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Tuke-Nuke edited this page Jul 14, 2017 · 7 revisions

TuSKe Documentation

This is a documentation that will be updated every new release and/or when some changes are made. This is a working in progress, there is much things to do until SkUnity Docs 2.0, where it will be updated automatically too

Current progress:

  • All general syntaxes.
  • Separate syntaxes by events, conditions, effects...
  • Include the syntaxes of plugin hooks and separate them by sections for each one.
  • A easy and readable syntax format.
  • Show some details of a syntax, such as return type and changers of expressions and event values.
  • Fix some syntax in wrong section due to internal reasons.
  • Update all syntax to include a proper name, description and examples
On Anvil Rename
Syntax anvil [item] rename

No examples provided

On Anvil Combine
Syntax anvil [item] (combine|merge)

No examples provided

On Inventory move
Syntax inventory move

No examples provided

On Inventory drag
Syntax inventory drag

No examples provided

On GUI click
Syntax gui (action|click)

No examples provided

On Spawner spawn
Syntax [mob] spawner spawn

No examples provided

On Item damage
Syntax [player] item damage

No examples provided

On Item craft
Syntax [tuske] prepare item craft

No examples provided

Syntax %itemtypes% is edible
%itemtypes% is(n't| not) edible

No examples provided

Syntax %itemstack% has [a] custom enchantment [%customenchantment%]
%itemstack% has(n't| not) [a] custom enchantment [%customenchantment%]

No examples provided

Syntax %itemtypes% has gravity
%itemtypes% has(n't| not) gravity

No examples provided

Syntax %entities% ((is|are) ageable|can grow up)
%entities% ((is|are)(n't| not) ageable|can(n't| not) grow up)

No examples provided

Syntax %itemtypes% is [a] (solid|transparent|flammable|occluding) block
%itemtypes% is(n't| not) [a] (solid|transparent|flammable|occluding) block

No examples provided

Syntax %livingentities% (is|are) [a] (hostile|neutral|passive) [mob]
%livingentities% (is|are)(n't| not) [a] (hostile|neutral|passive) [mob]

No examples provided

Syntax %entities% (is|are) tameable
%entities% (is|are)(n't| not) tameable

No examples provided

Syntax %strings% [regex] matches %string%
%strings% [regex] does(n't| not) match %string%

No examples provided

Syntax %player% has [a] gui
slot %number% of %player% is a gui
%player% does(n't| not) have [a] gui
slot %number% of %player% is(n't| not) [a] gui

No examples provided

Syntax eval[uate] [logging [[the] error[s]] in %objects%] [with safety]

No examples provided

Create a GUI It creates a new gui with a given id (optional), using a base inventory, and a shape (optional) For more info, read the [here](
Syntax create [a] [new] gui [[with id] %string%] with %inventory% [and shape %strings%]
(change|edit) %guiinventory%
Since 1.7.5
on skript load:
    create a gui with id "LobbySelector" with virtual chest with 4 rows named "&4Lobby Selector":
        make gui slot 2 with diamond sword named "PVP":
            execute player command "/server pvp" #'on skript load' event doesn't have a 'player', but it will recognize it as it does have.
        make gui slot 4 with grass named "SkyBlock":
            execute player command "/server skyblock"
command /lobby:
        open gui "LobbySelector" to player

Syntax (format|create|make) [a] gui slot [%numbers%] of %players% with %itemstack% [to [do] nothing]
(format|create|make) [a] gui slot [%numbers%] of %players% with %itemstack% to (close|open %inventory%) [(using|with) %string/clicktype% [(button|click|action)]]
(format|create|make) [a] gui slot [%numbers%] of %players% with %itemstack% to (run|exe[cute]) [(using|with) %string/clicktype% [(button|click|action)]]
(format|create|make) [a] gui slot [%numbers%] of %players% with %itemstack% to [(close|open %inventory%) then] (run|exe[cute]) %commandsender% command %string% [(using|with) perm[ission] %string%][[(,| and)] (using|with) %string/clicktype% [(button|click|action)]][[(,| and)] (using|with) cursor [item] %itemstack%]
(format|create|make) [a] gui slot [%numbers%] of %players% with %itemstack% to [(close|open %inventory%) then] (run|exe[cute]) function <(.+)>\([<.[*]>]\)[[(,| and)] (using|with) %string/clicktype% [(button|click|action)]][[(,| and)] (using|with) cursor [item] %itemstack%]
(format|create|make) [a] gui slot [%numbers%] of %players% with %itemstack% to (run|exe[cute]) [gui [click]] event

