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OpenAI Gym environments for HAMSTIR Autonomous Mobile System for Testing Intelligent Robotics (HAMSTIR)

The goal of this project is to create a simple robot guided by a monocular camera that can be trained end-to-end in simulation using reinforcement learning. This project is in early development, so not everything works yet ;)

We lean heavily on domain randomization, with three rooms with random texture walls. See a demo of a trained policy in one room (birds eye view on left, robot-eye view on right):

PPO2 Policy Demo


Compared to other robotic simulations intended for sim-to-real transfer, the dependencies are light:

  • OpenAI gym
  • pybullet >= 2.4.0
  • pyquaternion

The pybullet environment makes use of texture and camera randomization to allow sim-to-real transfer. Whether this is successful is yet to be shown.

Getting started

To install, simply run:

git clone
cd hamstir-gym
pip install -e .

Start training with:

python3 ./examples/

Then run the policy with:

python3 ./examples/ --model /tmp/gym/best_model.pkl

Environment: HamstirRoomEmptyEnv

This environment is designed for training the model. It simulates the robots in rooms with no other objects. There are three rooms, chosen randomly for each episode:

room6x6 room2x12 room12x12

The robot is initialized in the same location (0,2) with a random orientation. Wall textures and camera angles are randomized for each episode.

The reward in this environment is based on forward motion distance, with a penalty for wall collisions and wall proximity.

Environment: HamstirGibsonEnv

This environment uses the Gibson simulation. Currently, the model seems to do pybullet-to-gibson transfer no better than pybullet-to-real transfer, but this is an area of active development.

For the Gibson testing environment, GibsonEnv must be installed with its dependencies. The best way to do this is with Docker, and this project includes a customized docker configuration that will include dependencies for this project as well as the original GibsonEnv.

Running inference on a robot

These models are designed to be run on the AIY Vision Kit. The frame rate for Mobilenet-V2 has been around 7 fps--pretty good throughput for this little guy! The process for running a model is as follows:

Assume you have your model saved in ./models/my_model.pkl. Then check ./examples/ and make sure the policy is the same one you trained with, for example, NatureLitePolicy. Then run:

python3 ./examples/ --model ./models/my_model.pkl --graph_out ./models/graph.pb

The next step relies on a TensorFlow model compiler from Google that only works (in my experience) on x86 Linux, so on a server or in a virtualenv, download and extract bonnet_model_compiler.par. See Google's instructions here.

Then you will need the input and output graph operation names. These can be found by using TensorBoard--you may need some fiddling to avoid forbidden operations like division. For NatureLitePolicy, run:

./bonnet_model_compiler.par --frozen_graph_path ./graph.pb --output_graph_path outgraph.bp --input_tensor_name input/truediv --output_tensor_names model/pi/add --input_tensor_size 192

Then follow instructions on hamstir-driver to run inference on the RPi-Zero of the AIY kit.

Research notes

Ongoing research notes are available in


Domain Randomization for Transferring Deep Neural Networks from Simulation to the Real World. J Tobin, R Fong, A Ray, et. al. arXiv:1703.06907 (2017).

CAD2RL: Real Single-Image Flight without a Single Real Image. F Sadeghi, S Levine. arXiv:1611.04201 (2016).

Self-supervised Deep Reinforcement Learning with Generalized Computation Graphs for Robot Navigation G Kahn, A Villaflor, B Ding, P Abbeel, S Levine arXiv:1709.10489 (2017).