStateSavingAllowed - called before saving the state. When true then the state will be saved, otherwise it won't. Default value is true.

Versions and dependencies

Kotlin: 1.9.21
Essenty: 2.0.0-alpha01
kotlinx-serialization: 1.6.2
JetBrains Compose: 1.6.0-alpha01


08 Dec 23:58
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  • Updated Kotlin to 1.9.21, Jetpack Compose compiler to 1.5.6, Multiplatform Compose to 1.5.11 (#539)

Versions and dependencies

Kotlin: 1.9.21
Essenty: 1.3.0
kotlinx-serialization: 1.6.0
parcelize-darwin: 0.2.3


Jetpack Compose: 1.5.0
Jetpack Compose Compiler: 1.5.6


JetBrains Compose: 1.5.11


09 Dec 00:01
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This is the same release as 2.2.1, but with Compose for iOS and Web (Canvas, js only) support.

Versions and dependencies

Kotlin: 1.9.21
Essenty: 1.3.0
kotlinx-serialization: 1.6.0
parcelize-darwin: 0.2.3
JetBrains Compose: 1.5.11


03 Dec 16:36
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Changes since version 2.2.0-beta02

  • Updated Essenty to 1.3.0 (#547)
  • Fixed possible NSInvalidArgumentException crash in ApplicationLifecycle (#545)
  • Fixed incorrect stack animation direction when stack replaced with a smaller stack (#543)

Changes since version 2.1.4

  • Added support for kotlinx-serialization, deprecated Parcelable APIs (#486)
  • Added key argument to Pages (#494)
  • Added pushNew extension function for StackNavigator (#499, #514)
  • Added materialPredictiveBackAnimatable as a default animation (#533)
  • Added ApplicationLifecycle for iOS and tvOS targets (#527)
  • LTR/RTL support in PredictiveBackGestureOverlay (#535 by @alexzhirkevich, #538)
  • Updated Kotlin to 1.9.20 and other dependencies (#521)

Please see the previous release notes for more information and guidance:

Versions and dependencies

Kotlin: 1.9.20
Essenty: 1.3.0
kotlinx-serialization: 1.6.0
parcelize-darwin: 0.2.3


Jetpack Compose: 1.5.0
Jetpack Compose Compiler: 1.5.4


JetBrains Compose: 1.5.10


03 Dec 16:36
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This is the same release as 2.2.0, but with Compose for iOS and Web (Canvas, js only) support.

Versions and dependencies

Kotlin: 1.9.20
Essenty: 1.3.0
kotlinx-serialization: 1.6.0
parcelize-darwin: 0.2.3
JetBrains Compose: 1.5.10


25 Nov 18:54
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This is the same release as 2.2.0-beta02, but with Compose for iOS and Web (Canvas, js only) support.

Versions and dependencies

Kotlin: 1.9.20
Essenty: 1.3.0-beta01
kotlinx-serialization: 1.6.0
parcelize-darwin: 0.2.3
JetBrains Compose: 1.5.10


25 Nov 18:53
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2.2.0-beta02 Pre-release
  • Added materialPredictiveBackAnimatable as a default animation (#533)
  • LTR/RTL support in PredictiveBackGestureOverlay (#538)
  • Fixed PredictiveBackGestureOverlay swipe edges not changing (#535 by @alexzhirkevich)

The new materialPredictiveBackAnimatable API

This release adds the new materialPredictiveBackAnimatable function that resembles the predictive back design for Android. This animation is used by default on all platforms.

Versions and dependencies

Kotlin: 1.9.20
Essenty: 1.3.0-beta01
kotlinx-serialization: 1.6.0
parcelize-darwin: 0.2.3


Jetpack Compose: 1.5.0
Jetpack Compose Compiler: 1.5.4


JetBrains Compose: 1.5.10