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A/B Smartly DotNet SDK

Latest stable: NuGet stable

Current prerelease: NuGet pre


Install the A/B Smartly DotNet SDK from Nuget

dotnet add package ABSmartly.Sdk --version 1.0.0

SDK targets .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET 5.

Getting Started


Following examples assume an Api Key, an Application, and an Environment have been created in the A/B Smartly web console.

Given that project uses .NET dependency injection, the default setup for the SDK can be used:

Startup code:

using ABSmartly;
using ABSmartly.DependencyInjection;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);


builder.Services.AddABSmartly(builder.Configuration.GetSection("ABSmartly"), HttpClientConfig.CreateDefault());



  "ABSmartly": {
    "Environment": "development",
    "Application": "website",
    "Endpoint": "",
    "ApiKey": "YOUR-API-KEY"

ABSdk instance is added as a singleton then, and can be injected at usage places:

using ABSmartly;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

public class Test : ControllerBase
    private readonly ABSdk _abSdk;

    public Test(ABSdk abSdk)
        _abSdk = abSdk;

AddABSmartly extension method allows to configure SDK settings, HTTP connection settings, inject custom implementation if context-specific services, and also configure additional HTTP requests policies using Polly.

Alternatively, SDK instance can be created manually like in the following example.

using ABSmartly;
using ABSmartly.Services;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection().AddHttpClient().BuildServiceProvider();
var httpClientFactory = serviceProvider.GetService<IHttpClientFactory>();

var abSdk = new ABSdk(new ABSdkHttpClientFactory(httpClientFactory), new ABSmartlyServiceConfiguration
    Environment = "development",
    Application = "website",
    Endpoint = "",
    ApiKey = "YOUR-API-KEY"


SDK uses IHttpClientFactory abstraction to effectively manage HTTP connections pool. This factory is injected using IABSdkHttpClientFactory as seen in the example above. In case custom behavior or implementation is required, inject own implementation of either IHttpClientFactory or IABSdkHttpClientFactory. In case of injecting IABSdkHttpClientFactory implementation make sure it creates instances of IABSdkHttpClient interface, which is a wrapper on top of HttpClient. SDK already has implementation that can be used for this, see ABSmartly.Services.ABSdkHttpClientFactory.HttpClientWrapper class. In case of injecting IHttpClientFactory implementation make sure it creates named IHttpClient instances with name ABSmartlySDK.HttpClient (you can use static field in ABSdk class, ABSdk.HttpClientName).

Creating a new Context synchronously

    // define a new context request
    var config = new ContextConfig()
        .SetUnit("session_id", "5ebf06d8cb5d8137290c4abb64155584fbdb64d8");
    var context = await _abSdk.CreateContextAsync(config);

Creating a new Context asynchronously

    // define a new context request
    var config = new ContextConfig()
        .SetUnit("session_id", "5ebf06d8cb5d8137290c4abb64155584fbdb64d8");
    var context = _abSdk.CreateContext(config);

Creating a new Context with pre-fetched data

Creating a context involves a round-trip to the A/B Smartly event collector. We can avoid repeating the round-trip on the client-side by re-using data previously retrieved.

    var config = new ContextConfig()
        .SetUnit("session_id", "5ebf06d8cb5d8137290c4abb64155584fbdb64d8");
    var context = await _abSdk.CreateContextAsync(config);
    var anotherContextConfig = new ContextConfig()
        .SetUnit("session_id", "5ebf06d8cb5d8137290c4abb64155584fbdb64d9"); // a unique id identifying the other user
    var anotherContext = _abSdk.CreateContextWith(anotherContextConfig, context.GetContextData());

Setting extra units for a context

You can add additional units to a context by calling the SetUnit() or the SetUnits() method. This method may be used for example, when a user logs in to your application, and you want to use the new unit type to the context. Please note that you cannot override an already set unit type as that would be a change of identity, and will throw an exception. In this case, you must create a new context instead. The SetUnit() and SetUnits() methods can be called before the context is ready.

    context.SetUnit("db_user_id", "1000013");
    context.SetUnits(new Dictionary<string, string>() {
        { "db_user_id", "1000013" }

Setting context attributes

The SetAttribute() and SetAttributes() methods can be called before the context is ready.

    context.SetAttribute('user_agent', Request.Headers["User-Agent"]);
    context.SetAttributes(new Dictionary<string, object>() {
        { "customer_age", "new_customer" }

Selecting a treatment

    if (context.GetTreament("exp_test_experiment") == 0) {
        // user is in control group (variant 0)
    } else {
        // user is in treatment group

Selecting a treatment variable

    var variable = context.GetVariableValue("my_variable");

Tracking a goal achievement

Goals are created in the A/B Smartly web console.

    context.Track("payment", new Dictionary<string, object>() {
        { "item_count", 1 },
        { "total_amount", 1999.99}

Publishing pending data

Sometimes it is necessary to ensure all events have been published to the A/B Smartly collector, before proceeding. You can explicitly call the Publish() or PublishAsync() methods.



