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121 lines (68 loc) · 6.28 KB

Project: 3D Motion Planning by

All That I Do

Code walkthrough as below :


library imports

Importing all the necessary libraries for the code functioning. Adding additional libraries like re for regular expression, os and sys for setting current working directory correctly while manual debugging

UAV states

Here we define all the states of the UAV using enumerations and assign a value automatically.

class initialization

The class MotionPlanning is defined which is a child class of the udacidrone drone class. Whenever an class object is instatntiated, the class variables, like target_position ,waypoints and flight_state, are initialized. Also three callback functions for state, position and velocity changes are registered.

position callback

This is the position callback function which is triggered everytime there is a change in the position of the UAV. The function response depends on the flight_state variable :

TAKEOFF : When the flight state is TAKEOFF the function checks if the UAV is within 95 % of the target altitude. When so, it calls the waypoint_transition() function.

WAYPOINT : When the flight state is WAYPOINT the function checks if the UAV is within 1m of the target waypoint. If that is the case and there are no more waypoints, it calls the landing_transition() function. If there are more waypoints left , then the waypoint_transition() function is called again to proceed to the next waypoint.

velocity callback

This is the velocity callback function which is triggered whenever there is a change in the velocity of the UAV. This function responds only when the UAV is in the LANDING state and checks if the UAV altitude is within 0.1m of the global home position altitude. If so and the UAV is within 0.01m of the ground, the function calls the disarming_transition() function.

state callback

The state_callback() function is called periodically in a heartbeat fashion and is responsible for advancing the flight status of the UAV. The function responds based on the current flight status as below:

MANUAL : When the flight state is MANUAL the function calls the arming_transition() function to proceed to arm and gain control of the UAV.

ARMING : When the flight state is ARMING and the UAV is armed, the function calls on the path_plan() function to proceed to plan a path for the UAV to follow.

PLANNING : When the flight state is PLANNING the function calls the takeoff_transition() function to make the UAV takeoff to target altitude.

DISARMING : When the flight state is DISARMING and the UAV is not armed and not in guided mode, the function calls the manual_transition() function to disarm the UAV

armin transition

The arming_transition() function performs the following tasks :

  •   Changes the flight state to ARMING
  •   Arms the drone
  •   Changes control of UAV from manual to guided

takeoff transition

The takeoff_transition() function performs the following tasks :

  •   Changes the flight state to TAKEOFF
  •   Initiates the UAV takeoff to the target position altitude.

waypoint tansition

The waypoint_transition() function performs the following tasks :

  •   Changes the flight state to WAYPOINT
  •   Sets the target position to the next waypooint.
  •   Commans the UAV to the target position.

landing transition

The landing_transition() function performs the following tasks :

  •   Changes the flight state to LANDING
  •   Initiates the landing pocedure of the UAV.

disarming transition

The disarming_transition() function performs the following tasks :

  •   Changes the flight state to DISARMING
  •   Disarms the drone
  •   Changes control of UAV from guided to manual

manual transition

The manual_transition() function performs the following tasks :

  •   Changes the flight state to MANUAL
  •   Stops the drone
  •   Sets the in_mission variable to False

waypoint transition

The send_waypoint() function sends the waypoints to the FCND Simulator for visualization purposes.

plan path

The plan_path() function performs the following tasks :

  •   Changes the flight state to PLANNING
  •   Sets the TARGET_ALTITUDE & SAFETY_DISTANCE parameters
  •   Sets the target_position altitude to TARGET_ALTITUDE

The function then reads the first line the map data ie colliders.csv to extract the latitude and longitude of the map center. The extracted latitude and longitude information is then used to set the home position of the UAV with 0 as the home altitude.

The current position of the UAV is obtained by the self.global_position method. The global position and the global home position is used to calculate the local position of the UAV in the local NED frame.

The map data is then read to create a grid representation of the map and the grid start and goal locations are defined.

plan path continued

After the grid start and goal have been defined, the search algorithm A* is used to find a path throught the grid. The path along with the path cost is returned by the A* function. This path is then pruned using bresenham line drawing algorithm and removing all intermediary waypoints.

The path is also plotted using matplotlib to get a visual representation of the same. The path is then converted to waypoints by adding the north offset and the east offset into the grid points returned by A*.


The start function starts the connection with the UAV in the simulator and initializes the logs.


Here we are parsing the arguments for the MAVLINK connection. We then instatntiate a drone object of the MotionPlanning class. After waiting for 1 millisecond,the start() function is called.