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Fine-tuning the ReFinED model

Why fine-tune?

ReFinED was trained to perform entity linking (EL) on the entirety on English Wikipedia. This means the model will perform very well when the document text is similar to the kind of text that appears on Wikipedia. However, performance can be improved on other domains by fine-tuning the model on a relevant dataset. The same is true if the kind of entities to detect/link differs from the kind of entities hyperlinked on Wikipedia.

Fine-tuning instructions

  1. Ensure the ReFinED source directory is in your Python path:
  1. Run the script (to list the arguments and help, run -h):
python3 src/refined/training/ --experiment_name test

The script will automatically download the training and development split for the CoNLL-AIDA dataset and use this for fine-tuning and evaluation. The default arguments are the ones used to produce the results reported in the ReFinED (NAACL 2022) paper.

Using a fine-tuned model

To use a fine-tuned model provide the file path to the directory containing the fine-tuned model (requires and config.json files) to the refined.from_pretrained(...) method as follows:

refined = Refined.from_pretrained(model_name='<absolute_file_path_to_directory_containing_fine_tuned_model>',

Then use the refined object as usual.

Speeding up the model by pre-computing description embeddings

The steps above will not use precomputed entity description embeddings for inference. This means the embeddings will be computed on-the-fly, which doubles the inference time. To generate precomputed description embeddings, run the script (or run refined.precompute_description_embeddings()) and then copy the embeddings file into the directory with the fine-tuned model. Lastly, ensure you have use_precomputed_descriptions=True when you call Refined.from_pretrained(...).

Fine-tuning on custom datasets

To add a custom dataset:

  1. Add a method to the Datasets class ( such as get_custom_dataset_name_docs(...) and return an iterable of Doc objects.
  2. The Doc objects returned should be created using the following method:
Doc.from_spans_with_text(text='insert_document_text', spans=[Span(...), ...], md_spans=[Span(...), ...])


  • text is the full text for the document.
  • spans is a list of Span (used for entity disambiguation and typing training) objects where each span has a gold_entity set to the correct (annotated) entity (using the wikidata ID) and coarse_type="MENTION" .
  • md_spans a list of Span (used for mention detection training) objects where do each span does not have a gold_entity and coarse_type can be set to any of the types ("MENTION", """DATE", "CARDINAL", "MONEY", "PERCENT", "TIME", "ORDINAL", "QUANTITY").
  1. Then modify to read your custom dataset:
training_dataset = DocDataset(
        docs=list(datasets.get_custom_dataset_docs(split="train", ...),
evaluation_dataset_name_to_docs = {
        "CUSTOM": list(datasets.get_custom_dataset_docs(
  1. Then run the script the same as before.
  2. If your dataset contains numbers and dates ensure you set the CLI arg model_name=wikipedia_model_with_numbers, if not use then it is fine to use the default model_name=wikipedia_model. Similarly, if your dataset contains entities that are not in Wikipedia (but are in Wikidata) set entity_set='wikidata' instead of the default entity_set='wikipedia'.

Fine-tuning programmatically, without modifying source code

Alternatively, fine-tuning can be done programmatically as follows (example code in

from refined.evaluation.evaluation import get_datasets_obj
from refined.inference.processor import Refined
from import fine_tune_on_docs

refined = Refined.from_pretrained(model_name='wikipedia_model'
train_docs: Iterable[Doc] = ... # any method that returns Docs with Wikidata entity ids (qcodes) (spans used for ED + ET, and md_spans used for MD)
eval_docs: Iterable[Doc] = ... # any method that returns Docs with Wikidata entity ids (qcodes)
fine_tune_on_docs(refined=refined, train_docs=train_docs, eval_docs=eval_docs)

This method has the same functionality as the script, and the same arguments can be provided (see the -h for more information).