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A plugin library for PHP

Example usage

The code provided serves as an example to demonstrate the workings of this library.

Loading plugins

To load plugins, you need an instance of Xesau\Plugins\PluginManager. The constructor needs at least one string parameter, which is the path to the folder with the plugins. In a second parameter, you can pass a string[] with the names of the plugins that should be loaded.


$manager = new PluginManager('/folder/with/plugins');


Adding functionality

To let plugins offer extra functionality, you need a way to let them intervene in the program logic. This is using events. Events always have a getName(): string function, and that same name is used in by plugins for the PluginManager.listen function, outlined in the next section.

This is an example class for a UserLoginEvent, which gets thrown whenever a user tries to login.


class UserLoginEvent implements Event {

    public function getName() {
        return 'user.login';

    private $user;
    private $ip;

    public function __construct(User $user, $ip) {
        $this->user = $user;
        $this->ip = $ip;

    public function getUser() {
        return $this->user;

    public function getIP() {
        return $this->ip;



To implement it into the program, find a spot where you can plugins to be able to intervene. For our example, that is withing the user login process.


$event = new UserLoginEvent($user, $ip);
$continue = $manager->call($event, true); // true --> cancellable

if ($continue) {
    return true;
} else {
    throw new LoginFailedException('blocked_by_plugn');


Example plugin

This is an example plugin. Whenever the user.login event is fired, it loads the banned IPs from somewhere, and then it checks if the login IP is in the list of banned IPs. If so, it returns false to cancel the event (because the event was called with true in the $cancellable parameter.



$plugin = $this->createPlugin('Xesau', 'IPBan', '2.0');

if ($plugin !== false) {
    $this->listen('user.login', function(UserLoginEvent $e) {
        global $settings
        $ips = $settings[$plugin->getIdentifier()]['banned_ips'];
        if (in_array($e->getIP(), $ips))
            return false; // cancel
        return true;
