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577 lines (505 loc) · 21.1 KB

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577 lines (505 loc) · 21.1 KB

Step 2: Chats Page

First Ionic Component

Now that we're finished with the initial setup, we can start building our app.

Our app is gonna have a very clear methodology. It's gonna be made out of pages, and each page will be made out of 3 files:

  • .html - A view template file written in HTML based on Angular 2's new template engine.
  • .scss - A stylesheet file written in a CSS pre-process language called SASS.
  • .ts - A script file written in Typescript.

Following this pattern, we will create our first page, starting with its component - named ChatsPage:

Step 2.1: Create Chats page component

Added client/imports/pages/chats/chats.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+┊  ┊ 1┊import { Component } from '@angular/core';
+┊  ┊ 2┊import template from './chats.html';
+┊  ┊ 3┊
+┊  ┊ 4┊@Component({
+┊  ┊ 5┊  template
+┊  ┊ 6┊})
+┊  ┊ 7┊export class ChatsPage {
+┊  ┊ 8┊  constructor() {
+┊  ┊ 9┊
+┊  ┊10┊  }
+┊  ┊11┊}🚫↵

Angular 2 uses decorators to declare Components, and we use ES2016 classes to create the actual component, and the template declares the template file for the component. So now let's create this template file, next to the component file:

Step 2.2: Added chats page template

Added client/imports/pages/chats/chats.html
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+┊  ┊ 1┊<ion-header>
+┊  ┊ 2┊  <ion-navbar>
+┊  ┊ 3┊    <ion-title>
+┊  ┊ 4┊      Chats
+┊  ┊ 5┊    </ion-title>
+┊  ┊ 6┊  </ion-navbar>
+┊  ┊ 7┊</ion-header>
+┊  ┊ 8┊
+┊  ┊ 9┊<ion-content padding>
+┊  ┊10┊  Hello!
+┊  ┊11┊</ion-content>🚫↵

Once creating an Ionic page it's recommended to use the following layout:

  • <ion-header> - The header of the page. Will usually contain content that should be bounded to the top like navbar.
  • <ion-content> - The content of the page. Will usually contain it's actual content like text.
  • <ion-footer> - The footer of the page. Will usually contain content that should be bounded to the bottom like toolbars.

Now, we need to add a declaration for this new Component in our NgModule definition:

Step 2.3: Add chats page to the NgModule

Changed client/imports/app/app.module.ts
@@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
 ┊ 1┊ 1┊import { NgModule, ErrorHandler } from '@angular/core';
 ┊ 2┊ 2┊import { IonicApp, IonicModule, IonicErrorHandler } from 'ionic-angular';
+┊  ┊ 3┊import { ChatsPage } from '../pages/chats/chats'
 ┊ 3┊ 4┊import { MyApp } from './app.component';
 ┊ 4┊ 5┊
 ┊ 5┊ 6┊@NgModule({
 ┊ 6┊ 7┊  declarations: [
-┊ 7┊  ┊    MyApp
+┊  ┊ 8┊    MyApp,
+┊  ┊ 9┊    ChatsPage
 ┊ 8┊10┊  ],
 ┊ 9┊11┊  imports: [
 ┊10┊12┊    IonicModule.forRoot(MyApp),
 ┊11┊13┊  ],
 ┊12┊14┊  bootstrap: [IonicApp],
 ┊13┊15┊  entryComponents: [
-┊14┊  ┊    MyApp
+┊  ┊16┊    MyApp,
+┊  ┊17┊    ChatsPage
 ┊15┊18┊  ],
 ┊16┊19┊  providers: [
 ┊17┊20┊    { provide: ErrorHandler, useClass: IonicErrorHandler }

You can read more about Angular 2 NgModule here.

We will define the ChatsPage as the initial component of our app by setting the rootPage property in the main app component:

Step 2.4: Use the chats page as the main root page

Changed client/imports/app/app.component.ts
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
 ┊ 1┊ 1┊import { Component } from '@angular/core';
 ┊ 2┊ 2┊import { Platform } from 'ionic-angular';
 ┊ 3┊ 3┊import { StatusBar, Splashscreen } from 'ionic-native';
+┊  ┊ 4┊import { ChatsPage } from '../pages/chats/chats';
 ┊ 4┊ 5┊import template from "./app.html";
 ┊ 5┊ 6┊
 ┊ 6┊ 7┊@Component({
 ┊ 7┊ 8┊  template
 ┊ 8┊ 9┊})
 ┊ 9┊10┊export class MyApp {
+┊  ┊11┊  rootPage = ChatsPage;
+┊  ┊12┊
 ┊10┊13┊  constructor(platform: Platform) {
 ┊11┊14┊    platform.ready().then(() => {
 ┊12┊15┊      // Okay, so the platform is ready and our plugins are available.

