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Releases: aframevr/aframe


10 Feb 05:06
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0.5.0 (February 09, 2017)

0.5.0 contains text, glTF support, patches to enable WebVR record-and-replay
tools, WebVR polyfill updates, enhancements, and bug fixes.

Read release blog post.

Major Changes

  • Bumped three.js to r83. (#2214)


  • N/A.


  • Added text component for SDF and MSDF text. (#2289)
  • Added gltf-model component for loading glTF 3D models. (#2333)
  • Added new hand poses for Oculus Touch controls. (#2191)
  • Attach tracked-controls event listeners even if no physical controllers are
    present. (#2314)
  • Made Entity.removeAttribute(component, property) reset a property value to its default. (#2353)
  • Added AFRAME.utils.throttleTick and AFRAME.utils.throttle utils. (#2189)
  • Changed hand-controls to check for "not Oculus Touch" rather than "is Vive"
    to make hand-controls be compatible with community control components
    (e.g., GearVR). (#2192)
  • Don't cache geometry if merging. (#2255)
  • Allow unsetting of mixins with setAttribute(mixinId, ''). (#2291)
  • Allow access to the screenshot component canvas (#2316).
  • Made stats component UI more readable. (#2313)
  • Added warning of registered components contain uppercase characters. (#2233)
  • Added warning if entity is appended outside of a scene. (#2240)
  • Added warning if geometry merge target is not an entity. (#2243)
  • Removed unneeded object equality check getting called on component initialization. (#2322)
  • Updated VREffect to allow player scaling. (#2328)
  • Added guides to documentation for Using JavaScript and DOM APIs, Using
    with three.js
    , and Writing a Component (58555a, 982f66, 09a606).


  • Fixed low iOS resolution and blur issues. (#2352)
  • Fixed mobile resolution and canvas sizing issues by using WebVR polyfill with
    updated device database. (#2345)
  • Fixed potential Vive controller issues across browsers by loosening the
    Gamepad ID check to only check for prefix. (#2370)
  • Fixed raycaster.interval not being applied. (#2363)
  • Fixed system initialization affecting component updates. (#2367)
  • Fixed unstable version of Inspector being injected on shortcut. (#2364)
  • Fixed vive-controls not tracking. (#2194)
  • Fixed component updates getting called even if data did not change. (#2322)
  • Fixed envify causing issues when installing from npm with a bundler. (c62690)
  • Fixed component updates with setAttribute using data instead of attrValue. (#2184)
  • Fixed coordinate parser when passed null and when trying to override. (#2209)
  • Fixed error when vr-mode-ui is disabled and embedded is enabled. (4607e2)
  • Fixed array property type updates through AFRAME.utils.deepEqual. (#2229)
  • Fixed init and update handlers being called when doing flushToDOM on
    non-loaded entity. (#2250).
  • Fixed disabling of fog. (#2251)
  • Fixed texture offset and repeats. (#2253)
  • Fixed fullscreen not exiting when exiting VR. (#2264)
  • Fixed component pause and remove handlers not getting called on scene detach. (#2302)
  • Fixed multiple look-controls instances colliding. (#2335)
  • Fixed several component properties missing property types. (#2357)


17 Dec 03:41
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0.4.0 contains Oculus Touch controller support, integration with the Registry
by means of the Inspector, API polish, and bug fixes.

Major Changes

  • getAttribute returns full computed rather than just defined component data set. (#1925)
  • setAttribute when passed an object (i.e., setAttribute('material', {color: 'red'})) no longer clobbers existing component data, it will instead extend existing component data. Pass a true flag as the third argument to clobber existing data.
  • Asset property type will directly pass the video element to a component if the value is a selector. (#2129)
  • Refactored primitives to fix component dependencies and initialization ordering. (#2106)
  • Removed transforms feature from the registerPrimitive API. (#2045)
  • Removed deprecated look-at component. (#1913)
  • Removed deprecated Declarative Events API (<a-event>). (#1914)


  • getComputedAttribute deprecated in favor of getAttribute. getDOMAttribute does what getAttribute used to do. (#1925)
  • src schema property type deprecated in favor of asset, audio, map, model schema property types. (#2003)
  • AFRAME.utils.isMobile, AFRAME.utils.isGearVR, AFRAME.utils.checkHeadsetConnected, and AFRAME.utils.isIOS have all moved to the AFRAME.utils.device namespace.


  • Bumped three.js to r82. (#2081)
  • Oculus Touch controller support and controller refactor. (#2132)
  • Inspector is pulled from CDN to be able to reference a fuzzy version. (e664fe6)
  • Added reverseDrag property to look-controls component to reverse mouse drag (ideal for static 360° content). (#2024)
  • auto-enter-vr component for Carmel browser support, may be replaced once link traversal lands. (ae69e1d)
  • Added standard material map properties for ambient occlusion, displacements, normals, and spherical environments. (#1826, #2078)
  • Asset parser no longer strictly demands URLs be wrapped with url(). (#2045)
  • Added ability to take equirectangular and projection screenshots with a keyboard shortcut. (#1984)
  • Added asset, map, model, audio schema property types. (#2054)
  • Added wireframe properties to the standard and flat materials. (#1971)
  • Have raycaster component refresh its list of intersection targets when entities are attached or detached from the scene. (#1887)
  • Added pool component for performant object pooling and reuse. (#1954)
  • Added support for tracked-controls component to change its origin position (e.g., for teleportation). (#2002)
  • Added pooling to the sound component. (#1924)
  • Added intersection data to cursor component events. (#1920)
  • Added events to entity setObject3D and removeObject3D. (#2075)
  • Added pauseSound() method to the sound component. (#1996)
  • Added loading feedback while A-Frame Inspector is being injected over the network. (#2006)
  • Added console warning message if A-Frame script tag is included in the <body>. (#2000)
  • Added support for non-QWERTY keyboard layouts in wasd-controls component. (#1832)
  • Automatically set playsinline and webkit-playsinline on video elements in asset system. (#2076)
  • Used slightly faster function binding. (#1782)
  • Made stats component alert text more readable. (#1885)
  • Allowed inspector component to be opened via postMessage. (#1997)
  • Allowed stats component to be disabled via querystring. (#1836)
  • Exposed component prototype. (#2062)
  • Exposed XHRLoader in <a-assets>. (#2023)
  • Added local Markdown documentation server npm run docs. (48ff50)
  • Added documentation test and lint script for checking links, fix links. (#2080)


  • Fixed component dependencies where bugs manifested in the obj-model and raycaster components. (#2036)
  • Fixed int property type with empty data being turned to NaN. (#2063)
  • Fixed GearVR VR mode height by only removing camera.userHeight if positional tracking exists and the device is not a GearVR or smartphone. (#2044)
  • Fixed mixins not working with multiple-instanced components. (#1699)
  • Fixed default components (i.e., position, rotation, scale, visible) not being flushed to DOM in debug mode. (#2064)
  • Fixed cursor mouseleave event not being reliable with multiple close objects. (#1882)
  • Fixed cursor component intersecting itself. (#1936)
  • Fixed entity not being able to re-attach after being detached. (#1928)
  • Fixed typos for requestFullscreen calls. (#1963)
  • Fixed tracked-controls component if a mesh was not applied. (#1875)
  • Fixed raycaster component passing its actual intersection objects through events. (#1978)
  • Fixed stats component for Safari. (#1865)
  • Normalized Git-tracked files to Unix-style line feeds. (#1825)
  • Fix stringifying default null values for object property types. (#2138)
  • Fix material update referencing sceneEl when the scene has not yet loaded. (#2137)
  • Fix default values of a schema property getting changed to weird values. (#2140)

Known Issues

  • A regression in the October 29th version of Chromium passes microsecond-based
    timestamp into requestAnimationFrame instead of milliseconds, breaking


12 Oct 22:44
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Bumped VREffect for WebVR 1.1 compatibility with September 2016 builds of Chromium and Firefox Nightly.


12 Oct 22:43
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Fixed issue with using Browserify when installed through npm.


18 Aug 04:41
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0.3.0 improves performance, adds support for the WebVR 1.0 API, and adds
tracked controllers (using experimental Gamepad APIs).

