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Shelly 2.5 gets significantly hotter since #7991

15 tasks
kugelkopf123 opened this issue Mar 24, 2020 · 85 comments
15 tasks

Shelly 2.5 gets significantly hotter since #7991

kugelkopf123 opened this issue Mar 24, 2020 · 85 comments
bug Type - Confirmated Bug fixed Result - The work on the issue has ended


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kugelkopf123 commented Mar 24, 2020


A clear and concise description of what the problem is.
With the current version from the Dev Branch my Shelly2.5 is obviously much warmer than with the version from 15.03.2020.


Make sure your have performed every step and checked the applicable boxes before submitting your issue. Thank you!

  • Read the Contributing Guide and Policy and the Code of Conduct
  • Searched the problem in issues
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  • Searched the problem in the chat
  • Device used (e.g., Sonoff Basic): Shelly2.5
  • Tasmota binary firmware version number used:
    • Pre-compiled
    • Self-compiled
      • IDE / Compiler used: PlatformIO (MS VS)
  • Flashing tools used: OTA
  • Provide the output of command: Backlog Template; Module; GPIO 255:
  Configuration output here:
Shelly with Version

03:53:22 MQT: stat/Shelly25_5/RESULT = {"NAME":"Shelly 2.5 (bu","GPIO":[56,0,19,0,21,127,0,0,6,126,5,22,156],"FLAG":2,"BASE":18}
03:53:22 MQT: stat/Shelly25_5/RESULT = {"Module":{"0":"Shelly 2.5 (bu"}}
03:53:23 MQT: stat/Shelly25_5/RESULT = {"GPIO0":{"56":"Led1i"},"GPIO1":{"0":"None"},"GPIO2":{"19":"Button3"},"GPIO3":{"0":"None"},"GPIO4":{"21":"Relay1"},"GPIO5":{"127":"Button2in"},"GPIO9":{"0":"None"},"GPIO10":{"0":"None"},"GPIO12":{"6":"I2C SDA"},"GPIO13":{"126":"Button1in"},"GPIO14":{"5":"I2C SCL"},"GPIO15":{"22":"Relay2"},"GPIO16":{"156":"ADE7953 IRQ"}}

Shelly with Version

04:12:29 MQT: stat/Shelly25_4/RESULT = {"NAME":"Shelly 2.5 (bu","GPIO":[56,0,19,0,21,127,0,0,6,126,5,22,156],"FLAG":2,"BASE":18}
04:12:30 MQT: stat/Shelly25_4/RESULT = {"Module":{"0":"Shelly 2.5 (bu"}}
04:12:30 MQT: stat/Shelly25_4/RESULT = {"GPIO0":{"56":"Led1i"},"GPIO1":{"0":"None"},"GPIO2":{"19":"Button3"},"GPIO3":{"0":"None"},"GPIO4":{"21":"Relay1"},"GPIO5":{"127":"Button2in"},"GPIO9":{"0":"None"},"GPIO10":{"0":"None"},"GPIO12":{"6":"I2C SDA"},"GPIO13":{"126":"Button1in"},"GPIO14":{"5":"I2C SCL"},"GPIO15":{"22":"Relay2"},"GPIO16":{"156":"ADE7953 IRQ"}}

  • If using rules, provide the output of this command: Backlog Rule1; Rule2; Rule3:
  Rules output here:
Shelly with Version
:53:49 MQT: stat/Shelly25_5/RESULT = {"Rule1":"OFF","Once":"OFF","StopOnError":"OFF","Free":511,"Rules":""}
03:53:49 MQT: stat/Shelly25_5/RESULT = {"Rule2":"ON","Once":"OFF","StopOnError":"OFF","Free":370,"Rules":"on SHUTTER1#Position do backlog publish stat/%topic%/RESULT {"ShutterPosition1":%value%}; publish cmnd/%topic%/ShutterPosition1 %value% endon"}
03:53:49 MQT: stat/Shelly25_5/RESULT = {"Rule3":"OFF","Once":"OFF","StopOnError":"OFF","Free":511,"Rules":""}