To make the rootPage visible, we will need to use the ion-nav component in the application's view:

Step 2.5: Render ion-nav

Changed client/imports/app/app.html
@@ -1 +1 @@
-┊1┊ ┊My App🚫↵
+┊ ┊1┊<ion-nav [root]="rootPage"></ion-nav>🚫↵

Let's add some code to our Component with a simple logic; Once the component is created we gonna define some dummy chats, using the Observable.of, so we can have some data to test our view against:

Step 2.6: Add stubs for chats objects

Changed client/imports/pages/chats/chats.ts
@@ -1,11 +1,65 @@
 ┊ 1┊ 1┊import { Component } from '@angular/core';
+┊  ┊ 2┊import * as Moment from 'moment';
+┊  ┊ 3┊import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
 ┊ 2┊ 4┊import template from './chats.html';
 ┊ 3┊ 5┊
 ┊ 4┊ 6┊@Component({
 ┊ 5┊ 7┊  template
 ┊ 6┊ 8┊})
 ┊ 7┊ 9┊export class ChatsPage {
+┊  ┊10┊  chats: Observable<any[]>;
+┊  ┊11┊
 ┊ 8┊12┊  constructor() {
+┊  ┊13┊    this.chats = this.findChats();
+┊  ┊14┊  }
 ┊ 9┊15┊
+┊  ┊16┊  private findChats(): Observable<any[]> {
+┊  ┊17┊    return Observable.of([
+┊  ┊18┊      {
+┊  ┊19┊        _id: '0',
+┊  ┊20┊        title: 'Ethan Gonzalez',
+┊  ┊21┊        picture: '',
+┊  ┊22┊        lastMessage: {
+┊  ┊23┊          content: 'You on your way?',
+┊  ┊24┊          createdAt: Moment().subtract(1, 'hours').toDate()
+┊  ┊25┊        }
+┊  ┊26┊      },
+┊  ┊27┊      {
+┊  ┊28┊        _id: '1',
+┊  ┊29┊        title: 'Bryan Wallace',
+┊  ┊30┊        picture: '',
+┊  ┊31┊        lastMessage: {
+┊  ┊32┊          content: 'Hey, it\'s me',
+┊  ┊33┊          createdAt: Moment().subtract(2, 'hours').toDate()
+┊  ┊34┊        }
+┊  ┊35┊      },
+┊  ┊36┊      {
+┊  ┊37┊        _id: '2',
+┊  ┊38┊        title: 'Avery Stewart',
+┊  ┊39┊        picture: '',
+┊  ┊40┊        lastMessage: {
+┊  ┊41┊          content: 'I should buy a boat',
+┊  ┊42┊          createdAt: Moment().subtract(1, 'days').toDate()
+┊  ┊43┊        }
+┊  ┊44┊      },
+┊  ┊45┊      {
+┊  ┊46┊        _id: '3',
+┊  ┊47┊        title: 'Katie Peterson',
+┊  ┊48┊        picture: '',
+┊  ┊49┊        lastMessage: {
+┊  ┊50┊          content: 'Look at my mukluks!',
+┊  ┊51┊          createdAt: Moment().subtract(4, 'days').toDate()
+┊  ┊52┊        }
+┊  ┊53┊      },
+┊  ┊54┊      {
+┊  ┊55┊        _id: '4',
+┊  ┊56┊        title: 'Ray Edwards',
+┊  ┊57┊        picture: '',
+┊  ┊58┊        lastMessage: {
+┊  ┊59┊          content: 'This is wicked good ice cream.',
+┊  ┊60┊          createdAt: Moment().subtract(2, 'weeks').toDate()
+┊  ┊61┊        }
+┊  ┊62┊      }
+┊  ┊63┊    ]);
 ┊10┊64┊  }

Further explanation regards RxJS can be found in step 3

moment is an essential package for our data fabrication, which requires us to install it using the following command:

$ meteor npm install --save moment

TypeScript Interfaces

Now, because we use TypeScript, we can define our own data-types and use them in our app, which will give you a better auto-complete and developing experience in most IDEs. In our application, we have 2 models: a chat model and a message model. Since we will probably be using these models in both client and server, we will create a dir which is common for both, called imports:

$ mkdir imports

Inside the imports dir, we will define our initial models.ts file:

Step 2.8: Create models file with declarations of Chat, Message and MessageType

Added imports/models.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+┊  ┊ 1┊export enum MessageType {
+┊  ┊ 2┊  TEXT = <any>'text'
+┊  ┊ 3┊}
+┊  ┊ 4┊
+┊  ┊ 5┊export interface Chat {
+┊  ┊ 6┊  _id?: string;
+┊  ┊ 7┊  title?: string;
+┊  ┊ 8┊  picture?: string;
+┊  ┊ 9┊  lastMessage?: Message;
+┊  ┊10┊}
+┊  ┊11┊
+┊  ┊12┊export interface Message {
+┊  ┊13┊  _id?: string;
+┊  ┊14┊  chatId?: string;
+┊  ┊15┊  content?: string;
+┊  ┊16┊  createdAt?: Date;
+┊  ┊17┊  type?: MessageType
+┊  ┊18┊}🚫↵

Now that the models are up and set, we can use apply it to the ChatsPage:

Step 2.9: Use TypeScript models

Changed client/imports/pages/chats/chats.ts
@@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
 ┊ 1┊ 1┊import { Component } from '@angular/core';
 ┊ 2┊ 2┊import * as Moment from 'moment';
 ┊ 3┊ 3┊import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
+┊  ┊ 4┊import { Chat, MessageType } from '../../../../imports/models';
 ┊ 4┊ 5┊import template from './chats.html';
 ┊ 5┊ 6┊
 ┊ 6┊ 7┊@Component({
 ┊ 7┊ 8┊  template
 ┊ 8┊ 9┊})
 ┊ 9┊10┊export class ChatsPage {
-┊10┊  ┊  chats: Observable<any[]>;
+┊  ┊11┊  chats: Observable<Chat[]>;
 ┊12┊13┊  constructor() {
 ┊13┊14┊    this.chats = this.findChats();
 ┊14┊15┊  }
-┊16┊  ┊  private findChats(): Observable<any[]> {
+┊  ┊17┊  private findChats(): Observable<Chat[]> {
 ┊17┊18┊    return Observable.of([
 ┊18┊19┊      {
 ┊19┊20┊        _id: '0',
@@ -21,7 +22,8 @@
 ┊21┊22┊        picture: '',
 ┊22┊23┊        lastMessage: {
 ┊23┊24┊          content: 'You on your way?',
-┊24┊  ┊          createdAt: Moment().subtract(1, 'hours').toDate()
+┊  ┊25┊          createdAt: Moment().subtract(1, 'hours').toDate(),
+┊  ┊26┊          type: MessageType.TEXT
 ┊25┊27┊        }
 ┊26┊28┊      },
 ┊27┊29┊      {
@@ -30,7 +32,8 @@
 ┊30┊32┊        picture: '',
 ┊31┊33┊        lastMessage: {
 ┊32┊34┊          content: 'Hey, it\'s me',
-┊33┊  ┊          createdAt: Moment().subtract(2, 'hours').toDate()
+┊  ┊35┊          createdAt: Moment().subtract(2, 'hours').toDate(),
+┊  ┊36┊          type: MessageType.TEXT
 ┊34┊37┊        }
 ┊35┊38┊      },
 ┊36┊39┊      {
@@ -39,7 +42,8 @@
 ┊39┊42┊        picture: '',
 ┊40┊43┊        lastMessage: {
 ┊41┊44┊          content: 'I should buy a boat',
-┊42┊  ┊          createdAt: Moment().subtract(1, 'days').toDate()
+┊  ┊45┊          createdAt: Moment().subtract(1, 'days').toDate(),
+┊  ┊46┊          type: MessageType.TEXT
 ┊43┊47┊        }
 ┊44┊48┊      },
 ┊45┊49┊      {
@@ -48,7 +52,8 @@
 ┊48┊52┊        picture: '',
 ┊49┊53┊        lastMessage: {
 ┊50┊54┊          content: 'Look at my mukluks!',
-┊51┊  ┊          createdAt: Moment().subtract(4, 'days').toDate()
+┊  ┊55┊          createdAt: Moment().subtract(4, 'days').toDate(),
+┊  ┊56┊          type: MessageType.TEXT
 ┊52┊57┊        }
 ┊53┊58┊      },
 ┊54┊59┊      {
@@ -57,7 +62,8 @@
 ┊57┊62┊        picture: '',
 ┊58┊63┊        lastMessage: {
 ┊59┊64┊          content: 'This is wicked good ice cream.',
-┊60┊  ┊          createdAt: Moment().subtract(2, 'weeks').toDate()
+┊  ┊65┊          createdAt: Moment().subtract(2, 'weeks').toDate(),
+┊  ┊66┊          type: MessageType.TEXT
 ┊61┊67┊        }
 ┊62┊68┊      }
 ┊63┊69┊    ]);

