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Contributing to Scilla

Building Scilla

You could build the source code according to installation instructions in the README and the, which contains OS-specific information about build dependencies.

Running tests

Running the testsuite

The testsuite is based on the OUnit2 framework and is driven by the main module in tests/ There are several types of tests run in the testsuite. For instance, contracts tests run a full transition on a contract with all input data provided, and eval tests only test expression evaluation. To add more tests of either of these kinds, look for the corresponding .ml files in their tests/directory and add accordingly.

To run the testsuite:

make test

(this makes the Dune build system invoke testsuite executable with -print-diff true option to print colored diffs between error messages).

To run the testsuite executable manually using dune exec tests/testsuite.exe, you have to provide the parameters -bin-dir and -tests-dir, which must be absolute paths to the directory containing eval-runner, type-checker, scilla-runner, scilla-checker and the tests/ directory containing the tests. Relative paths may not work. Parameters to testsuite executable can be passed like so:

dune exec tests/testsuite.exe -- <space-separated-parameters>

To obtain a list of tests available:

dune exec tests/testsuite.exe -- -list-test

Running an individual test

To run an individual test(s), for example tests:4:checker:0:good:1:exptests:5:one-accept.scilla, (it's one of the tests from the list obtained via dune exec -- tests/testsuite.exe -list-test, this needs to be run from the project's root):

dune exec tests/testsuite.exe -- -only-test tests:4:checker:0:good:1:exptests:5:one-accept.scilla -print-cli true

The optional -print-cli true argument is to produce the command line that has been used to run the test.

Running a group of tests

If you'd like to run a group of tests, for instance, the typechecking tests which are assigned the name checker, execute the following from the project's root:

dune exec -- tests/testsuite.exe -only-test tests:4:checker

If you need to update the so-called gold-files which keep the expected output for the checker tests, run the following command:

dune exec -- tests/testsuite.exe -only-test tests:4:checker -update-gold true

Formatting and linting the codebase

Our CI checks that the source code is formatted properly. Use

make fmt

to ensure your code adheres to the style guide. Note that the command will automatically change ("promote") your source code. You will need the ocamlformat opam package for the command above to work.

To make sure you are good to go, before sending PR run

make lint

to check if there are any issues with your contribution. In addition to the ocamlformat package, make lint uses opam and shellcheck.


To debug scilla-checker or scilla-runner, you must build make debug, which will generate the OCaml bytecode versions of the binaries. These can be debugged using ocamldebug. Executing a bytecode executable also requires the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to be set to _build/default/src/base/cpp. An example debug command line is provided below.

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${PWD}/_build/default/src/base/cpp ocamldebug _build/default/src/runners/scilla_checker.bc -libdir src/stdlib -gaslimit 10000 tests/contracts/helloworld.scilla

Using OCaml with Emacs

Please, read the instructions in if you intend to hack on Scilla implementation.


Scilla is written in OCaml. You can read about how to setup your OCaml development environment here. The following extensions would be useful for working on this codebase:

All those libraries can be installed via opam-user-setup:

opam install user-setup

Additionally, you might want to install a nice OCaml REPL called utop.

To enable flycheck mode (integration of scilla-checker with Emacs for editing Scilla files), install flycheck for Emacs. See installation instructions here.