Shelly with Version
04:13:57 MQT: stat/Shelly25_4/RESULT = {"Rule1":"OFF","Once":"OFF","StopOnError":"OFF","Free":511,"Rules":""}
04:13:57 MQT: stat/Shelly25_4/RESULT = {"Rule2":"ON","Once":"OFF","StopOnError":"OFF","Free":370,"Rules":"on SHUTTER1#Position do backlog publish stat/%topic%/RESULT {"ShutterPosition1":%value%}; publish cmnd/%topic%/ShutterPosition1 %value% endon"}
04:13:57 MQT: stat/Shelly25_4/RESULT = {"Rule3":"OFF","Once":"OFF","StopOnError":"OFF","Free":511,"Rules":""}
  • Provide the output of this command: Status 0:
  STATUS 0 output here:

Shelly with Version

03:55:19 MQT: stat/Shelly25_5/STATUS = {"Status":{"Module":0,"FriendlyName":["Shelly25_5","Shelly25_52"],"Topic":"Shelly25_5","ButtonTopic":"0","Power":0,"PowerOnState":3,"LedState":1,"LedMask":"FFFF","SaveData":1,"SaveState":1,"SwitchTopic":"0","SwitchMode":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"ButtonRetain":0,"SwitchRetain":0,"SensorRetain":0,"PowerRetain":0}}
03:55:19 MQT: stat/Shelly25_5/STATUS1 = {"StatusPRM":{"Baudrate":115200,"SerialConfig":"8N1","GroupTopic":"wohnzimmer","OtaUrl":"","RestartReason":"Software/System restart","Uptime":"0T00:57:39","StartupUTC":"2020-03-24T01:57:40","Sleep":50,"CfgHolder":4617,"BootCount":18,"BCResetTime":"2020-03-20T18:24:36","SaveCount":763,"SaveAddress":"1F9000"}}
03:55:19 MQT: stat/Shelly25_5/STATUS2 = {"StatusFWR":{"Version":"","BuildDateTime":"2020.03.24 02:55:46","Boot":31,"Core":"STAGE","SDK":"2.2.2-dev(38a443e)","Hardware":"ESP8266EX","CR":"414/699"}}
03:55:19 MQT: stat/Shelly25_5/STATUS3 = {"StatusLOG":{"SerialLog":0,"WebLog":2,"MqttLog":0,"SysLog":0,"LogHost":"","LogPort":514,"SSId":["Eiswuerstchen",""],"TelePeriod":300,"Resolution":"559980C0","SetOption":["0000C80B","1405C8000100060000005A00000000000000","408000E8","00000000"]}}
03:55:19 MQT: stat/Shelly25_5/STATUS4 = {"StatusMEM":{"ProgramSize":497,"Free":1528,"Heap":23,"ProgramFlashSize":2048,"FlashSize":2048,"FlashChipId":"1540EF","FlashMode":3,"Features":["00000407","8F000197","040003A1","00000004","010000C0","40008100","00000000"],"Drivers":"1,2,3,4,9,10,27,30","Sensors":"2,3"}}
03:55:19 MQT: stat/Shelly25_5/STATUS5 = {"StatusNET":{"Hostname":"shelly25-5","IPAddress":"","Gateway":"","Subnetmask":"","DNSServer":"","Mac":"98:F4:AB:F3:0F:80","Webserver":2,"WifiConfig":4,"WifiPower":17.0}}
03:55:19 MQT: stat/Shelly25_5/STATUS6 = {"StatusMQT":{"MqttHost":"","MqttPort":1883,"MqttClientMask":"Shelly25_5","MqttClient":"Shelly25_5","MqttUser":"tasmota","MqttCount":1,"MAX_PACKET_SIZE":1200,"KEEPALIVE":30}}
03:55:19 MQT: stat/Shelly25_5/STATUS7 = {"StatusTIM":{"UTC":"2020-03-24T02:55:19","Local":"2020-03-24T03:55:19","StartDST":"2020-03-29T02:00:00","EndDST":"2020-10-25T03:00:00","Timezone":99,"Sunrise":"06:23","Sunset":"18:51"}}
03:55:19 MQT: stat/Shelly25_5/STATUS9 = {"StatusPTH":{"PowerDelta":0,"PowerLow":0,"PowerHigh":0,"VoltageLow":0,"VoltageHigh":0,"CurrentLow":0,"CurrentHigh":0}}
03:55:19 MQT: stat/Shelly25_5/STATUS10 = {"StatusSNS":{"Time":"2020-03-24T03:55:19","ANALOG":{"Temperature":47.9},"ENERGY":{"TotalStartTime":"2020-03-18T23:06:37","Total":0.202,"Yesterday":0.005,"Today":0.000,"Power":[0.000,0.000],"ApparentPower":[0.000,0.000],"ReactivePower":[0.000,0.000],"Factor":[0.00,0.00],"Voltage":0,"Current":[0.000,0.000]},"Shutter1":{"Position":0,"Direction":0,"Target":0},"TempUnit":"C"}}
03:55:19 MQT: stat/Shelly25_5/STATUS11 = {"StatusSTS":{"Time":"2020-03-24T03:55:19","Uptime":"0T00:57:39","UptimeSec":3459,"Heap":23,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":19,"MqttCount":1,"POWER1":"OFF","POWER2":"OFF","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"Eiswuerstchen","BSSId":"10:9A:DD:84:A0:07","Channel":6,"RSSI":64,"Signal":-68,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:09"}}}