Major Changes

  • WebVR 1.0 API support. (#1423)
  • Default camera is now positioned at 0, 1.6, 0 rather than 0, 1.8, -4. In VR mode, the 1.6m height offset as defined by camera.userHeight is removed. (#1474, #1718)
  • Components no longer serialize stringified data to the DOM for performance. Introduced debug mode and flush-to-DOM methods. (#1323)
  • No longer able to provide own <canvas> element. (#1474)
  • Geometries default to be BufferGeometrys, saving memory at the cost of being more difficult to manually manipulate. Use geometry="buffer: false" to disable. (#633) -- Geometry data is preserved in geometry.metadata. (#1557).
  • Removed deprecated loader component and <a-cube>. (29446e0)
  • Abstract raycasting-related properties out of the cursor component into the raycaster component. (#1196)
  • Have shaders handle applying texture objects to material objects rather than material system. (2cee9eb)
  • Removed geometry component's translate property, added a pivot component in extras/. (#1339)
  • Renamed defaultAttributes to defaultComponents in registerPrimitive API. (#1460)
  • Default lighting setup tweaked. (#1478)
  • Made sound.src use the src property type. Sound URLs must now either be wrapped in url() or a selector to an <audio> element. (#1629)
  • Added A-Frame Code of Conduct. (#954)
  • Reduced webvr-polyfill BUFFER_SCALE to 1 / window.devicePixelRatio only for iOS versions under 10 as a workaround to a Webkit bug. This will cause decrease resolutions on iPhone VR mode temporarily. It can be overridden in window.WebVRConfig.BUFFER_SCALE, but will cause canvas sizing issues upon entering stereo causing people to have to rotate their phones back and forth. (#1803)



  • Added tracked-controls, vive-controls, and hand-controls components. (#1584)
  • Added API for multiple components of the same type (e.g., sound__1, sound__2). (#1596)
  • Added schemas to systems. (#1589)
  • <a-asset-item>s now truly cached and only fetched once. (#1700)
  • Added better support for embedded scenes with <a-scene embedded>. (#1474)
  • Can now enter fullscreen if headset is not connected. (#1474)
  • Added AFRAME.registerGeometry API such that each geometry type has its own distinct schema. (#1162)
  • Bumped webvr-polyfill to 0.9.15. (#1618)
  • Dispose THREE.Geometry and THREE.Material objects when no longer in use to save memory. (#1287)
  • Moved texture caching to material system. (#1315)
  • Reduced default <a-sky>, <a-videosphere> segments. (#1319, #1532)
  • Added geometry caching system to save memory. (#1347)
  • Improved GearVR support. (#1336)
  • Removed unnecessary object diffing calls. (1c924b6)
  • Added geometry merging API to reduce number of draw calls for geometries that share the same material. (bd0dbcb)
  • Added support for animation of color property types. (#1302)
  • Added icosahedron, dodecahedron, octahedron, tetrahedron geometries. (#1413, #1493)
  • Better NPM v3 support. (#1430)
  • Added more properties to the raycaster component. (#1196)
  • Added more properties to the sphere component. (#1454)
  • Added light.intensity, properties. (#1270, #1728)
  • Added camera.zoom property. (#1453)
  • Added <a-sound>, <a-torus-knot> primitives. (#1455, #1456)
  • Added componentremoved event for entities. (#1434)
  • Remove injected A-Frame favicon. (#1415)
  • Added end attribute for animations to stop on events. (#1481)
  • Added separate delay attribute for animations. (#1508)
  • Added material.flatShading, material.visible properties. (#1503, #1690)
  • Defaulted geometry.primitive to box. (#1523)
  • Versioned the A-Frame documentation.
  • Custom materials lifecycle methods only require to set this.material rather than return. (#1549)
  • Added support for <canvas> to be a source of texture for materials. (#1567)
  • Added utility functions for getting and setting properties of multi-prop components. (#1595)
  • selectorAll property type now converts NodeList to Array. (#1642)
  • Changed default stats UI background color to gray. (#1644)
  • Exposed list of registered primitives. (#1643)
  • Removed instances of hard-coded <a-scene>, done to support an independent augmented reality (AR) initiative. (#1665)
  • Added cursor grabbing styles to look-controls component. (#1680)
  • Added support for mixins being attached at runtime, done to support a third-party CSS syntax for components. (#1610)
  • Added <ctrl> + <alt> + i shortcut to inject the A-Frame Inspector tool. (#1599)
  • Removed a Function.prototype.bind call on each frame render (#1808)


  • Fixed deep-seated prototype callback order invocation bug in document.registerElement wrapper. (#1689)
  • Fixed look-controls component when dragging mouse off of canvas. (#1474)
  • Fixed primitives not correctly merging properties with defined components. (#1324)
  • Fixed being able to provide size to custom canvas. (#1322)
  • Fixed merging of mapped properties and component properties for primitives. (#1332)
  • Fixed not being able to disable video autoplay. (#1353)
  • Fixed dynamically attached entities not playing. (#1415)
  • Fixed primitives overriding defined attributes. (#1448)
  • Fixed raycasting on loaded models. (#1497)
  • Fixed having multiple COLLADA models in a scene. (#1511)
  • Fixed components not being initialized before playing. (#1565)
  • Fixed material.repeat not being able to be a float. (#1568)
  • Fixed single-property components with a default truthy value not obeying truthiness if defined in HTML without a value. (#1631)
  • Fixed spotlight angles. (#1728)


25 Mar 23:46
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0.2.0 improves extensibility:

  • Component API has been greatly enhanced with more lifecycle methods, schema options, and property types.
  • Components can be applied to primitives (e.g., <a-box>).
  • Custom GLSL shaders can be shared and registered to provide more visual effects.