Context implements IDisposable and IAsyncDisposable interfaces to ensure all events have been published to the A/B Smartly collector, like Publish(), and will also "seal" the context, throwing an error if any method that could generate an event is called.

Instead calling Publish() directly, using pattern can be used.

    using var context = _abSdk.CreateContext(config);

Refreshing the context with fresh experiment data

Sometimes for long-running contexts, the context is usually created once when the application is first started. However, any experiments being tracked in your production code, but started after the context was created, will not be triggered. To mitigate this, we can use the RefreshInterval property on the context config.

    var config = new ContextConfig()
        .SetUnit("session_id", "5ebf06d8cb5d8137290c4abb64155584fbdb64d8");
    config.RefreshInterval = TimeSpan.FromHours(4); // every 4 hours

Alternatively, the Refresh() method can be called manually. The Refresh() method pulls updated experiment data from the A/B Smartly collector and will trigger recently started experiments when GetTreatment() is called again.

    // or
    await context.RefreshAsync();

Using a custom Event Logger

The A/B Smartly SDK can be instantiated with an event logger used for all contexts. In addition, an event logger can be specified when creating a particular context, in the ContextConfig.

    // example implementation
    public class CustomEventLogger : IContextEventLogger
        public void HandleEvent(Context context, EventType eventType, object data)
            switch (eventType)
                case EventType.Exposure when data is Exposure exposure:
                    Console.WriteLine($"exposed to experiment: {exposure.Name}");
                case EventType.Goal when data is GoalAchievement goal:
                    Console.WriteLine($"goal tracked: {goal.Name}");
                case EventType.Error:
                    Console.WriteLine($"error: {data}");
                case EventType.Close:
                case EventType.Publish:
                case EventType.Ready:
                case EventType.Refresh:
    // for all contexts, during SDK initialization
    // when using dependency injection
        config => config.ContextEventLogger = new CustomEventLogger());
    // or when creating SDK instance manually
    var abSdk = new ABSdk(
        new ABSdkHttpClientFactory(...), 
        new ABSmartlyServiceConfiguration {... }, 
        new ABSdkConfig{ContextEventLogger = new CustomEventLogger()});
    // OR, alternatively, during a particular context initialization
    var contextConfig = new ContextConfig() {
        ContextEventLogger = new CustomEventLogger()

The data parameter depends on the type of event. Currently, the SDK logs the following events:

event when data
Error Context receives an error Exception object
Ready Context turns ready ContextData used to initialize the context
Refresh Context.Refresh() method succeeds ContextData used to refresh the context
Publish Context.Publish() pr Context.PublishAsync() method succeeds PublishEvent sent to the A/B Smartly event collector
Exposure Context.GetTreatment() method succeeds on first exposure Exposure enqueued for publishing
Goal Context.Track() method succeeds GoalAchievement enqueued for publishing
Close Context disposal succeeds null

Peek at treatment variants

Although generally not recommended, it is sometimes necessary to peek at a treatment or variable without triggering an exposure. The A/B Smartly SDK provides a PeekTreatment() method for that.

    if (context.PeekTreatment("exp_test_experiment") == 0) {
        // user is in control group (variant 0)
    } else {
        // user is in treatment group
Peeking at variables
    var variable = context.PeekVariableValue("my_variable");

Overriding treatment variants

During development, for example, it is useful to force a treatment for an experiment. This can be achieved with the SetOverride() and/or SetOverrides() methods. The SetOverride() and SetOverrides() methods can be called before the context is ready.

    context.SetOverride("exp_test_experiment", 1); // force variant 1 of treatment
    context.SetOverrides(new Dictionary<string, int>() {
        { "exp_test_experiment", 1 },
        { "exp_another_experiment", 0 }

About A/B Smartly

A/B Smartly is the leading provider of state-of-the-art, on-premises, full-stack experimentation platforms for engineering and product teams that want to confidently deploy features as fast as they can develop them. A/B Smartly's real-time analytics helps engineering and product teams ensure that new features will improve the customer experience without breaking or degrading performance and/or business metrics.

Have a look at our growing list of clients and SDKs: