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Releases: ArgonLang/Argon

Argon v0.5.0-alpha

27 Mar 18:41
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Argon v0.5.0-alpha Pre-release

🚀 Argon version 0.5.0! 🎉

Release Highlights:

  • New Parser and Compiler: This release introduces support for a new parser and compiler. These enhancements lay the foundation for improved performance and better language support.
  • Code Optimization: The revamped compiler now includes support for basic optimizations during the final code generation process. This means your programs may run more efficiently, delivering better performance.
  • Bug fixes and stability Improvements

Standard libraries 📚

The standard library has been improved and expanded.

We appreciate the community's support and feedback. If you encounter problems or have suggestions for future improvements, open an issue on GitHub.

Thank you for using Argon!

Argon v0.4.0-alpha

04 Dec 13:13
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Argon v0.4.0-alpha Pre-release

This is Argon's second release 🥳

Release Highlights:

Bug fixes 🐛

This release fixes a multitude of bugs, significantly improving overall stability and performance.

Integration with standard libraries 📚

For the first time, this version integrates the standard libraries, allowing you to start developing immediately.

We appreciate the community's support and feedback. If you encounter problems or have suggestions for future improvements, open an issue on GitHub.

Thank you for using Argon!

Argon v0.3.0-alpha

20 Sep 10:03
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Argon v0.3.0-alpha Pre-release

This is Argon's first release 🥳

Some known limitations:

  • Unable to import native modules on Windows operating systems.
  • Formatting (String, BytesString) with decimal numbers is not yet supported.