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A framework to map JSON responses to swift objects, based on Alamofire and Unbox.

## Installation


pod 'NetworkMapper', '~> 0.1.23'


NetworkMapper makes use of protocols to implement functionality. The protocols only require you to define instance variables for the method, url and parameters of the request.

Basic Request

You can make basic requests that don't map the response by conforming to NetworkRequest. You can use responseJSON or responseData to retrieve the response from the server.

struct ExampleRequest: NetworkRequest {
  let method: HTTPMethod = .get
  let url: URL = URL(string: "")
  let parameters: [String:Any]? = nil

ExampleRequest().responseJSON { response in
  switch response.result {
  case .failure(let error):
    // process error
  case .success(let json):
    // process response

Mapped Request

A mapped request is slightly more complicated. Mapped requests require you to create an object that conforms to NetworkObjectRequest and NetworkObjectResponse.

The response protocol requires you to conform to the Unboxable protocol, see it's documentation for more information. The response object is treated as the root object of the JSON response. Currently arrays as a root object is not supported.

The request protocol adds on to NetworkRequest by adding an associatedtype, which specifies the type of response object. On completion of the request, the JSON object will be mapped to the response object. There is one other function, responseDecoded which can be optionally implemented, the default implementation of which does nothing.

struct ExampleObjectRequest: NetworkObjectRequest {
  typealias ResponseType = ExampleObjectResponse

  let method: HTTPMethod = .get
  let url: URL = URL(string: "")
  let parameters: [String:Any]? = nil

struct ExampleObjectResponse: NetworkObjectResponse {
  let users: [User]
  let pageNumber: Int

  init(unboxer: Unboxable) throws {
    self.users = try unboxer.unbox(key: "users")
    self.pageNumber = try unboxer.unbox(keyPath: "pagination.page_number")

struct User: Unboxable {
  let name: String
  let age: Int

  init(unboxer: Unboxable) throws { = try unboxer.unbox(key: "name") = try unboxer.unbox(key: "age")

ExampleObjectRequest().responseObject { response in
  switch response.result {
  case .failure(let error):
    // process error
  case .success(let object):
    // process response