No examples provided

Make GUI Used to format a gui slot inside of gui creation/editing section
Syntax (make|format) next gui [slot] (with|to) %itemstack%
(make|format) gui [slot] %strings/numbers% (with|to) %itemstack%
(un(make|format)|remove) next gui [slot]
(un(make|format)|remove) gui [slot] %strings/numbers%
(un(make|format)|remove) all gui [slot]

No examples provided

Close GUI It should be used in {{effects|CreateEditGUI|creating or editting a gui}}, it is just an extra option to run a code before it closes. This is optinal.
Syntax run (when|while) clos(e|ing) [[the] gui]
Since 1.7.5
create new gui with id "Backpack.%player%" with virtual chest:
    run when close:
        saveInventoryItems(player, gui-inventory)
open last gui to player

Syntax (register|create) [a] [new] [custom] enchantment with id [name] %string%

No examples provided

Syntax unregister [the] [custom] enchantment %customenchantment%

No examples provided

Cancel Drops Cancels the drops of items, experiences or both in death events, where it won't drop the player items (like gamerule KeepInventory), or cancel the item drop of break block event (for minecraft 1.12+ only).
Syntax cancel [the] drops
cancel [the] drops of [e]xp[perience][s]
cancel [the] drops of (inventory|items)
Since 1.0, 1.8.1 (block break event)
on death of player:
    cancel the drops #It won't drop the experience and items.
on break of diamond ore:
    cancel the drops of items #It won't drop the items only.

Syntax eject record (of|from|) %block%

No examples provided

Evaluate This effect will run any Skript effect/condition from a given string or piece of code. The difference between {{effects|EvaluateInputEffect|SkQuery effect}} and this is basically it returns all syntaxes errors instead of send them to the console, It can evaluate a long amount of code and see them easily instead of beeing in one line. For example, you can run a effect from a string, from a piece of code (without beeing quoted) or the entiry section of code. Starting from 1.8, you can disallow some syntaxes when evaluating. Read more about it at config file (TuSKe/config.yml).
Syntax eval[uate][ logging [[the] error[s]] in %objects%][ with safety]: (%strings%|<.[+]>)
Since 1.7.5, 1.8 (filtering syntaxes)
set {_effect} to "send"
    %{_effect}% "This message will be sent to a player."
#Before parsing the code, it will convert all variables
#To string, basically it will interpret the code above as it
#was a whole string: "%{_effect}% ""This message will be sent to a player."""
#where Skript will replace '%{_effect}%' with the variable value and then it will parse
#The code. It is the same concept of Skript Options.
evaluate: kill all players #Not really needed for this but just an example
evaluate: "broadcast ""Hi everyone"""
    if true is true:
        give a diamond sword of %{Enchantment}% 1 to all players
evaluate logging in {_errors::*}: this is not a valid effect
if {_errors::*} is set:
    loop {_errors::*}: #If there is something wrong, it will add the errors here
        send loop-value
#It will send a string in Skript default error format:
<Error message>: <wrong expression> (TuSKe/, line <line of code>, '<whole line>')
'TuSKe/' is a fictitious file, it doesn't exist.

Syntax evaluate function %strings% [with <.[+]>]
evaluate function %strings%\(<.[+]>\)

No examples provided

Syntax [execute] [the] command %strings% by %players% with perm[ission] %string%
[execute] [the] %players% command %strings% with perm[ission] %string%
(let|make) %players% execute [[the] command] %strings% with perm[ission] %string%

No examples provided

Syntax (make|force) %player% drop[s] %itemstack% [from (%slot%|his inventory)]

No examples provided

Syntax move %block% to %direction%

No examples provided

Syntax (register|create) master permission %string%

No examples provided

Syntax (create|register) [new] [custom] shaped recipe with (return|result) %itemstack% using [ingredients] %itemstacks% [with shape %strings%]
(create|register) [new] [custom] shapeless recipe with (return|result) %itemstack% using [ingredients] %itemstacks%
(create|register) [new] [custom] furnace recipe with (return|result) %itemstack% using [source] %itemstack% [[and] with experience %number%]

No examples provided

Syntax save [player] data of %player%

No examples provided

Syntax change gui inventory to name %string% and size %number%
change gui shape [of (items|actions)] to %strings%
change gui properties of inventory to name %string% [with %number% row[s]] and shape [of (items|actions)] to %strings%

No examples provided

Syntax (unformat|remove|clear|reset) [the] gui slot %numbers% of %players%
(unformat|remove|clear|reset) [all] [the] gui slots of %players%

No examples provided

Syntax regex split %string% (with|using) [pattern] %regex/string%

No examples provided

Syntax regex replace (all|every|first|) [pattern] %regex/string% with [group[s]] %string% in %string%

No examples provided

Syntax (first|random) string matching [pattern] %regex/string%
random strings matching [pattern] %regex/string%

No examples provided

Syntax recipe from ingredients %itemstacks%

No examples provided

All Recipes Returns all server recipes. You can get the {{expressions|RecipeIngredients|ingredients}} and the {{expressions|RecipeResult|result item}}.
Syntax [all] [registred] (shaped|shapeless|furnace|) recipes
Since 1.6.8, 1.7.5 (recipe type list)
command /recipes <integer=1>:
    usage: /recipes <page>
        set {_list::*} to page arg of all recipes with 10 lines
        loop {_list::*}:
            send "Ingredients to create %result item of loop-value%: %ingredients of loop-value%"

Syntax virtual %inventorytype% [inventory] [with size %number%] [(named|with (name|title)) %string%]
virtual %inventorytype% [inventory] [with %number% row[s]] [(named|with (name|title)) %string%]
virtual %inventorytype% [inventory] [(named|with (name|title)) %string%] with size %number%
virtual %inventorytype% [inventory] [(named|with (name|title)) %string%] with %number% row[s]

No examples provided

Syntax gui-slot

No examples provided

Last GUI/GUI from id It is used to return the last created gui or a gui from a string id.
Syntax last[ly] [created] gui
gui [with id] %string%
Since 1.7.5
on skript load:
    create new gui with id "HUB" with virtual chest:
        make gui slot 1 with diamond named "Server 1":
            execute player command "/server server1"
        make gui slot 2 with paper named "Server 2":
            execute player command "/server server2"
command /hub [<text>]:
        open gui "HUB" to player

Offline Player from UUID It get a player from a UUID. If you have Bensku's fork dev23+, you can just use {{expressions|Parse|parse expression}} using the uuid. Also, the uuid needs to be from a player that already played on your server, else it will return null value.
Syntax offline player from [uuid] %string%
Since 1.7.1
set {_player} to offline player from "4580682b-ad69-41e5-a979-6b1b3b2cf9c1"

Split Characters Split a text with {{types|Number|number}} amount of characters. It is used to split the message in chat (the default is 60) and to item's lore.
Syntax split %string% (with|by|using) %number% [char[acter][s]]
%string% [split] (with|by|using) %number% [char[acter][s]]
Since 1.6.8
set {_s::*} to split "Hi, this text will be splitted in 3 lines" by 10 characters

Syntax [the] online time of server
server'[s] online time

No examples provided

Regex Error It contains the last error of a regex. It is setted when there is a error while parsing a string as regex, {{effects|RegexReplace|replacing}}/{{effects|RegexSplit|spliting}} a string or checking in the {{conditions|RegexMatches|condition}}
Syntax [last] regex [parser] error
Since 1.7.1
set {_regex} to "(\d+(\.\d+)*" parsed as regex
if regex error is set: #It will case there is a missing parentheses at the end.
    send "A error occurred with the regex pattern. Details:"
    send last regex parser error
    #It will send a formatted strings like showing the errors. For example:
    #Unclosed group near index 12
    #             ^

Syntax page %number% of %objects% with %number% lines

No examples provided

Syntax item damage

No examples provided

Syntax [event-]slot-(one|two)

No examples provided

Syntax [event-]inventory-(one|two)

No examples provided

Syntax highest block at %location%

No examples provided

Syntax result of function %string% [with <.[+]>]
result of function %string\(<.[+]>\)

No examples provided

Syntax drops of %block% [(with|using) %itemstack%]
%block%'[s] drops [(with|using) %itemstack%]

No examples provided

Syntax [the] dropped [e]xp[erience] [orb[s]]

No examples provided

Syntax [event-]dragged(-| )(top|bottom)(-| )slots

No examples provided

Syntax [event-][old(-| )]dragged(-| )item

No examples provided

Command Info Get informations about a command.
Syntax [the] description of command %string%
command %string%'[s] description
[the] main [command] of command %string%
command %string%'[s] main [command]
[the] permission of command %string%
command %string%'[s] permission
[the] permission message of command %string%
command %string%'[s] permission message
[the] plugin [owner] of command %string%
command %string%'[s] plugin [owner]
[the] usage of command %string%
command %string%'[s] usage
[the] aliases of command %string%
command %string%'[s] aliases
[the] file [location] of command %string%
command %string%'[s] file location
if co

Syntax [event-]item-(one|two|result|three)

No examples provided

All commands Returns a list containing all registered commands or scripts commands only.
Syntax [all] [registered] [script] commands
send "Current amount of script commands: %size of all script commands%
send "Current amount of non script commands: %size of commansd - size of script commands%
send "Total: %size of all commands%"

Syntax level of [custom enchantment] %customenchantment% of %itemstack%

No examples provided

Syntax %itemstack% with custom enchantment[s] %customenchantments%

No examples provided

Syntax enabled for %customenchantment%

No examples provided

Syntax conflicts for %customenchantment%

No examples provided

Syntax accepted items for %customenchantment%

No examples provided

Alphabetical Order Will return a list of {{types|Objects|objects}} organized in alphabetic order.
Syntax alphabetical order of %objects%
Since 1.0
loop alphabetical order of all players:
    send "%loop-object%"

Syntax [the] shape of %recipe%
%recipe%'[s] shape

No examples provided

Syntax [the] result item of %itemstacks/recipe%
%itemstacks/recipe%'[s] result item

No examples provided

Syntax [the] [all] recipes of %itemstack%
%itemstack%'[s] [all] recipes

No examples provided

Recipe Owner Starting from minecraft 1.12, recipes have now the register plugin. If it is a minecraft recipe, it will return as Minecraft, if it is an old recipe plugin, it will return as Bukkit and everything else will return the plugin's name. Only for Shaped and Shapeless recipes
Syntax [the] recipe owner of %recipes%
%recipes%'[s] recipe owner
Since 1.8
loop recipes of held item:
    if recipe owner of loop-recipe is "Minecraft":
        send "That's a vanilla recipe!"

Recipe ID Starting from minecraft 1.12, the recipes now has a unique id. Recipes registered by minecraft will have a id minecraft:%the result item's name%, an old recipe plugin will be bukkit:%random uuid%, while TuSKe will have its id as tuske:%last recipe id + 1%. Other plugins may have a different format, but always following <plugin>:<key>.Only for Shaped and Shapeless recipes
Syntax [the] recipe (id|name|key) of %recipes%
%recipes%'[s] recipe (id|name|key)
Since 1.8
loop recipes of held item:
    add "{recipeBook:{recipes:["%recipe id of loop-recipe%"]}}" to player's nbt

Syntax [the] [all] ingredients of %recipe%
%recipe%'[s] [all] ingredients

No examples provided

Syntax [the] furnace level of %recipe%
%recipe%'[s] furnace level

No examples provided

RGB Color Returns the rgb color of {{types|ItemStack|item stack}} or {{types|Color|color}}. You can set these values only for item stacks, in this case, leather armors. The RGB color returns a list with 3 numbers and the other expressions returns which one separated.
Syntax [the] R[ed, ]G[reen and ]B[blue] [colo[u]r[s]] of %itemstacks/colors%
%itemstacks/colors%'[s] R[ed, ]G[reen and ]B[blue] [colo[u]r[s]]
Since 1.5.3 (single value of items), 1.6 (list values of items and color)
set {_PlayerEquipaments::*} to player's helmet, player's chestplate, player's leggings and player's boots #Must be leather armor
set rgb color of {_PlayerEquipaments::*} to rgb of color red
add 1 to red color of {_PlayerEquipaments::*}
remove 1 from green color of {_PlayerEquipaments::*}
set blue color of {_PlayerEquipaments::*} to 30

Rabbit Type Returns the type of rabbit. e.g. black, black and white, brown, gold, salt and pepper, the killer bunny and white.
Syntax [the] rabbit type of %entity%
%entity%'[s] rabbit type
Since 1.0
on spawn of rabbit:
    if rabbit type of event-entity is "the killer bunny":
        broadcast "Run, everyone, run! The Killer Bunny was spawned!"

Online Time Returns a {{types|Timespan|timespan}} of online time of {{types|Player|player}} or of the server. Only the online time of player can be edited.
Syntax [the] online time of %player%
%player%'[s] online time
Since 1.0 (player), 1.5.8 (server)
command /online:
        send "You're online for %online time of player% and the server is online for %online time of server%"

Player Data Returns a {{types|OfflinePlayer|offline player}} as it was a player, which means that you can get some values like money, inventory, enderchest,etc. Maybe all values doesn't work. If you want to change these values, you will have to {{effects|SavePlayerData|save player data}}.
Syntax [the] player data of %offlineplayer%
%offlineplayer%'[s] player data
Since 1.1
command /money <offlineplayer>:
        if arg is not online:
send "%money of player data of arg%"

Max Durability Returns the max durability of {{types|ItemStack|item stack}}. i.e. 1561 for diamond sword. You can cancel it.
Syntax [the] max durability of %itemstack%
%itemstack%'[s] max durability
Since 1.1
on item damage:
    if durability of event-item is more than (max durability of event-item - item damage):
        send "Your %event-item% is almost breaking!"

Syntax [the] [json] client id of %object%
%object%'[s] [json] client id

No examples provided

Syntax [the] [leather] (red|green|blue) colo[u]r of %itemstacks/colors%
%itemstacks/colors%'[s] [leather] (red|green|blue) colo[u]r

No examples provided

Syntax [the] last login of %offlineplayer%
%offlineplayer%'[s] last login

No examples provided

Syntax [the] last damage cause of %livingentity%
%livingentity%'[s] last damage cause

No examples provided

Syntax [the] last damage of %livingentity%
%livingentity%'[s] last damage

No examples provided

Syntax [the] last color of %string%
%string%'[s] last color

No examples provided

Syntax [the] last attacker of %entity%
%entity%'[s] last attacker

No examples provided

Syntax [the] (locale|language) of %player%
%player%'[s] (locale|language)

No examples provided

Syntax [the] [jukebox] record of %block%
%block%'[s] [jukebox] record

No examples provided

Syntax [the] horse style of %entity%
%entity%'[s] horse style

No examples provided

Syntax [the] horse color of %entity%
%entity%'[s] horse color

No examples provided

Syntax [the] first login of %offlineplayer%
%offlineplayer%'[s] first login

No examples provided

Syntax [the] [total] [e]xp of %player%
%player%'[s] [total] [e]xp

No examples provided

Syntax [the] (cat|ocelot) type of %entity%
%entity%'[s] (cat|ocelot) type

No examples provided

Syntax [the] rarity of %customenchantment%
%customenchantment%'[s] rarity

No examples provided

Syntax [the] max level of %customenchantment%
%customenchantment%'[s] max level

No examples provided

Syntax [the] lore name of %customenchantment%
%customenchantment%'[s] lore name

No examples provided

Syntax [the] [all] custom enchantments of %itemstack%
%itemstack%'[s] [all] custom enchantments