Major Changes

  • aframe-core merged with aframe. window.AFRAME exposes what aframe-core was exposing previously (e.g., AFRAME.registerComponent vs. AFRAME.aframeCore.registerComponent). (#368)
  • <a-assets> must be declared within <a-scene>. (#910)
  • <a-entity>.object3D is now a THREE.Group. Use <a-entity>.setObject3D API to add new 3D objects from components. (#847)
  • Bumped three.js to r74 stable. (#1006)
  • npm points to a prebuilt bundle of dist/aframe.js.
  • Scene <canvas> elements are now appended to the scene by default rather than to the document body. The scene can specify which <canvas> to render to. (c0aa360)
  • Primitives such as <a-sphere> directly extend <a-entity> rather than template them. They can be registered with AFRAME.registerPrimitive. (#883)
  • <a-template> and HTML Imports logic have been removed. Use in the meantime. (#883)
  • <a-camera> no longer creates a cursor on its own. Do <a-camera><a-cursor></a-cursor></a-camera> instead. (#883)
  • Default geometry depth, height, width property values changed from 2 to 1. (#1245)
  • Default color of primitive elements such as <a-box> changed to #FFF to not interfere with textures. (#1245)


  • loader component deprecated in favor of collada-model and obj-model. (#913)
  • <a-model> deprecated in favor of <a-collada-model> and <a-obj-model>. (#883)
  • <a-EVENTNAME> elements such as <a-mouseenter> deprecated in favor of <a-event name="EVENTNAME"> (unstable). (#883)
  • <a-cube> deprecated in favor of <a-box>. (#883)


  • Introduced shaders to extend the material component and to register custom GLSL shaders. (#861)
  • Component property types. Property types define how a component property is parsed and stringified. Custom property types can be registered or defined inline with the property in the schema. Built-in property types include array, boolean, color, int, number, selector, selectorAll, string, vec2, vec3, vec4. (d35e56e)
  • Single-property components. A component can define itself as consisting of only one property by specifying a type and/or a default value in the schema. (d35e56e)
  • Asset management system that blocks scene render.
  • Play/pause methods on entities and play/pause handlers on components. (9238861)
  • Tick method on components to register a function called on each scene tick. (#823)
  • Support for loading .OBJ and .MTL assets. (#788)
  • Texture caching for better performance when reusing textures. (#1116)
  • Components can be attached to primitives (e.g., <a-sphere>). (#883)
  • Introduce systems API (unstable) to provide global scope and services for components. They can be registered wtih AFRAME.registerSystem. (#924)
  • Entities, including the scene, wait for their children to load before emitting the loaded event. (a8a4f06)
  • Entities emit child-attach when children are attached.
  • Most <a-scene> logic moved to configurable components and systems. (#776)
  • Support for multiple cameras in a scene and switching between them. (#745)
  • Added more events for scene VR mode, material component, model components, and sound component.
  • Default geometry segments* property values increased for smoother meshes. (#1245)
  • Added more meta tags for mobile web-app capabilities, automatically set properties to video elements for inline video playback on iOS. (#316)
  • Added three.js stats to the stats component. (#1223)
  • Added <a-torus> primitive. (#1184)


  • Stop <a-animation> when detached. (#727)
  • Fixed <a-animation> begin attribute. (#885)
  • Keyboard shortcuts no longer trigger when used alongside modifier keys. (#1211)
  • Fixed viewport issues in Twitter webview on IOS. (#1174)
  • Raycaster and cursor components can now intersect with loaded models. (#1166)


15 Mar 18:19
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v0.2.0-rc1 Pre-release


15 Mar 18:22
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Improved Oculus Rift DK2 positional tracking.


10 Mar 19:51
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Fixed Android shader bugs for certain Android devices. Android now officially supported.


10 Mar 19:48
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Initial public release.