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Unable to use mean function with inputs raised to a power #239

joshnevin opened this issue Jul 28, 2022 · 0 comments

Unable to use mean function with inputs raised to a power #239

joshnevin opened this issue Jul 28, 2022 · 0 comments


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I am new to the mean function interface and apologise if this is a trivial issue...
I want to do GP regression with 5-dimensional input space and 1-dimensional output.
I am trying to specify a mean function using Patsy of the form


Checking this using

mf = "x[0]^3+x[1]^3+x[2]^3+x[3]^3+x[4]^3"


c + cx[0]^3.0 + cx[1]^3.0 + cx[2]^3.0 + cx[3]^3.0 + c*x[4]^3.0

which is what I want, i.e., each input raised to the third power, plus an intercept. However, when I try to create the GP model using

gp_map = mogp_emulator.GaussianProcess(inputs, targets, mean="x[0]^3+x[1]^3+x[2]^3+x[3]^3+x[4]^3", kernel='SquaredExponential', nugget="fit")

I get the error

File ~/nli_char/nlienv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mogp_emulator/, in GaussianProcess.get_design_matrix(self, inputs)
505 dm = np.array(dmatrix(self._mean, data={"x": inputs.T}))
506 except PatsyError:
--> 507 raise ValueError("Provided mean function is invalid")
508 if not dm.shape[0] == inputs.shape[0]:
509 raise ValueError("Provided design matrix is of the wrong shape")
ValueError: Provided mean function is invalid

I am not sure what is wrong with this mean function. I get no errors and can fit a model with a linear mean function
I also get the same error with the mean function
c + c*x[0]^2.0
which is mentioned in the examples:
So, the issue seems to be using a mean function with inputs raised to any power.

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appnope 0.1.3
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