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Run Configurations

This document gives a quick overview of the various classes involved in launching applications. While this document focuses mostly on the android plugin itself, parts of this code are also used by the NDK and Bazel plugins to support other types of launches.



IntelliJ has a short overview of how run configurations work.

Run Configuration UX

The android plugin.xml declares two configuration types: AndroidRunConfigurationType and AndroidTestRunConfigurationType. The factory methods in those classes are used to instantiate an AndroidRunConfiguration or an AndroidTestRunConfiguration respectively. These represent a single run configuration that is configured by the user. The getConfigurationEditor method in these run configurations returns the settings editor that defines the UX. The AndroidRunConfigurationEditor also has a configuration specific panel so that some clients can customize just a few things (e.g. launching an activity in run config vs launching tests in the test config).

UX Extensions

The run configuration editor supports a number of different options that a user can configure. For instance, the General tab includes the following options:

  • Installation Options that control how the artifact should be installed
  • Launch Options control how the application should be launched
  • Deployment Target Options control where the application should be installed and launched

For each of these options (potentially defined in a 3rd party plugin), we need to be able to do two things:

  • save/restore the state corresponding to the user choices
  • allow custom UX for each of the individual choices

This is achieved using a simple pattern: Every option is required to provide:

  • a simple State object that corresponds to the data that reflects user settings. This object is serialized/deserialized by the infrastructure.
  • a Configurable object that can provide a JComponent that corresponds to the UX for this option.

The infrastructure then picks up all the options, and shows a combo box that allows the user to pick one of the options, and for the selected option, it displays the configurable UX inside a ConfigurableCardPanel

This pattern is used widely. For example, DeployTargetProvider is an extension point that has two methods: createState and createConfigurable. The first method returns the state that is saved for each of the deploy target providers, and the second one returns the configurable that displays the custom UX.

Deployment Target Selection

Initially, all the deployment targets were local devices (emulators or devices). The Cloud Test Lab however adds a new complication: the devices can now not be present locally at all. This leads to the presence of the DeployTargetProvider interface. This interface abstracts away the target of the deployment by returning a DeployTarget object, which is pretty simple: either it handles the entire execution flow itself (DeployTarget.getRunProfileState), or it points to a set of local devices (DeployTarget.getDevices)

AVDs as deploy targets

A deployment target may sometimes not be online as yet as in the case of an emulator that is not running, but selected by the user as the target of the launch. In such a case, the application launch flow proceeds in parallel with the emulator being started. In order to handle this scenario, local devices are wrapped by the DeviceFutures class, which indicates that the device may only be ready sometime in the future. The local devices are either connected via USB (IDevice), or an emulator that has been started (Future<IDevice>). Since the build process sometimes requires device info before it is available, both types of devices are wrapped in an AndroidDevice which allows access to properties of an offline emulator by obtaining the properties from the AVDInfo class.

Run Configuration Execution Flow

The following steps are taken to actually perform a launch:

  1. User first selects a particular configuration. This would be an instance of AndroidRunConfiguration (which implements RunProfile).
  2. She then clicks on Run/Debug or Profile, each of which corresponds to a different Executor. Note: there is a "Profile" executor that mostly resembles the Run executor, but has additional behavior specific to the profiler.
  3. A ProgramRunner is selected based on the above two (configuration + executor). The android plugin defines a AndroidProgramRunner, which is very simple and mostly just ends up calling the run state. (The infrastructure chooses the first runner that canRun the given configuration state and executor. Note: the profiler has its own specific runner.
  4. An ExecutionEnvironment is created, and the ProgramRunner.execute() is called.
    1. This results in a call to RunProfile.getState(), which maps to AndroidRunConfiguration.getState():
    2. We do a bunch of checks, then pick a device to deploy to, extract other necessary parameters and return a RunProfileState. (IntelliJ docs suggest that the returned RunProfileState object should describe a process about to be started. At this stage, the command line parameters, environment variables and other information required to start the process is initialized). In the android plugin, the returned state may be:
      1. AndroidRunState if this we are deploying to a local device
      2. One of the various Cloud launch specific states if deploying to the cloud.
    3. ExecutionManager.startRunProfile ends up calling compileAndRun
      1. We look at the BeforeRunTask instances registered on the run configuration.
      2. All the BeforeRunTask's are executed on a pooled thread, and once they are done, the run process continues again on the EDT
    4. Back again on the EDT, the ExecutionManager performs the following:
          final RunContentDescriptor descriptor = starter.execute(project, executor, state, environment.getContentToReuse(), environment);
          myRunningConfigurations.add((descriptor, env.getRunnerAndConfigurationSettings(), executor));
          Disposer.register(descriptor, () -> {myRunningConfigurations.remove(trinity);});
          getContentManager().showRunContent(executor, descriptor, environment.getContentToReuse());
          final ProcessHandler processHandler = descriptor.getProcessHandler();
          processHandler.addProcessListener(new ProcessExecutionListener(project, profile, processHandler));
  1. The first step in the above snippet (starter.execute) results in the ProgramRunner's execute method being called. In the case of 'AndroidDebugRunner.doExecute(), we simply end up calling super.doExecute()
  2. Finally, we call AndroidRunningState.execute. IntelliJ docs say that the RunProfileState.execute method "starts the process, attaches a ProcessHandler to its input and output streams, creates a console to display the process output, and returns an ExecutionResult object aggregating the console and the process handler." In the Android plugin, we do pretty much the same thing, except that actually starting the process is moved to a separate pooled thread. This means that all error conditions will have to be communicated via the process handler..

Android Run Configuration Execution Flow

The previous section talked about the overall execution flow. In this section, we look at the specific parts implemented within the android plugin. Overall, there are 3 parts to this:

  1. User presses Run/Debug. At this point, AndroidRunConfigurationBase.getState is called, and it constructs and returns an AndroidRunState
  2. The Gradle build is performed.
  3. Once the build is complete, the actual deployment is performed by the AndroidRunState.execute method.

The first two are fairly straightforward, see the respective classes. The 3rd part is also straightforward, but keep in mind that it is shared by the Blaze plugin as well, so it is important to not make assumptions about the type of project there.

At a high level, AndroidRunState.execute obtains the list of LaunchTasks to execute, and runs them sequentially in a background task. A console (what you see in the Run/Debug toolwindow) is created, along with a ProcessHandler. The console is used to display the output from the launch tasks. The ProcessHandler is a proxy for the Android application that will eventually be launched once the launch tasks are complete. Until then, it is a proxy for the LaunchTasksRunner itself. Users can use the stop button on the console to kill the process handler, or one of the launch tasks may terminate the launch process (in case of an error) by terminating the process handler.

Waiting for devices to be launched

When running an application, users may choose to deploy it to an emulator(s). The emulators that are not running are launched. The gradle build and the launch flow continues in parallel with the emulator launch. In order to achieve this (allowing the launch to continue while the device doesn't yet exist), AndroidRunConfigurationBase wraps the target set of devices in a DeviceFutures class. When LaunchTasksRunner eventually reaches a stage where it requires the device, it simply waits on these futures to complete. This allows monitoring of both failures in the emulator launch, or terminating the run config launch if the user cancels the operation.

Launch Tasks

The list of launch tasks (e.g. install app, launch activity) used to be hard coded. This mechanism doesn't scale as the list of tasks became configurable. Now, each task is represented by a single LaunchTask interface. The LaunchTask.perform method receives:

  • a device on which the task should be performed.
  • The LaunchStatus that allows the task to terminate the entire launch process, or inspect whether the launch has been terminated
  • The ConsolePrinter allows the task to print its output on the console.

Obtaining the list of tasks

The list of launch tasks are obtained through the LaunchTasksProvider. Typically, this class would just need the information from the run configuration UX to determine the list of tasks requested by the user. However, Instant Run complicates this a little bit, and requires examining the build output. LaunchTasksProviderFactory adds a level of indirection and allows for first examining the build outputs, and then constructing the appropriate LaunchTasksProvider.

Connecting the debugger

There is one special task outside of the LaunchTask interface, and that is the DebugConnectorTask. This task is only present when using the debug executor, and in such a case, the launch is specific to a single device. When present, this is always the last task executed as part of the launch flow. Launching the debugger itself is fairly straightforward: it first waits for the application to start, and then launches the appropriate debugger (Java or native). The reason why this task falls outside of the other LaunchTasks is that when using the debugger, the existing ProcessHandler that was connected to the console needs to be detached and and the LaunchStatus and ConsolePrinter switched to point to a new DebugProcessHandler which actually monitors the debugger instead of the remote process. The existing output on the console also needs to be replayed to the new process handler so that the console still has all the output.