No examples provided

Regex Pattern This expression returns some regex patterns that Skript or Bukkit uses most.
Syntax <.+> [regex] pattern
Since 1.7.5
player's uuid regex matches uuid pattern #It will be always true.
"{MyVariable}" regex matches variable pattern
set {_list::*} to regex split "%{VariableList::*}%" with list pattern

Inventory Type Represents the type of an inventory. {{effects|MakeGUI|TuSKe}} and {{expressions|BlankInventory|SkQuery}} uses in their expressions.
Syntax inventory[ ]type[s]
Usage chest, dispenser, dropper, furnace, workbench, crafting, enchanting, brewing, player, creative, merchant, ender chest, anvil, beacon, hopper
open inventory of hopper to player
open virtual hopper named "Tittle" to player

Click Type/Action Represents a click type of a inventory click event.
Syntax click[ ](action[s]|type[s])
Usage left mouse button, left mouse button with shift, right mouse button, right mouse button with shift, window border using right mouse button, window border using left mouse button, middle mouse button, number key, double click using mouse, drop key, drop key with control, creative action, unknown
Since 1.6.2
on right click with compass:
    wait a tick
    create new gui with virtual chest: #TuSKe
        make gui slot 0 with stonebrick:
            if gui-click-type is left or right:
                give gui-clicked-item to player
    open last created gui to player
on inventory click:
    if click action is left mouse button or right mouse button: #Bensku's fork
        give event-slot to player
        cancel event

Inventory Action It represents a inventory action of a inventory click event.
Syntax inventory[ ]action[s]
Usage nothing, pickup all, pickup some, pickup half, pickup one item, place all, place some, place one, swap with cursor, drop all from cursor, drop one from cursor, drop all from slot, drop one from slot, instant move, hotbar move and readd, swap with hotbar, clone stack, collect to cursor, unknown
Since 1.7.5
command /gui:
        create new gui with virtual chest: #TuSKe
            make gui slot 0 with stonebrick:
                if gui-inventory-action is move to other inventory:
                    send "You can take that item!"
        open last created gui to player
on inventory click:
    if inventory action is move to other inventory:
        send "You can't take that item!"
        cancel event

Slot Type It represents a type of a inventory slot
Syntax slot[ ]type[s]
Usage result slot, crafting slot, armor slot, container slot, quickbar slot, outside slot, fuel slot
Since 1.7.5
command /gui:
        create new gui with virtual workbench: #TuSKe
            make gui slot 0 with diamond sword:
                if gui-slot-type is result slot:
                    set gui-clicked-item to air
        open last created gui to player

Recipe A recipe contains the the ingredients list and the result item. Can only be get by {{expressions|Recipes|recipes's expression}}.
Syntax recipe[s]
Since 1.0.7
loop recipes of {_item}:
    if "%loop-recipe%" is "furnace recipe":
        send "You have to make this recipe in a furnace."

Regex Represents a regex object. For now, it won't have any usage but only for test the pattern. It will have more usage in future versions.
Syntax reg[ular ]ex[pression[s]|es]
Since 1.7.1
set {_regex} to "(\d+(\.\d+)*" parsed as regex
if regex error is set: #It will case there is a missing parentheses at the end.
    send "A error occurred with the regex pattern. Details:"
    send last regex parser error
    #It will send a formatted strings like showing the errors. For example:
    #Unclosed group near index 12
    #             ^

Custom Enchantment It represents a custom enchantment. The values depends of the id name of {{effects|RegisterEnchantment|registered enchantment}}.
Syntax custom[ ]enchantment[s]
Since 1.5.1
if "Soulbound" parsed as custom enchantment is set: #checks if the custom enchantment exists.

GUI It represents a gui inventory, where the player can take items away from the inventory. It can be created only with {{effects|MakeGUI|advanced gui effect}}.
Syntax gui[ ]inventor(y|ies)
Since 1.7.5
/command gui:
        create new gui with virtual chest named "Hub" with 3 rows: #Create a new gui based in a inventory
            make gui slot 13 with cake named "&e&lLobby": #Format slot with a given item
                make player execute command "server Lobby" #Code to be executed when the player clicks on gui
        open last gui to player #Open the last created gui to the player

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