Shelly with Version

04:37:45 MQT: stat/Shelly25_4/STATUS = {"Status":{"Module":0,"FriendlyName":["Shelly25_4","Shelly25_42"],"Topic":"Shelly25_4","ButtonTopic":"0","Power":0,"PowerOnState":3,"LedState":1,"LedMask":"FFFF","SaveData":1,"SaveState":1,"SwitchTopic":"0","SwitchMode":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"ButtonRetain":0,"SwitchRetain":0,"SensorRetain":0,"PowerRetain":0}}
04:37:45 MQT: stat/Shelly25_4/STATUS1 = {"StatusPRM":{"Baudrate":115200,"SerialConfig":"8N1","GroupTopic":"wohnzimmer","OtaUrl":"","RestartReason":"Software/System restart","Uptime":"0T00:03:09","StartupUTC":"2020-03-24T03:34:36","Sleep":50,"CfgHolder":4617,"BootCount":2,"BCResetTime":"2020-03-20T18:24:44","SaveCount":10,"SaveAddress":"1F8000"}}
04:37:45 MQT: stat/Shelly25_4/STATUS2 = {"StatusFWR":{"Version":"","BuildDateTime":"2020.03.24 04:29:37","Boot":31,"Core":"STAGE","SDK":"2.2.2-dev(38a443e)","Hardware":"ESP8266EX","CR":"414/699"}}
04:37:45 MQT: stat/Shelly25_4/STATUS3 = {"StatusLOG":{"SerialLog":0,"WebLog":2,"MqttLog":0,"SysLog":0,"LogHost":"","LogPort":514,"SSId":["Eiswuerstchen",""],"TelePeriod":300,"Resolution":"558180C0","SetOption":["0020C80B","1405C8000100060000005A00000000000000","408000E8","00000000"]}}
04:37:45 MQT: stat/Shelly25_4/STATUS4 = {"StatusMEM":{"ProgramSize":493,"Free":1532,"Heap":25,"ProgramFlashSize":2048,"FlashSize":2048,"FlashChipId":"1540EF","FlashMode":3,"Features":["00000407","8F000196","040003A1","00000004","010000C0","40000100","00000000"],"Drivers":"1,2,3,4,9,10,27","Sensors":"2,3"}}
04:37:45 MQT: stat/Shelly25_4/STATUS5 = {"StatusNET":{"Hostname":"shelly25-4","IPAddress":"","Gateway":"","Subnetmask":"","DNSServer":"","Mac":"98:F4:AB:F3:EF:1F","Webserver":2,"WifiConfig":4,"WifiPower":17.0}}
04:37:45 MQT: stat/Shelly25_4/STATUS6 = {"StatusMQT":{"MqttHost":"","MqttPort":1883,"MqttClientMask":"Shelly25_4","MqttClient":"Shelly25_4","MqttUser":"tasmota","MqttCount":1,"MAX_PACKET_SIZE":1200,"KEEPALIVE":30}}
04:37:45 MQT: stat/Shelly25_4/STATUS7 = {"StatusTIM":{"UTC":"2020-03-24T03:37:45","Local":"2020-03-24T04:37:45","StartDST":"2020-03-29T02:00:00","EndDST":"2020-10-25T03:00:00","Timezone":99,"Sunrise":"06:23","Sunset":"18:51"}}
04:37:45 MQT: stat/Shelly25_4/STATUS10 = {"StatusSNS":{"Time":"2020-03-24T04:37:45","ANALOG":{"Temperature":72.2},"ENERGY":{"TotalStartTime":"2020-03-18T22:50:13","Total":0.000,"Yesterday":0.003,"Today":0.000,"Power":[0,0],"ApparentPower":[0,0],"ReactivePower":[0,0],"Factor":[0.00,0.00],"Frequency":50,"Voltage":238,"Current":[0.000,0.000]},"Shutter1":{"Position":0,"Direction":0,"Target":0},"TempUnit":"C"}}
04:37:45 MQT: stat/Shelly25_4/STATUS11 = {"StatusSTS":{"Time":"2020-03-24T04:37:45","Uptime":"0T00:03:09","UptimeSec":189,"Heap":25,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":19,"MqttCount":1,"POWER1":"OFF","POWER2":"OFF","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"Eiswuerstchen","BSSId":"10:9A:DD:84:A0:07","Channel":6,"RSSI":72,"Signal":-64,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:07"}}}