Process lifecycle

One of the launch tasks (see AndroidRunConfigurationBase#getApplicationLaunchTask) contains the actual launching code: it runs am start of am instrument (for test runs). A ProcessHandler is created to handle the lifecycle of this device process. What happens next depends on whether we're testing and whether we're debugging (this is specific to the Java debugger):

  • not testing, not debugging: the ProcessHandler implementation used is AndroidProcessHandler. The monitorRemoteProcess argument is true, so we use adb listeners to get notified if the process dies or quits. When that happens, the ProcessHandler "detaches", so the IDE knows the run has finished. When user clicks the stop button in UI, handler "destroys the process" by running am force-stop. See ExecutionManagerImpl#stopProcess(com.intellij.execution.ui.RunContentDescriptor).
  • testing, not debugging: monitorRemoteProcess argument to AndroidProcessHandler is false, so we don't use adb listeners. Instead the test output printed by am instrument is parsed by AndroidTestListener and when the suite is finished (or fails), the listener calls LaunchStatus#terminateLaunch which in turn calls AndroidProcessHandler#destroyProcess. Clicking stop button is handled as before, through am force-stop.
  • not testing, debugging: as described in the section above, the original ProcessHandler is detached and an instance of AndroidRemoteDebugProcessHandler is used instead. This handler does no adb monitoring, instead relying on the IJ machinery to get notified when the JDWP connection is closed. When this happens, handler notifies its listeners (including the UI) that the process has detached. When user clicks the stop (Stop Button) button in UI, IJ java debugger kills the target VM (see com.sun.jdi.VirtualMachine#exit) and multiple listeners are triggered to execute ProcessListener#processWillTerminate. The first listener to be called is in IntelliJ's DebuggerManagerImpl, which is created when we attach the VM. When this listener is notified the process should terminate, it will destroy the app's process in a pooled thread. DebuggerManagerImpl#attachVirtualMachine is called from ConnectJavaDebuggerTask#launchDebugger, which later creates another listener that will run the am force-stop shell command using a ProgressIndicator, not blocking the UI thread. This listener makes sure that all processes related to the app are killed.
  • testing, debugging: combination of the above. AndroidRemoteDebugProcessHandler#destroyProcess gets called by AndroidTestListener after the tests have finished running. Stop button is handled through the debugger protocol.

Running tests

IJ testing UI is based on a textual format, which test processes (regardless of language etc.) are supposed to produce. The UI is created in SMTestRunnerConnectionUtil#createAndAttachConsole and uses a ProcessListener attached to the ProcessHandler of the test process to read "messages". The format is defined by ServiceMessage#parse and can be emitted using ServiceMessageBuilder. So our job is create a ProcessHandler which will emit text in the right format. This is done by:

  • Executing the right shell command on device, am instrument ..., see RemoteAndroidTestRunner or AndroidTestOrchestratorRemoteAndroidTestRunner depending on the testing mode.
  • Parsing the instrumentation output using InstrumentationResultParser, with AndroidTestListener as the ITestRunListener. AndroidTestListener uses ServiceMessageBuilder to write the right service messages to the printer connected to the test UI.

IJ test UI parses the textual format (GeneralToSMTRunnerEventsConvertor, OutputToGeneralTestEventsConverter) and updates the test tree UI.

Instant Run

  • Hot swap: push the incremental changes (as a dex file) to the running app, restart activity alone
  • Cold swap: push the changes to the running app, then restart the entire process
  • Freeze swap (aka dex swap): app doesn't have to run, push changes via adb, then launch the process

Pre Build


  • First determines the previous device on which the launch took place.
  • Examines if the build on the device matches the build on disk
  • Examines if the app is still running
  • Examines the state of the changes on disk
  • Saves all this information in the execution environment so that the build step can use this information.
  • See methods in AndroidRunConfigurationBase: getFastDeployDevices, setInstantRunBuildOptions

Build options


  • The build step looks at all the information from the previous phase, and determines:
    • Which build task to execute (full build vs incremental build)
    • Set of flags to pass to Gradle
    • See GradleInvokerOptions.create

Post Build


  • Examine the build-info.xml file to figure out what actually happened (See AndroidLaunchTasksProviderFactory)
  • Determine the appropriate task to use based on the build result.
    • See AndroidLaunchTasksProvider and HotswapTasksProvider

Restarting the build

Sometimes, we don't know until after the Gradle incremental build that the current change cannot be hot or cold swapped and needs a full build. In such a case, we end up relaunching the entire session, but note that we should make sure to not do a clean build, or prompt the user in any way. This is handled by calling InstantRunUtils.setRestartSession. Currently, this is invoked when:

  • We generated hotswap patches, but we couldn't communicate with the app (there was an error while installing the patches).
  • We generated coldswap patches, but we couldn't install them since run-as isn't working on this device (e.g. Samsung device).
  • Build Info reports a verifier failure and doesn't generate any artifacts.