Ionic's Theming System

Ionic 2 provides us with a comfortable theming system which is based on SASS variables. The theme definition file is located in client/imports/theme/variable.scss. Since we want our app to have a "Whatsappish" look, we will define a new SASS variable called whatsapp in the variables file:

Step 2.1: Create Chats page component

Added client/imports/pages/chats/chats.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+┊  ┊ 1┊import { Component } from '@angular/core';
+┊  ┊ 2┊import template from './chats.html';
+┊  ┊ 3┊
+┊  ┊ 4┊@Component({
+┊  ┊ 5┊  template
+┊  ┊ 6┊})
+┊  ┊ 7┊export class ChatsPage {
+┊  ┊ 8┊  constructor() {
+┊  ┊ 9┊
+┊  ┊10┊  }
+┊  ┊11┊}🚫↵

The whatsapp color can be used by adding an attribute called color with a value whatsapp to any Ionic component.

To begin with, we can start by implementing the ChatsView and apply our newly defined theme into it. This view will contain a list representing all the available chats in the component's data-set:

Step 2.11: Add the layout of the chats page

Changed client/imports/pages/chats/chats.html
@@ -1,11 +1,36 @@
 ┊ 1┊ 1┊<ion-header>
-┊ 2┊  ┊  <ion-navbar>
+┊  ┊ 2┊  <ion-navbar color="whatsapp">
 ┊ 3┊ 3┊    <ion-title>
 ┊ 4┊ 4┊      Chats
 ┊ 5┊ 5┊    </ion-title>
+┊  ┊ 6┊    <ion-buttons end>
+┊  ┊ 7┊      <button ion-button icon-only class="add-chat-button">
+┊  ┊ 8┊        <ion-icon name="person-add"></ion-icon>
+┊  ┊ 9┊      </button>
+┊  ┊10┊      <button ion-button icon-only class="options-button">
+┊  ┊11┊        <ion-icon name="more"></ion-icon>
+┊  ┊12┊      </button>
+┊  ┊13┊    </ion-buttons>
 ┊ 6┊14┊  </ion-navbar>
 ┊ 7┊15┊</ion-header>
 ┊ 8┊16┊
-┊ 9┊  ┊<ion-content padding>
-┊10┊  ┊  Hello!
+┊  ┊17┊<ion-content class="chats-page-content">
+┊  ┊18┊  <ion-list class="chats">
+┊  ┊19┊    <ion-item-sliding *ngFor="let chat of chats | async">
+┊  ┊20┊      <button ion-item class="chat">
+┊  ┊21┊        <img class="chat-picture" [src]="chat.picture">
+┊  ┊22┊        <div class="chat-info">
+┊  ┊23┊          <h2 class="chat-title">{{chat.title}}</h2>
+┊  ┊24┊
+┊  ┊25┊          <span *ngIf="chat.lastMessage" class="last-message">
+┊  ┊26┊            <p *ngIf="chat.lastMessage.type == 'text'" class="last-message-content last-message-content-text">{{chat.lastMessage.content}}</p>
+┊  ┊27┊            <span class="last-message-timestamp">{{chat.lastMessage.createdAt }}</span>
+┊  ┊28┊          </span>
+┊  ┊29┊        </div>
+┊  ┊30┊      </button>
+┊  ┊31┊      <ion-item-options class="chat-options">
+┊  ┊32┊        <button ion-button color="danger" class="option option-remove">Remove</button>
+┊  ┊33┊      </ion-item-options>
+┊  ┊34┊    </ion-item-sliding>
+┊  ┊35┊  </ion-list>

We use ion-list which Ionic translates into a list, and we use ion-item to represent a single item in that list. A chat item includes an image, the receiver's name, and its recent message.

The async pipe is used to iterate through data which should be fetched asynchronously, in this case, observables.

Now, in order to finish our theming and styling, let's create a stylesheet file for our component:

