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Releases: airbnb/interferon

v0.0.19: Merge pull request #18 from airbnb/jimmyngo/interferon_updates

05 Jan 23:08
Choose a tag to compare

v0.0.18: [bugfix] Silenced should be false for the alerts API

05 Jan 23:08
Choose a tag to compare
* Force dry-run alerts to be silent to prevent false alerts
* Use the unmute_monitor API call to unmute silenced alerts. The
  update_alerts API call will not unmute even when setting silenced to
  false or null.
* Fix for timeout calculation
* Support aliases in the filesystem group_sources. This will enable
  groups to have alises during renaming.
* Require nokogiri to < 1.7.0 for Ruby 1.9.3
* Bump to 0.0.18

v0.0.16: [testing] Add tests for production call in addition to dry-run

05 Jan 23:07
Choose a tag to compare

v0.0.14: [bug] Delete duplicate alerts from Datadog

05 Jan 23:06
Choose a tag to compare
* This will now delete the duplicate copies and only retain one
  version per unique name. This was causing issues for things like
  muting as there would be multiple copies of the same alert in Datadog.
* Bump version to 0.0.14

v0.0.13: [interferon] Have dry-run output diff format

05 Jan 23:05
Choose a tag to compare
* Add Diffy
* Dry-run will now output a diff format for alerts
* Moved dry-run to the destination module as it simplifies the logic
  and the output becomes cleaner
* Remove dry-run alerts from known existing alerts during dry-run
* Bump version to 0.0.13