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executable file
66 lines (47 loc) · 1.96 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
66 lines (47 loc) · 1.96 KB


This modules contains server application, responsible for handling all HTTP requests in both production and development environment. It is built as KTOR server.

Development running:

  1. Build and run using the script:
# Linux
$ ./ --siteUrl http://your.ip.address:8087/

$ runserver.bat --siteUrl http://your.ip.address:8087/

Where your.ip.address is your IP address or a domain/host URL that points to your system.

You may set the siteUrl in the configuration file instead of specifying this on the command line. Copy the default config file:

# Linux
cd app-ktor-server
cp src/main/resources/application.conf ./ustad-server.conf

# Windows
cd app-ktor-server
copy src\main\resources\application.conf .\ustad-server.conf

Then modify ustad-server.conf to set the siteUrl or other options.

Run ./ --help to see options

You can also run the server by using the Java command directly:

cd app-ktor-server
java -jar build/libs/ustad-server-all.jar -config=my-application.conf

The port can be set using the command line as per KTOR server standard options, see reference.

The application can be debugged using the same as any other standalone JAR using JWDP. In Android Studio or IntelliJ, Go to run, debug, configurations and then add a "remote" configuration.

See for recommendations on production configuration.

#Production build

By default the Javascript (app-react) version will not be built and bundled in the static resources directory (because this will slow down development including building jvm tests etc). When building the server for production, use -Pktor bundleproductionjs to include the app-react web app as a static resource.


$ ./gradlew app-ktor-server:distZip -Pktorbundleproductionjs=true


$ gradlew app-ktor-server:distZip -Pktorbundleproductionjs=true