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What The Diff

GitHub App

What The Diff

GitHub App

Your AI-powered code review assistant

Reviewing pull requests takes a lot of time and effort – you not only need to know which problem a change solves but also understand the code that someone else wrote. What-the-Diff gives you a summary on all changes and speeds up your review process significantly.

Instant pull request review

What The Diff analyzes the changes of your pull requests and gives you and your team a summary of all the changes in plain english – no need to do this yourself.

What The Diff has been trained with a huge data set of code and supports nearly all programming languages. Install the GitHub app for free and give it a try it on one of your repositories.

From wip to summary

Save hours of your time by letting What The Diff generate a summary of your pull requests.

No more trying to understand "wip" commits or "fixes" in the pull request title.

What The Diff understands the context of your changes and will help you understand what - and more importantly why - the changes were made.

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