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Apple - GameKit

Installation Instructions

1. Install Dependencies

  • Apple.Core

2. Install the Package

See the Quick-Start Guide for general installation instructions.


Since most calls to GameKit are asynchronous, the public methods are Task, or Task<> based. For a comprehensive guide to GameKit on Apple devices, please see GameKit Developer Documentation


If there is any error reported from GameKit, it will be reported by throwing a GameKitException. In all cases, a try -catch should be used to properly handle exceptions.

private async Task Start()
    var result = await ...
  catch(GameKitException exception)

Table of Contents

  1. Players
  2. Achievements
  3. GKGameCenterViewController
  4. Realtime Matchmaking
  5. Turn Based Matchmaking
  6. Leaderboards
  7. Access Point
  8. Challenges
  9. Invites

1. Players

1.1 Authentication

var player = await GKLocalPlayer.Authenticate();
Debug.Log($"GameKit Authentication: isAuthenticated => {player.IsAuthenticated}");

1.2 Fetch Local Player

Note: This call is not asynchronous.

var localPlayer = GKLocalPlayer.Local;
Debug.Log($"Local Player: {localPlayer.DisplayName}");

if(!localPlayer.IsUnderage) { 
  // Ask for analytics permissions, etc.

1.3 Loading Player Photo

Each call to LoadPlayerPhoto generates a new Texture2D so ensure you cache as necessary per your own use-case.

var player = await GKLocalPlayer.Local;

// Resolves a new instance of the players photo as a Texture2D.
var photo = await player.LoadPhoto(size);

1.4 Friends

// Loads the local player's friends list if the local player and their friends grant access.
var friends = await GKLocalPlayer.Local.LoadFriends();

// Loads players to whom the local player can issue a challenge.
var challengeableFriends = await GKLocalPlayer.Local.LoadChallengeableFriends();

// Loads players from the friends list or players that recently participated in a game with the local player.
var recentPlayers = await GKLocalPlayer.Local.LoadRecentPlayers();

1.5 FetchItems

var fetchItemsResponse = await GKLocalPlayer.Local.FetchItems();

var signature = fetchItemsResponse.GetSignature(); 
var salt = fetchItemsResponse.GetSalt();
var publicKeyUrl = fetchItemsResponse.PublicKeyUrl;
var timestamp = fetchItemsResponse.Timestamp;

2 Achievements

2.1 List All Achievements

Note: This only returns achievements with progress that the player has reported. Use GKAchievementDescription for a list of all available achievements.

var achievements = await GKAchievement.LoadAchievements();

foreach (var a in achievements) 
  Debug.Log($"Achievement: {a.Identifier}");

2.2 List Descriptions

var descriptions = await GKAchievementDescription.LoadAchievementDescriptions();

foreach (var d in descriptions) 
  Debug.Log($"Achievement: {a.Identifier}, Unachieved Description: {d.UnachievedDescription}, Achieved Description: {d.AchievedDescription}");

2.3 Load Image

var descriptions = await GKAchievementDescription.LoadAchievementDescriptions();

foreach (var d in descriptions) 
  var image = await d.LoadImage();
  // Do something with the image.

2.4 Report Progress

var achievementId = "a001";
var progressPercentage = 100;
var showCompletionBanner = true;

var achievements = await GKAchievement.LoadAchievements();

// Only completed achievements are returned.
var achievement = achievements.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Identifier == achievementId);

// If null, initialize it
achievement ??= GKAchievement.Init(achievementId);

if(!achievement.IsCompleted) {
    achievement.PercentComplete = progressPercentage;
    achievement.ShowCompletionBanner = showCompletionBanner;

    // Accepts a param GKAchievement[] for reporting multiple achievements.
    await GKAchievement.Report(achievement, ...);

2.5 Reset All Achievements

await GKAchievement.ResetAchievements();

3 GKGameCenterViewController

3.1 Show Achievements, Leaderboard, Challenges Dialog

The Task will resolve when the dialog has been closed.

var gameCenter = GKGameCenterViewController.Init(GKGameCenterViewController.GKGameCenterViewControllerState.Achievement);'
// await for user to dismiss...
await gameCenter.Present();

4. Realtime Matchmaking

4.1 Events

var matchRequest = GKMatchRequest.Init();
matchRequest.MinPlayers = 2;
matchRequest.MaxPlayers = 2;