  • Provide the output of the Console log output when you experience your issue; if applicable:
    (Please use weblog 4 for more debug information)
  Console output here:


Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Compile with Options:

#define MDNS_ENABLED           1
#undef USE_ADC_VCC
#define USE_ADE7953


A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Run with normal Temperature.


If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-24 um 03 08 39
Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-24 um 03 08 33


Add any other context about the problem here.

The two Shellys2.5 are both flush-mounted in one wall directly next to each other. To have a direct comparison, I flashed only one of the two Shellys back to the state of the 15.03.2020.

(Please, remember to close the issue when the problem has been addressed)

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arendst commented Mar 24, 2020

Just did a quick check and I see indeed a higher temperature reading but using an external thermometer it is still at the "old" temperature.

Apparently something has changed aroung the analog input (where the shelly temp sensor is connected). I'll investigate.

BTW. Could you report the output of command adcparam for both shellies pls.

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arendst commented Mar 24, 2020

As I upggraded my shelly 2.5 yesterday I see indeed a jump in temperature (+10 C) as soon as the latest development firmware version is active.

So this must be a software fault and not a real high temp error. Continue investigating...

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Thanks for checking. It's good to hear that only the display has changed and not the real temperature.

adcparam for
11:30:51 MQT: stat/Shelly25_5/RESULT = {"AdcParam":[2,32000,10000,3350]}

11:31:05 MQT: stat/Shelly25_4/RESULT = {"AdcParam":[2,32000,10000,3350]}

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arendst commented Mar 24, 2020

Pls also provide the output of command webrefresh

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arendst commented Mar 24, 2020

I currently see no relation to firmware changes. I do see an increase in measured temperature but not the amount you encounter. Also opening the webpage increases temp with 10 C but that's normal as it has to update the webpage regularly.

Are you sure the "hot" shelly reported cooler temps before or is this a new shelly with possible different NTC hardware?

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kugelkopf123 commented Mar 24, 2020

Both Shellys give:

11:58:13 MQT: stat/Shelly25_4/RESULT = {"WebRefresh":2345}
as answer.
Yes I had investigate myself in the Code but cant find anything.
This Morning I had updated all Shellys2.5 to V8.2.0.1 then I noticed the higher values in all of them. To have a better comparison, I took exactly the pair that sits directly next to each other in the wall and only brought one back to the state of 15.03.2020 and thus had directly lower values.
Apart from that, both Shellys came from the same box, I assume they have the same hardware.
It is correct that opening the WEBGUI causes the temperature to rise. But with one it rises to about 45°C with the other to 65°C. Have opend both next to each other for some minutes.
Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-24 um 12 07 46

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arendst commented Mar 24, 2020

Agree. Will need more investigation....

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arendst commented Mar 24, 2020

Problem is I do not feel the higher temp. I also do not measure the higher temp.

