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Contributing to Airy
Contributing to Airy

We ❀️ every form of contribution. The following document aims to provide enough context to work with our codebase and to open pull requests that follow our conventions. If this document does not provide enough help, open a new issue and we'll gladly help you get started.

Work with the code

Airy Core uses Bazel to build and test itself. We suggest you to install bazelisk, a small utility that will install the right version of Bazel for you.


You can build the whole platform using the following command:

bazel build //...

and build a specific project like so:

bazel build //backend/components/communication:all


To run tests, execute the following command:

bazel test //...

You can also run tests of a specific project like so:

bazel test //backend/components/communication:all


You can lint the entire code base by executing the ./scripts/ script.

We use language specific linters:

Java, buildifier, and prettier are run as test targets for each package, so you can run:

bazel test //my/package:checkstyle
bazel test //my/package:prettier
bazel test //my/package:buildifier

You can also run:

bazel run //:fix

to try fixing issues automatically (not supported for checkstyle).

Managing Java dependencies

If you add, remove, or change a dependency from the repositories.bzl, you must re-pin dependencies using the following command:

REPIN=1 bazel run @unpinned_maven//:pin

Working with golang

We use Gazelle to manage golang based projects and dependencies in our code. Gazelle allows you to work within a projects directory as if it were a regular golang project. After changing code or adding/removing dependencies you have to run bazel run //:gazelle in order to update the project's BUILD files.

Updating dependencies

One essential advantage of mono repositories is that they allow you to deliver one version of each external dependency across the entire company. This is however outside the scope of Gazelle which only takes care of syncing build files and does not take into account a global dependency structure. Therefore, if you updated a subproject's go.mod file you need to run a custom tool that we built in order to perform the merge:

bazel run //tools/update-deps

You can learn more about how it works here.


The update-deps tool uses gazelle to update the global go_repositories.bzl file adding one go_repository rule for each dependency. When encountering a build issue you can go through the following steps to try to solve it:

  1. Use community resources: Gazelle docs, Golang module docs, the #go channel of the Bazel slack
  2. Each dependency has an importpath that needs to be unique, e.g. If there is a build conflict within the dependencies it is likely that some dependency is out of date and brings in a sub-dependency with a conflicting import path.
  3. Load order: Bazel reads the WORKSPACE file in a sequential manner. That means if some rule is loaded before our call to go_repositories() it would overwrite the version of a go module that we are trying to load. This behavior is improved in Bazel's new module system.
  4. Use go mod graph to understand who is bringing in a dependency. This can be useful to understanding why a troublesome dependency is imported and how to update it.
  5. Check that the build_file_proto_mode is set to disable_global for the dependency that is causing the issue. It is currently set to this value by default when running the update-deps tool, but Gazelle is capable of tracking some custom changes that you make to this file.

Exploring the code base

Bazel has an extensive query language you can use to dig deeper into projects. Here are a few examples:

# show all deps of a given project
bazel query "deps(//backend/components/communication:all)" --output label

# show the available tests of a given project
bazel query "tests(//backend/components/communication:all)" --output label

# show all the packages under a specific path
bazel query "backend/..." --output package

If you are not familiar with a specific project, you can also run the following query:

bazel query "backend/..."

The query shows all the targets produced under that specified package. It can help getting started.

Bazel also offers a friendly and powerful autocompletion, please refer to this document to install it locally.

Publishing and running images locally

You can test your images locally at runtime if you have a local instance of Airy Core running in Minikube.

Setup Minikube

In order to be able to push to the local docker registry, you must create Minikube with the docker driver instead of the default containerd.

minikube -p airy-core start --driver=docker --cpus=4 --memory=7168 --container-runtime=docker --ports=80:80 --extra-config=apiserver.service-node-port-range=1-65535

Then you can deploy Airy using the main helm chart:

helm repo add airy
helm repo update
helm install airy airy/airy --timeout 10m --set --set ingress-controller.ngrokEnabled=true

Publish image to minikube's registry

In order for the Airy Core cluster to have access to a newly built image, you need to publish the image to Minikube's (built-in) docker registry. Do this by pointing your shell's docker environment to the docker instance in minikube:

eval $(minikube -p airy-core docker-env)

Next, create an image with bazel, which will automatically load the image into Minikube's registry. For example:

bazel run //backend/components/communication:image

You can verify this action with docker images and you can restore the shell environment to point to your local docker instance with eval $(minikube -p airy-core docker-env -u).

Run image on Airy Core

Next, you will want to run this image in the Airy Core cluster. For this example that means you need to:

kubectl patch deployment api-communication -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"app","image":"bazel/backend/components/communication:image","imagePullPolicy":"Never"}]}}}}'

Once this is done, the image will be up and running in your local cluster.

Naming conventions

In order to organize our releases in the best possible way, we follow a few critical conventions.


Branches must abide to the following format:


branch-type is defined as follows:

  • feature or feat are used for feature branches
  • bug, fix, hotfix are used for bug fixes
  • enhancement is used for improvements of existing features
  • doc or docs are used for documentation changes
  • chore is used for maintenance tasks on the repo

The description field must use kebab case.

Given these conventions here are a few examples:



To keep a clean track of what is being released, every feature must contain only one commit when merged. The commit message of the squashed commit is very important, since it will be used to keep track of the features in a release.

The conventional format is: [#issue] Description (Description must start with a capital letter). For the example, if your pull request refers to the issue "Introduce meaning of life" with number 42, the squashed commit message must be:

[#42] Introduce meaning of life

Fixes #42