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File metadata and controls

39 lines (26 loc) · 1.26 KB

Version 0.0.12 (NOT released on rubygems)

author: Christoph Engelhardt (@yas4891)

This version has a breaking change regarding webhooks. Koudoku now uses stripe_engine under the hood.
You need to follow these instructions even if you do NOT use webhooks:

Go to config/initializers/koudoku.rb and remove the line config.webhooks_api_key= 'XXXX'

Please refer to the under the section "webhooks" for more information on how to use the new webhook engine

Master (Unreleased)

If you're upgrading from previous versions, you must add the following to your app/views/layouts/application.html.erb before the closing of the <head> tag or your credit card form will no longer work:

<%= yield :koudoku %>

If you have a Haml layout file, it is:

= yield :koudoku

Version 0.0.9

Adding support for non-monthly plans. The default is still monthly. To accommodate this, a interval attribute has been added to the Plan class. To upgrade earlier installations, you can run the following commands:

$ rails g migration add_interval_to_plan interval:string
$ rake db:migrate

You'll also need to make this attribute mass-assignable:

class Plan < ActiveRecord::Base
  include Koudoku::Plan
  attr_accessible :interval