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To eliminate difference in the hardware, perhaps you can reverse the firmware versions on your two Shelly devices to see if the higher temp readings follow the firmware regardless of which device. I know you had both on the new firmware but having one each on the older & the newer with the same environmental conditions and then "swapping" may provide some additional clues.


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@meingraham Did it. I have tried your suggestion and can confirm that the error goes with it. In general it was obvious, because Theo could also confirm it with his Shelly25 in his frist post.

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Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-24 um 15 11 24

The ambient Temp has rised that is the reason why the overall Temp is higher than this morning at 4 o Clock.

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Yes... it just makes it "definitive". Eliminates that question.

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My device also heats up a lot.
I tried with "Sleep 250" and "WifiPower" in command.
But WifiPower doesn't seem to work.
I put WifiPower 1 with the device near the router, but the signal does not go down

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My device also heats up a lot.
I tried with "Sleep 250" and "WifiPower" in command.
But WifiPower doesn't seem to work.
I put WifiPower 1 with the device near the router, but the signal does not go down

BTW. I tested this WiFipower a week before on another Shelly that is 1m away from the router,too. Tried it down to the value of 0.1. nothing changed. Nor in the information or on the router setup page.

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Jason2866 commented Mar 25, 2020

First step it needs a measurement if the device is really! getting warmer.
At the moment we have only displayed "something"
This can NOT be done with Tasmota. Use a extra thermometer to measure with old and new firmware.
Depending on this we know (a bit more) where to look.

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enricota66 commented Mar 25, 2020

I have tested with version 8.1.0.I have read similar heat values of version
I don't have a thermoscanner but at the touch of the device the values seem plausible.
I have seen that temperatures rise a lot when the all 2 relays are turned on.
However, high temperatures do not depend on the load applied.
I have no experience with Shelly because I have only sonoff on my home.
I'm afraid Shelly's heat may be a device construction problem

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Unfortunately I currently have no Shelly2.5 that is not yet installed in any wall on my desk. I have to remove one first. Furthermore I also lack a suitable thermometer to validate the values. Also I could only operate the Shelly via 3.3V and feel it with my finger when the case is open. But this would be a very subjective evaluation.
@enricota66 Actually the design of the Shelly2.5 is not yet the yellow one. Switching on the relays increases the temperature. That is correct. However, I use all of the Shelly2.5 in my home to control my blinds. So the relays are only running for a few seconds. My tests have always been done with relays switched off for a long time. Does i get you right? Have you done your test now with a sonoff device or shelly?

If I understood Theo's first post correctly, he could not detect any physical increase in temperature.
I can see that the temperature is high at the beginning and then lower when flashing back, but this can also be related to the fact that the built-in ESP works more when flashing and therefore a high temperature is reached.

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I Have sonoff basic and sonoff mini inside the electrical boxes of the wall to control the house lights and HomeAssitant automatisms and MQTT protocol. Everything works perfectly with the Tasmota firmware.
My intent was to replace 2 basic sonoff devices inside a box with Shelly 2.5
Before doing this I am tensing shelly on the desk for my use the relays must remain on for a long time.
I have 2 shelly2.5 devices on the desk, the first with one with tasmota firmware and the second with original firmware.
From the tests I'm doing with 2 relays on, the original one seems to be more cooler.
However I want to measure the temperature with an instrument

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Please dont mix up different devices in this thread. It is about Shelly 2.5
Feeling is no validate way of measuring ;-)
Please post only measured values of a Shelly 2.5

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arendst commented Mar 25, 2020

@enricota66 pls do measure externally. The shelly 2.5 internal temperature is measured by a NTC thermistor. To get a reasonable reading it's result needs to be calculated. The current calculation is based on parameters I once received from Shelly. These parameters might have been changed so in that case the AdcParam parameters need a change too.

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enricota66 commented Mar 25, 2020

@enricota66 pls do measure externally. The shelly 2.5 internal temperature is measured by a NTC thermistor. To get a reasonable reading it's result needs to be calculated. The current calculation is based on parameters I once received from Shelly. These parameters might have been changed so in that case the AdcParam parameters need a change too.

Tried one hour and 30 minutes with the relays on.
Indeed, there seem to be no important differences on the devices
( Tasmota ver is


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arendst commented Mar 25, 2020

Great! Now what are the temperatures reported by Shelly and Tasmota in those situations?