GKMatch match = await GKMatchmakerViewController.Request(matchRequest);

match.Delegate.DataReceived += OnMatchDataReceived;
match.Delegate.DataReceivedForPlayer ++ OnMatchDataReceivedForPlayer;
match.Delegate.DidFailWithError += OnMatchErrorReceived;
match.Delegate.PlayerConnectionChanged += OnMatchPlayerConnectionChanged;
match.Delegate.ShouldReinviteDisconnectedPlayer += OnShouldReinviteDisconnectedPlayer;

private void OnMatchDataReceived(byte[] data, GKPlayer fromPlayer)
  // Process data

private void OnMatchDataReceivedForPlayer(byte[] data, GKPlayer forRecipient, GKPlayer fromPlayer)
  // Process data

private void OnMatchErrorReceived(GameKitException exception)
  // Handle error

private void OnMatchPlayerConnectionChanged(GKPlayer player, GKPlayerConnectionState state)
  // Handle state change

private bool ShouldReinviteDisconnectedPlayerHandler(GKPlayer player)
  // Reinvite disconnected player

4.2 Request Match

var request = GKMatchRequest.Init();

request.MinPlayers = 1;
request.MaxPlayers = 4;
request.PlayerAttributes = 0;
request.PlayerGroup = 0;
request.RestrictToAutomatch = false;

// If using rule-based matchmaking...
request.QueueName = "NameOfYourMatchmakerQueue";

request.Properties = GKMatchProperties.FromJson(jsonPropertyBagToSendToServer); 
// -or-
request.Properties = new NSMutableDictionary<NSString, NSObject> { 
  { "YourPropertyNameHere", new NSNumber(3.14159) },
  { "AnotherPropertyName", new NSString("some string value") }
4.2.1 Request using native OS UI
var match = await GKMatchmakerViewController.Request(request);
4.2.2 Request without using native OS UI.
// A match based on the GKMatchRequest.
var match = await GKMatchmaker.Shared.FindMatch(request);

// A match from an accepted invite.
var matchForInvite = await GKMatchmaker.Shared.Match(invite);

// Initiates a request to find players for a hosted match.
var players = await GKMatchmaker.Shared.FindPlayers(request);

// Initiates a request to find players for a hosted match via rule-based matchmaking.
GKMatchedPlayers matchedPlayers = GKMatchmaker.Shared.FindMatchedPlayers(request);

// Invites additional players to an existing match...
await GKMatchmaker.Shared.AddPlayers(match, request);

// Finds the number of players, across player groups, who recently requested a match.
var numMatchRequests = await GKMatchmaker.Shared.QueryActivity();

// Finds the number of players, across player groups, who recently requested a match via the specified rule-based matchmaking queue.
var numMatchRequests = await.GKMatchmaker.Shared.QueryQueueActivity("NameOfYourQueue");

// Finds the number of players in a player group who recently requested a match.
var numMatchRequestsInGroup = await GKMatchmaker.Shared.QueryPlayerGroupActivity(playerGroupId);

// Cancels a matchmaking request.

// Cancels a pending invitation to another player.

4.3 Disconnect


4.4 Send To All

Sends a message to all players

var data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello World");
match.Send(data, GKMatch.GKSendDataMode.Reliable);

4.4 Send To Players

Sends a message to the selected players

var players = new GKPlayer[] { ... };
var data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello World");
match.SendToPlayers(data, players, GKMatch.GKSendDataMode.Reliable);

4.5 GKVoiceChat

// Creates the channel
var channel = match.VoiceChat("myChannelName");

// Enable to sample microphone
  channel.IsActive = true;
  channel.IsActive = false;

5. Turn Based Matchmaking

5.1 Events

GKTurnBasedMatch.TurnEventReceived += OnTurnEnded;
GKTurnBasedMatch.MatchEnded += OnMatchEnded;

private void OnTurnEnded(GKPlayer player, GKTurnBasedMatch match, bool didBecomeActive)
  // Handle turn ended

private void OnMatchEnded(GKPlayer player, GKTurnBasedMatch match)
  // Handle match ended

5.2 List all TurnBasedMatches for Player

var turnBasedMatches = await GKTurnBasedMatch.LoadMatches();

foreach (var match in turnBasedMatches)
  Debug.Log($"TurnBasedMatch: {match.MatchId}");

5.3 Find Match with User Interaction (GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController)

This call creates a GKMatchRequest with the specified parameters and passes it into a GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController. Once a user has selected or created a new match, the Task will resolve. If the user cancels, or an error occurs, a GameKitException will be thrown.

var request = GKMatchRequest.Init();
request.MinPlayers = 2;
request.MaxPlayers = 2;

var match = await GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController.Request(request);

