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135 lines (102 loc) · 5.52 KB

File metadata and controls

135 lines (102 loc) · 5.52 KB

The original README has been modified to accomdate our project. If you are interested in natural image benchmarks, settings or more details, please refer to the original repo.



  • Linux (Windows is not officially supported)
  • Python 3.5+
  • PyTorch 1.1 or higher
  • CUDA 9.0 or higher
  • NCCL 2
  • GCC 4.9 or higher
  • mmcv

We have tested the following versions of OS and softwares:

  • OS: Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 and CentOS 7.2
  • CUDA: 9.0/9.2/10.0/10.1
  • NCCL: 2.1.15/2.2.13/2.3.7/2.4.2 (PyTorch-1.1 w/ NCCL-2.4.2 has a deadlock bug, see here)
  • GCC(G++): 4.9/5.3/5.4/7.3

Install openselfsup

a. Create a conda virtual environment and activate it.

conda create -n open-mmlab python=3.7 -y
conda activate open-mmlab

b. Install PyTorch and torchvision following the official instructions, e.g.,

conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch

c. Install other third-party libraries.

# the original repo uses
conda install faiss-gpu cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch # optional for DeepCluster and ODC, assuming CUDA=10.0

# we recommend to use
conda install faiss-gpu==1.6.1

d. Install.

pip install -v -e .  


  1. The git commit id will be written to the version number with step d, e.g. 0.6.0+2e7045c. The version will also be saved in trained models.

  2. Following the above instructions, openselfsup is installed on dev mode, any local modifications made to the code will take effect without the need to reinstall it (unless you submit some commits and want to update the version number).

  3. If you would like to use opencv-python-headless instead of opencv-python, you can install it before installing MMCV.

Prepare datasets

Assuming that you usually store datasets in $YOUR_DATA_ROOT (e.g., /share/project/data/). First, ownload NCT-CRC-HE-100K-NONORM and extract files in this folder. Then, make a symlink of that folder to data/NCT/data. We have released our training/testing split in data/NCT/meta: train.txt and val.txt contains an image file name in each line, train_labeled.txt and val_labeled.txt contains filename[space]label\n in each line; wo_X_train.txt and wo_X_train_labeled.txt are used for near-domain pre-training, i.e., leave-one-class-out-as-novel-class, and "wo" means "without". We use wo_X_train_labeled.txt for fully-supervised pre-training (FSP) and wo_X_train.txt for contrastive-learning pre-training (CLP).

This goes similarily for LC-25000 (LC25K) dataset and PAIP2019 (PAIP) dataset.

At last, the folder looks like:

few-shot-wsi(in our project)
├── openselfsup
├── benchmarks
├── configs
├── data
│   ├── NCT
│   │   ├── meta
│   │   |   ├── train.txt (for contrastive-learning pre-training, "filename\n" in each line)
│   │   |   ├── train_labeled.txt (for fully-supervised pre-training, "filename[space]label\n" in each line)
│   │   |   ├── test.txt
│   │   |   ├── test_labeled.txt (for evaluation)
│   │   |   ├── wo_X_train.txt ("filename\n" in each line with class X excluded, for CLP)
│   │   |   ├── wo_X_train_labeled.txt ("filename[space]label\n" in each line with class X excluded, for FSP)
│   │   |   ├── ...
│   │   ├── data (a symlink pointed to the original NCT dataset)
│   │   |   ├── ADI    (classes in NCT dataset)
│   │   |   ├── BACK
│   │   |   ├── DEB
│   │   |   ├── LYM
│   │   |   ├── MUC
│   │   |   ├── MUS
│   │   |   ├── NORM
│   │   |   ├── STR
│   │   |   ├── TUM
│   ├── LC25000 (similarly for LC25000)
│   │   ├── meta
│   │   |   ├── img_list.txt ("filename\n" in each line)
│   │   |   ├── img_list_labeled.txt ("filename[space]label\n" in each line)
│   │   |   ├── labels.npy (only labels, for convenience)
│   │   |   ├── ...
│   │   ├── data (a symlink pointed to the original LC25000 dataset)
│   ├── PAIP (similarly for the cropped PAIP 2019 dataset)
│   │   ├── meta (will be used for generating tasks)
│   │   |   ├── paip_train.txt ("filename\n" in each line, contains file names for the cropped patches)
│   │   |   ├── paip_train_labeled.txt ("filename[space]label\n" in each line)
│   │   |   ├── ...
│   │   ├── data (a symlink pointed to the cropped PAIP 2019 dataset)

A from-scratch setup script

Here is a full script for setting up openselfsup with conda and link the dataset path. The script does not download ImageNet and Places datasets, you have to prepare them on your own.

conda create -n open-mmlab python=3.7 -y
conda activate open-mmlab

conda install -c pytorch pytorch torchvision -y
git clone
cd OpenSelfSup
pip install -v -e .

ln -s $NCT_ROOT data/NCT/data
ln -s $LC25K_ROOT data/LC25000/data
ln -s $croppedPAIP_ROOT data/PAIP/data # You need to change the files in data/PAIP/meta as well for different cropping.

Common Issues

  1. The training hangs / deadlocks in some intermediate iteration. See this issue.