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Great! Now what are the temperatures reported by Shelly and Tasmota in those situations?

The Tasmota temperature in that situation is around 60 c.
But I was unable to find Shelly's data in its application.
Can anyone help me, where can I find it?

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arendst commented Mar 25, 2020

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ascillato commented Mar 25, 2020

From previous link:

About question:How much is PCB operating temperature to Shelly2.5, Shelly1PM and Shelly PlugS:
Max ambient temperature is 40 degree. With no load PCB temperature is 55-60 degree. At MAX load continuesly is 87-90 degree.
Heating protection will switch off device at 95 degree.
All parts inside are 105-120 degree certifed for continuous usage.

So, the actual reported value of Tasmota is Right and in previous versions was reported wrongly. No real increase of PCB temperature between Tasmota versions.

@ascillato2 ascillato2 added the question Type - Asking for Information label Mar 25, 2020
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effelle commented Mar 25, 2020

Meaning the Shelly 2.5 needs a special adcparam setup to work properly, I suppose.
Not easy without knowing the actual resistor used and what type of NTC is inside it...

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@enricota66 pls do measure externally. The shelly 2.5 internal temperature is measured by a NTC thermistor. To get a reasonable reading it's result needs to be calculated. The current calculation is based on parameters I once received from Shelly. These parameters might have been changed so in that case the AdcParam parameters need a change too.

Tried one hour and 30 minutes with the relays on.
Indeed, there seem to be no important differences on the devices
( Tasmota ver is


First of all, thank you very much for your commitment!
So how exactly is this meant?
The temperature of the measured external thermometer and the one displayed in the Tasmota WebGUI did not differ?

Or both devices, one with the current Dev Branch and one with the original FW, got almost identical temperatures on the external thermometer?

If that was the case, what did the ShellyConnect app provide for a temperature value at that time?
And was this value identical to the value from the Tasmota WebGUI?

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effelle commented Mar 25, 2020

@enricota66 now that you have your Shellys in "test mode", you could try to change the value of the resistor using the command adcparm and see if you can match the temperature shown by the one with Tasmota and your thermometer.
The default values are 2,32000,10000,3350, where the third value is the resistor (10k). Changing the resistor value you will have a proportional higher/lower reading.
Dai che risolviamo! :)

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BeoQ commented Sep 23, 2020

Here we go:
I did a measurement series with temperature vs tasmota-versions.
I did not leave too much time for the temperature to settle, just about 5-10minutes each.
Looking at the NTC reading via MQTT showed it is enough settlement to be useful, since we don't need high accuracy on the temp reading this time. All measurement done on the same device, with no browser window open, and relays energized.

Shelly-2 5_PCB_VersionSeries_IR

  • Version 8.1 and 8.2 run rather cool on the ESP
  • R42 is still the hottest point, even with low load on the ESP
  • Version 8.3 and 8.4 run rather hot on the ESP
  • roughly 15K temperature increase at the ESP

Something happened between the releases tasmota-8.2.0 and -8.3.0 that pushes up the shelly-2.5's temperature.

Sonoff Basic
For comparison: the same series on a Sonoff Basic, with selected device "sonoff basic"

  • It's temperature seems to be not affected by the changes.
  • hottest part is the energized relay

I hope this helps finding out the root cause.


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arendst commented Sep 24, 2020

Thx again. I will dive in today.

@arendst arendst reopened this Sep 24, 2020
@arendst arendst self-assigned this Sep 24, 2020
arendst added a commit that referenced this issue Sep 24, 2020
Fix Shelly 2.5 higher temperature regression from (#7991)
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arendst commented Sep 24, 2020

I think the issue is solved!

Based on the latest temp pictures showing tasmota versions with higher values starting from version 8.3.0 AND the initial issue where it seemed to start from v8.2.0.1 I could easily conclude where the higher temp came from.

Since v8.2.0.1 all GPIO's are no longer set to input at restart first before they are initialized by tasmota but after tasmota configures the GPIO. For the ADE7953 this lead to an anomaly where the IRQ input was never set to input but stayed in limbo which could easily be an output which in turn would make the IRQ circuit act as a load resulting in additional heat.