Step 2.12: Create SCSS file for chats page

Added client/imports/pages/chats/chats.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+┊  ┊ 1┊.chats-page-content {
+┊  ┊ 2┊  .chat-picture {
+┊  ┊ 3┊    border-radius: 50%;
+┊  ┊ 4┊    width: 50px;
+┊  ┊ 5┊    float: left;
+┊  ┊ 6┊  }
+┊  ┊ 7┊
+┊  ┊ 8┊  .chat-info {
+┊  ┊ 9┊    float: left;
+┊  ┊10┊    margin: 10px 0 0 20px;
+┊  ┊11┊
+┊  ┊12┊    .last-message-timestamp {
+┊  ┊13┊      position: absolute;
+┊  ┊14┊      top: 10px;
+┊  ┊15┊      right: 10px;
+┊  ┊16┊      font-size: 14px;
+┊  ┊17┊      color: #9A9898;
+┊  ┊18┊    }
+┊  ┊19┊  }
+┊  ┊20┊}🚫↵
Changed client/main.scss
@@ -2,4 +2,7 @@
 ┊2┊2┊@import "imports/theme/variables";
 ┊4┊4┊// App
-┊5┊ ┊@import "imports/app/app";🚫↵
+┊ ┊5┊@import "imports/app/app";
+┊ ┊6┊
+┊ ┊7┊// Pages
+┊ ┊8┊@import "imports/pages/chats/chats";🚫↵

Ionic will load newly defined stylesheet files automatically, so you shouldn't be worried for importations.

External Angular 2 Modules

Since Ionic 2 uses Angular 2 as the layer view, we can load Angular 2 modules just like any other plain Angular 2 application. One module that may come in our interest would be the angular2-moment module, which will provide us with the ability to use moment's utility functions in the view as pipes.

It requires us to install angular2-moment module using the following command:

$ meteor npm install --save angular2-moment

Now we will need to declare this module in the app's main component:

Step 2.14: Import MomentModule into our app module

Changed client/imports/app/app.module.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 ┊1┊1┊import { NgModule, ErrorHandler } from '@angular/core';
+┊ ┊2┊import { MomentModule } from 'angular2-moment';
 ┊2┊3┊import { IonicApp, IonicModule, IonicErrorHandler } from 'ionic-angular';
 ┊3┊4┊import { ChatsPage } from '../pages/chats/chats'
 ┊4┊5┊import { MyApp } from './app.component';
@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@
 ┊10┊11┊  ],
 ┊11┊12┊  imports: [
 ┊12┊13┊    IonicModule.forRoot(MyApp),
+┊  ┊14┊    MomentModule
 ┊13┊15┊  ],
 ┊14┊16┊  bootstrap: [IonicApp],
 ┊15┊17┊  entryComponents: [

Which will make moment available as a pack of pipes, as mentioned earlier:

Step 2.15: Use amCalendar pipe

Changed client/imports/pages/chats/chats.html
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 ┊25┊25┊          <span *ngIf="chat.lastMessage" class="last-message">
 ┊26┊26┊            <p *ngIf="chat.lastMessage.type == 'text'" class="last-message-content last-message-content-text">{{chat.lastMessage.content}}</p>
-┊27┊  ┊            <span class="last-message-timestamp">{{chat.lastMessage.createdAt }}</span>
+┊  ┊27┊            <span class="last-message-timestamp">{{ chat.lastMessage.createdAt | amCalendar }}</span>
 ┊28┊28┊          </span>
 ┊29┊29┊        </div>
 ┊30┊30┊      </button>

Ionic Touch Events

Ionic provides us with components which can handle mobile events like: slide, tap and pinch. Since we're going to take advantage of the "sliding" event in the chats view, we used the ion-item-sliding component, so any time we will slide our item to the left, we should see a Remove button.

Right now this button is not hooked to anything. It requires us to bind it into the component:

Step 2.16: Add chat removal event

Changed client/imports/pages/chats/chats.html
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 ┊29┊29┊        </div>
 ┊30┊30┊      </button>
 ┊31┊31┊      <ion-item-options class="chat-options">
-┊32┊  ┊        <button ion-button color="danger" class="option option-remove">Remove</button>
+┊  ┊32┊        <button ion-button color="danger" class="option option-remove" (click)="removeChat(chat)">Remove</button>
 ┊33┊33┊      </ion-item-options>
 ┊34┊34┊    </ion-item-sliding>
 ┊35┊35┊  </ion-list>

And now that it is bound to the component we can safely implement its handler:

Step 2.17: Add removeChat method

Changed client/imports/pages/chats/chats.ts
@@ -68,4 +68,13 @@
 ┊68┊68┊      }
 ┊69┊69┊    ]);
 ┊70┊70┊  }
+┊  ┊71┊
+┊  ┊72┊  removeChat(chat: Chat): void {
+┊  ┊73┊    this.chats =<Chat[]>(chatsArray => {
+┊  ┊74┊      const chatIndex = chatsArray.indexOf(chat);
+┊  ┊75┊      chatsArray.splice(chatIndex, 1);
+┊  ┊76┊
+┊  ┊77┊      return chatsArray;
+┊  ┊78┊    });
+┊  ┊79┊  }

{: (nav_step next_ref="" prev_ref="")

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}: #