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Datapunt OAuth2 Services



The latest published documentation for this project can be found here.

Publish the documentation somewhere (ReadTheDocs?) and insert a link in the sentence above.


  • The project top-level directory is also the source root.
  • We use PyTest for tests.
  • PyTest can be integrated with SetupTools (see We don’t do this.
  • Common commands for builds, distributing, packaging, documentation etcetera are in Makefile and docs/Makefile.
  • RST-files and -docstrings are indented with 4 spaces.
  • Globals must be immutable.
  • Docstrings are formatted like this:

    """This is a one-line docstring."""
    """One line description, terminated with a period.
    More info, with a trailing empty line.

Getting Started

# Clone the repository:
git clone
cd authz_admin

# Create and activate a virtual environment, for example with:
python3.6 -m venv --copies --prompt authz_admin .venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate

pip install -e .[docs,test,dev]

# Start a database server (required for all sub-services):
docker-compose up -d database

# To test the service:
source && make test

# To start the service:
source && make run

# To start a documentation server:
make -C docs server

After starting the server, the API can be accessed through http://localhost:8000/authz_admin/\. The Swagger UI front-end is available at http://localhost:8000/authz_admin/swagger-ui/index.html\.

Starting the service

The service can be started in at least 2 ways:

  1. Directly, like this:

    PYTHONPATH=${PROJECT_HOME:-.}/src python -m authz_admin.main
  2. Through setuptools console script. This is functionally identical to the previous method, and only provided as a shortcut:


Database Schema Management

We use alembic <> for database schema management. The configuration can be found in the alembic subdirectory.

About Scopes

write about the semantics of scopes in our implementation.