The latest commit solves this and I noticed indeed a major temp decrease on my Shelly 2.5

Thx to all who have helped in solving this issue especially the images helped a lot!

@arendst arendst added bug Type - Confirmated Bug fixed Result - The work on the issue has ended and removed question Type - Asking for Information labels Sep 24, 2020
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Smandurlo commented Sep 24, 2020 via email

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stefxx commented Sep 24, 2020

This is excellent! Great teamwork!

Can wait to test it (probably tonight). Thanks!!

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stefxx commented Sep 24, 2020

Running 3 devices with latest build for about 2 hours. Temperature stabilizes between 45 and 55 degrees. Very happy with this!!

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I am glad that this problem, which I discovered at the end of March, has finally been solved. So I can switch on the ADE again.
Many thanks to: @stefxx and @BeoQ For your work and time you have invested. And of course also to @arendst, who took another look at it.
Do I see it right, that just one PinDefinition was missing? So that the reset pin was not designated as an input pin and therefore no reset occurred?
Or what exactly was the problem?

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stefxx commented Sep 24, 2020

Running 3 devices with latest build for about 2 hours. Temperature stabilizes between 45 and 55 degrees. Very happy with this!!

Before people start comparing this with my previous measurements; this is with both relays off. When they are both on, add about 10 degrees. Still, much lower then before!

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arendst commented Sep 24, 2020

See my explaination earlier. Remeber, IRQ is an Interrupt Request from the ade to the esp8266 and not a reset signal. As gpio16 cannot handle interrupts the IRQ is not used. Due to the gpio init change the IRQ gpio was never correctly initialized resulting in an output signal from the esp8266 which would be shorted to gnd by any ade irq resulting in heat and possibly hardware failure over time.

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BeoQ commented Sep 24, 2020

Wow, what a quick fix of the issue!
@arendst: taking a second look at the thermal series, with your explanation in mind: If the ESP is hotter, I can see the ADE chip also getting hotter.

According to the ADE's datasheet, it's /IRQ is low-active, meaning it stays high for most of the time. If the ESP continuously outputs a low, the one sources a current which the other one immediately sinks.

You write it is the GPIO16. That means, to select this Pin as an Input, like Button or Switch would have made the problem go away? Or set it to counter and count the interrupts?

Fabulous, will try it out ASAP.

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Tried it today. Updated from 8.3.1 to todays Dev Branch. Works as long as i don't set GPIO GPIO16 to ADE7953 IRQ.
Then i get exceptions:

11:08:24 NTP: UTC 2020-09-25T09:08:23, DST 2020-03-29T02:00:00, STD 2020-10-25T03:00:00
11:08:24 HTP: Web-Server aktiv bei Shelly25-1-SchlafOG mit IP-Adresse
11:08:24 WIF: Sending Gratuitous ARP
11:08:25 MQT: Verbindungsversuch...
11:08:25 MQT: verbunden
11:08:25 MQT: tele/Shelly25_1/LWT = Online (beibehalten)
11:08:25 MQT: cmnd/Shelly25_1/POWER = 
11:08:25 MQT: abonniere cmnd/Shelly25_1/#
11:08:25 MQT: abonniere cmnd/tasmotas/#
11:08:25 MQT: abonniere cmnd/Shelly25_1_fb/#
11:08:25 MQT: tele/Shelly25_1/INFO1 = {"Module":"Shelly 2.5","Version":"","FallbackTopic":"cmnd/Shelly25_1_fb/","GroupTopic":"cmnd/tasmotas/"}
11:08:25 MQT: tele/Shelly25_1/INFO2 = {"WebServerMode":"Admin","Hostname":"Shelly25-1-SchlafOG","IPAddress":""}
11:08:25 MQT: tele/Shelly25_1/INFO3 = {"RestartReason":{"Exception":9,"Reason":"Exception","EPC":["40105c28","00000000","00000000"],"EXCVADDR":"00000003","DEPC":"00000000","CallChain":["40237784","40105e59","4022457c","4022d114","4020f6c0","4020f83c","4022cdc1","4022cd06","402317a4","4020fbc1","40224c4b","40240209","402156f6","40100cee","40215877","40234fe4","402158ab","40234f3c","4020b4c1","402670e4","4020b511","4022ed36","40253a80","4022f656","40253a8d","40253ad2","4022bfac","40000f49","40000f49","40000f49","40000e19"]}}
11:08:25 MQT: stat/Shelly25_1/RESULT = {"POWER1":"OFF"}
11:08:25 MQT: stat/Shelly25_1/POWER1 = OFF
11:08:25 MQT: stat/Shelly25_1/RESULT = {"POWER2":"OFF"}
11:08:25 MQT: stat/Shelly25_1/POWER2 = OFF

