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Status 2018-04-12

Code Language Status
ar Arabic 🚧 Partial
de German ✅ Complete
el Greek ✅ Complete
es Spanish ✅ Complete
fr French ✅ Complete
he Hebrew
hr Croatian ✅ Complete
it Italian ✅ Complete
ja Japanese ✅ Complete
ko Korean ✅ Complete
nl Dutch ✅ Complete
pt Portugese ✅ Complete
ru Russian ✅ Complete
th Thai ✅ Complete
zh_Hans Chinese (Simplified) ✅ Complete
zh_Hant Chinese (Traditional) ✅ Complete


Localization is done with the Flask-Babel module.

Translated files live in translations/<Language Code>/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po.

  • ../messages.pot file contains found English strings. This is the "master list" of strings needing translation.
  • messages.po files contain specific language translations.
  • files are binary, compiled versions of the .po files and should never be edited directly.

Extract new/edited English strings for translation

  1. Search source files and extract strings into a file messages.pot
pybabel extract -F babel.cfg -o messages.pot --input-dirs=. --no-wrap
  1. Update .po translations with new strings.
pybabel update -i messages.pot -d translations --no-wrap

The .po files are now ready for translation.

Updating translations on website

  1. Download the new translations from Google Translator Toolkit. The file will be called by default. (Note, you must download 2 or more languages to get a .zip file.)

  2. In the translations directory, run:

python ~/Downloads/

This will grab the new .po files for each langauge, and copy them to the correct place. Note this will overwrite the existing .po files.

  1. Fix common errors:
  1. Compile translations into .mo files:
pybabel compile -f -d  .

The -f flag is needed to force the compile, since downloads from Google translator are always marked as 'fuzzy'

Note: .mo files must committed in the repo in order for them to get on heroku.

  1. From repo root directory, run the website code to see new translations:

Adding a new language

pybabel init -i messages.pot -d translations -l <Language Code>

See pybabel docs for init

This will create the directory structure and initial .po file.

Edit config/ and add the language-code under LANGUAGES


In the company-website directory, run:


And you should see the new language on the site.


If you get this error:

  File "/Users/stan/Documents/Origin/company-website/lib/python2.7/site-packages/babel/messages/", line 147, in _add_message
    string = self.translations[0][1].denormalize()
IndexError: list index out of range

It most likely means that you have a % in a msgstr. These must be escaped as %%.