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An Elixir simulator for the Envisa TPI (DSC) module


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding evl_simulator to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:evl_simulator, "~> 0.1.0"}]

Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at


The provided Dockerfile can be used to install and run evl-simulator interactively without requiring Erlang or Elixir to be installed on your system.

docker build -t evlsimulator:latest .
docker run -it -p 4025:4025 evlsimulator:latest


You can use the simulator in one of the two following modes:

Automatic event generation

All you have to do is edit config/config.exs and enable the event engines that you are interested in and define the event generation interval.

Manual event generation

Edit config/config.exs and make the following changes:

config :evl_simulator, event_engines: []

Run iex -S mix then generate the events directly by doing the following:

# If you want to use the Event struct then you can do
%EvlSimulator.Event {command: "609", zone: 1}
|> EvlSimulator.Event.to_string
|> EvlSimulator.Connection.send

# If you know the raw string for the event and its parameters then pass it directly to
# the connection module
"6091" |> EvlSimulator.Connection.send


You can optionally enable a simple fuzzer (by uncommenting the relevant section in config/config.exs) which will randomly re-arrange the encoded payload prior to sending it to the client every 10_000 msecs (this can be changed in the config).