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arendst commented Sep 25, 2020

No problem at all:

00:00:00 CFG: aus Flash geladen am FB, zählen 667
00:00:00 QPC: Reset
00:00:00 I2C: ADE7953 gefunden bei 0x38
00:00:00 Projekt tasmota Shelly 2.5 Version
00:00:04 WIF: verbinden mit AP2 indebuurt_IoT Channel 11 BSSId 18:E8:29:CA:17:C1 in Modus 11N als shelly25...
00:00:05 WIF: verbunden
11:16:59 HTP: Web-Server aktiv bei shelly25 mit IP-Adresse
11:17:00 MQT: Verbindungsversuch...
11:17:00 MQT: verbunden
11:17:00 MQT: tele/shelly25/LWT = Online (beibehalten)
11:17:00 MQT: cmnd/shelly25/POWER = 
11:17:00 MQT: tele/shelly25/INFO1 = {"Module":"Shelly 2.5","Version":"","FallbackTopic":"cmnd/DVES_7453C8_fb/","GroupTopic":"cmnd/tasmotas/"}
11:17:00 MQT: tele/shelly25/INFO2 = {"WebServerMode":"Admin","Hostname":"shelly25","IPAddress":""}
11:17:00 MQT: tele/shelly25/INFO3 = {"RestartReason":"Software/System restart"}
11:17:00 MQT: stat/shelly25/RESULT = {"POWER1":"ON"}
11:17:00 MQT: stat/shelly25/POWER1 = ON
11:17:00 MQT: stat/shelly25/RESULT = {"POWER2":"ON"}
11:17:00 MQT: stat/shelly25/POWER2 = ON
11:17:04 MQT: tele/shelly25/STATE = {"Time":"2020-09-25T11:17:04","Uptime":"0T00:00:13","UptimeSec":13,"Heap":26,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":19,"MqttCount":1,"POWER1":"ON","POWER2":"ON","Wifi":{"AP":2,"SSId":"indebuurt_IoT","BSSId":"18:E8:29:CA:17:C1","Channel":11,"RSSI":100,"Signal":-34,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:07"}}
11:17:04 MQT: tele/shelly25/SENSOR = {"Time":"2020-09-25T11:17:04","Switch1":"OFF","Switch2":"OFF","ANALOG":{"Temperature":57.6},"ENERGY":{"TotalStartTime":"2019-04-13T18:21:03","Total":26.140,"Yesterday":0.158,"Today":0.042,"Period":0.00,"Power":[0.00,3.56],"ApparentPower":[0.00,8.81],"ReactivePower":[0.00,6.62],"Factor":[0.00,0.40],"Frequency":49.98,"Voltage":231.8,"Current":[0.000,0.038]},"TempUnit":"C"}

Pls try with the default template as I noticed you use a strange template with even a button3 in it...

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@arendst it was the default template from blackadder. Frist i´ve tried my own. But it was the same as the one from the template website. Then i tried the template from blackadder via:

template {"NAME":"Shelly 2.5","GPIO":[56,0,17,0,21,83,0,0,6,82,5,22,156],"FLAG":2,"BASE":18} 
Module 0

And btw. There is no switch 3 in my template...

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arendst commented Sep 25, 2020

Anyway it's not related to high temp so I suggest you open a new issue with thorough logging.

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@arendst Wasnt shure. Because it has to do with this "fix". Thought it might me better to post here.

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Smandurlo commented Sep 25, 2020 via email

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Closing this temperature issue as it has been fixed. Thanks everyone for the hard work. It is very appreciated. 👍

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Can confirm that the Temp is better now with the fix!

My problem with the Exception was fixed via a "reset 1" and reconfig the Shutter.

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