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List (v4)

List component written in HTL that renders a configurable collection of items or content.


  • Multiple sources:
    • List page children
    • List tagged items
    • List query result
    • List static items
  • Ordering and limit
  • Styles

Use Object

The List component uses the com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.models.List Sling model as its Use-object.

Component Policy Configuration Properties

The following configuration properties are used:

  1. ./dateFormat - defines the formatting string for when the list items are set to render their last modification date;
  2. ./disableChildren - allows to disable the ability to build a list from the child pages of a root page
  3. ./disableStatic - allows to disable the ability to build a list with static elements
  4. ./disableSearch - allows to disable the ability to build a list using search results
  5. ./disableTags - allows to disable the ability to build a list using the tagged child pages of a root page

Edit Dialog Properties

The following properties are written to JCR for this List component and are expected to be available as Resource properties:

  1. ./listFrom - defines the source of this List; possible values:
  • children - the list is built from the child pages of a root page
  • static - the list is built from a statically defined collection of pages and external links
  • search - the list is built from the search results of a query
  • tags - the list is built from the tagged children pages of a root page
  1. ./parentPage - defines the root page when the ./listFrom property is set to children
  2. ./childDepth - defines the max depth for children pages, when the ./listFrom property is set to children
  3. ./static - name of the child JCR node where the list elements are stored, when the ./listFrom property is set to static, as a list of item nodes with the following properties: linkURL - stores the page path or external links, linkTarget - stores the link target, linkText - stores the link text. When ./listFrom property is set to static, the ./maxItems property is ignored.
  4. ./query - defines the search query, when the ./listFrom property is set to search
  5. ./searchIn - defines where to start the search, when the ./listFrom property is set to search
  6. ./tagsSearchRoot - defines the root path of the tag search, when the ./listFrom property is set to tags
  7. ./tags - defines the tags list to search for, when the ./listFrom property is set to tags
  8. ./tagsMatch - defines if the results of the tag search have to match all tags or just some of them, when the ./listFrom property is set to tags; possible values: any and all
  9. ./orderBy - defines what criterion is used for ordering the list items: the item's title or the last modification date of the item; possible values: title, modified
  10. ./sortOrder - defines the sorting order; possible values: asc, desc
  11. ./maxItems - defines the maximum number of items rendered by the list
  12. ./linkItems - if set to true the list will link all items to the corresponding pages
  13. ./showDescription - if set to true each item's description will be rendered
  14. ./showModificationDate - if set to true each item's last modification date will be rendered
  15. ./displayItemAsTeaser - if set to true the rendering of each list item is delegated to the configured teaser component
  16. ./id - defines the component HTML ID attribute.

Deprecated Edit Dialog Properties

  1. ./pages - defines the pages to be rendered, when the ./listFrom property is set to static up to component version v3. Starting with component version v4 this property has the following support for backwards compatibility:
  • the pages provided in the property are rendered by the component as before
  • the updated edit dialog shows the pages with new options, on saving the content is created in the new format and this property is removed from the content

Client Libraries

The component uses the core.wcm.components.list.v4.editor editor client library category that includes JavaScript handling for dialog interaction. It is already included by its edit dialog.

BEM Description

BLOCK cmp-list
    ELEMENT cmp-list__item
    ELEMENT cmp-list__item-link
    ELEMENT cmp-list__item-title
    ELEMENT cmp-list__item-date