5.4 Match Status Callbacks

5.4.1 End Turn

When the local player takes their turn, they can pass the updated TurnBasedMatch to the EndTurn method.

public class GameData
  public int PlayerId;
  public int Count;

var formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
  var gameData = new GameData()
    PlayerId = 0,
    Count = 1

  formatter.Serialize(stream, gameData);
  var data = stream.ToArray();

  await match.EndTurn(data);
5.4.2 End Match
public class GameData
  public int PlayerId;
  public int Count;

var formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
  var gameData = new GameData()
    PlayerId = 0,
    Count = 1

  formatter.Serialize(stream, gameData);
  var data = stream.ToArray();

  // Set the outcomes...
  foreach (var participant in match.Participants) {
    participant.MatchOutcome = Outcome.Won;

  await match.EndMatch(data);

5.5 Exchanges

5.5.1 Delegates
GKTurnBasedMatch.ExchangeReceived += OnExchangeReceived;
GKTurnBasedMatch.ExchangeCompleted += OnExchangeCompleted;
GKTurnBasedMatch.ExchangeCanceled += OnExchangeCanceled;

private void OnExchangeReceived(GKPlayer player, GKTurnBasedExchange exchange, GKTurnBasedMatch match) {


private void OnExchangeCompleted(GKPlayer player, NSArray<GKTurnBasedExchangeReply> replies, GKTurnBasedExchange exchange, GKTurnBasedMatch match) {


private void OnExchangeCanceled(GKPlayer player, GKTurnBasedExchange exchange, GKTurnBasedMatch match) {

5.5.2 Send Exchange
// Creates and sends the exchange to the patricipants
var exchange = await turnBasedMatch.SendExchange(participants, data, localizableMessageKey, arguments, GKTurnBasedMatch.ExchangeTimeoutDefault);
5.5.3 Replies
// Cancel
await exchange.Cancel(localizableMessageKey, arguments);

// Reply
await exchange.Reply(localizableMessageKey, arguments, data);
5.5.4 Complete and Wrap-up Exchange
// Saves the merged data for the current turn without ending the turn
await turnBasedMatch.SaveMergedMatch(data, exchanges);

6. Leaderboards

6.1 Report Score

var leaderboardId = "MyLeaderboard";
var score = 100;
var context = 0;

// Filter leadboards by params string[] identifiers
var leaderboards = await GKLeaderboard.LoadLeaderboards("MyLeaderboard");
var leaderboard = leaderboards.FirstOrDefault();

// Submit
await leaderboard.SubmitScore(score, context, GKLocalPlayer.Local);

6.3 Load Leaderboards

var allLeaderboards = await GKLeaderboard.LoadLeaderboards();
var filteredLeaderboards = await GKLeaderboard.LoadLeaderboards("lb1", "lb3");

6.4 Load Scores

Using a leaderboard reference, you can load the entries:

var playerScope = GKLeaderboard.PlayerScope.Global;
var timeScope = GKLeaderboard.TimeScope.AllTime;
var rankMin = 1;
var rankMax = 100;

var scores = await leaderboard.LoadEntries(playerScope, timeScope, rankMin, rankMax);

6.5 Load Leaderboard Image

// Unsupported on tvOS
var image = await leaderboard.LoadImage();

7. Access Point

7.1 Game Center Visibility

If you need to check whether the GameCenter / AccessPoint overlay is currently visble, you can query the following api call.

private void Update()
    // Disable controllers

7.2 Show & Hide

Note: This call is not asynchronous.

GKAccessPoint.Shared.Location = GKAcessPoint.GKAccessPointLocation.TopLeading;
GKAccessPoint.Shared.ShowHighlights = true; 
GKAccessPoint.Shared.IsActive = true; // or false to hide.

7.3 Trigger

Note: This call is not asynchronous.


8. Challenges

8.1 Load Received Challenges

var challenges = await GKChallenge.LoadReceivedChallenges();

foreach (var c in challenges) 
  // Deprecated as GKScore was deprecated in < iOS 14, tvOS 14, and macOS 11
  if(c is GKScoreChallenge) {
    // Kept for historical purposes

  if(c is GKAchievementChallenge achievementChallenge) {
    Debug.Log($"Achievement Challenge: {achievementChallenge.Achievement?.Identifier}");

9. Invites

9.1 Checking for Accepted Invites on Start

GKInvite.InviteAccepted += OnInviteAccepted;

public void OnInviteAccepted(GKPlayer invitedPlayer, GKInvite invite) {
