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Command line arguments

If you've gone through the tutorial, you'll already have some idea of how Ookii.CommandLine parses arguments. This page will explain the rules in detail, including all the possible kinds or arguments.

Command line arguments are passed to your application when it is started, and are usually accessed through the parameters of the int main(int argc, char *argv[]) method (or int wmain(int argc, wchar_t *argv[]) or CommandLineToArgvW for Windows applications using Unicode). This provides the arguments as an array of strings, which Ookii.CommandLine will parse to extract strongly-typed, named values that you can easily access in your application.

The method used to extract values from the array of string arguments is determined by the command line argument parsing rules. Ookii.CommandLine supports two sets of parsing rules: the default mode, which uses parsing rules similar to those used by PowerShell, and long/short mode, which is more POSIX-like, and lets arguments have a long name and a short name, with different prefixes. Most of the below information applies to both modes, with the differences described at the end.

Named arguments

In Ookii.CommandLine, all command line arguments have a name, and can be assigned a value on the command line using that name. They follow the name of your application's executable on the command prompt, and typically take the following form:

-ArgumentName ArgumentValue

The argument name is preceded by the argument name prefix. This prefix is configurable, but Ookii.CommandLine defaults to accepting a dash (-) and a forward slash (/) on Windows, and only a dash (-) on other platforms such as Linux or MacOS.

Argument names are case insensitive by default, though this can be customized using the parser_builder::case_sensitive() method.

The argument's value follows the name, separated by either white space (as a separate argument token), or by the argument name/value separator, which is a colon (:) by default. The following is identical to the previous example:


Whether white-space is allowed to separate the name and value is configured using the parser_builder::allow_whitespace_separator() method, and the argument name/value separator can be customized using the parser_builder::argument_value_separator() method.

Not all arguments require values; those that do not are called switch arguments and have a value determined by their presence or absence on the command line.

An argument can have one or more aliases: alternative names that can also be used to supply the same argument. For example, an argument named -Verbose might use the alias -v as a shorter to type alternative.

Positional arguments

An argument can be positional, which means in addition to being supplied by name, it can also be supplied without the name, using the position of the value. Which argument the value belongs to is determined by its position relative to other positional arguments.

If an argument value is encountered without being preceded by a name, it is matched to the next positional argument without a value. For example, take the following command line arguments:

value1 –ArgumentName value2 value3

In this case, value1 is not preceded by a name; therefore, it is matched to the first positional argument. Value2 follows a name, so it is matched to the argument with the name -ArgumentName. Finally, value3 is matched to the second positional argument.

A positional argument can still be supplied by name. If a positional argument is supplied by name, it cannot also be specified by position; in the previous example, if the argument named -ArgumentName was the second positional argument, then value3 becomes the value for the third positional argument, because the value for -ArgumentName was already specified by name. If -ArgumentName is the first positional argument, this would cause an error (unless duplicate arguments are allowed in the options), because it already had a value set by value1.

Required arguments

A command line argument that is required must be supplied on all invocations of the application. If a required argument is not supplied, this is considered an error and parsing will fail.

Any argument can be made required. Usually, it is recommended for any required argument to also be a positional argument, but this is not mandatory.

Switch arguments

A switch argument, sometimes also called a flag, is an argument with a Boolean type (bool). Its value is determined by its presence or absence on the command line; the value will be true if the argument is supplied, and false if not. The following sets the switch argument named “Switch” to true:


A switch argument’s value can be specified explicitly, as in the following example:


You must use the name/value separator (a colon by default) to specify an explicit value for a switch argument; you cannot use white space. If the command line contains -Switch false, then false is the value of the next positional argument, not the value for -Switch.

If you use std::optional<bool> as the type of the argument, it will be std::nullopt if not supplied, true if supplied, and false only if explicitly set to false using -Switch:false.

Arguments with multiple values

Some arguments can take multiple values; these are multi-value arguments. These arguments can be supplied multiple times, and each value is added to the set of values. For example, consider the following command line arguments:

-ArgumentName value1 –ArgumentName value2 –ArgumentName value3

In this case, if -ArgumentName is a multi-value argument, the value of the argument will be a list holding all three values.

It’s possible to specify a separator for multi-value arguments using the parser_builder::multi_value_argument_builder::separator() method. This makes it possible to specify multiple values for the argument while the argument itself is specified only once. For example, if the separator is set to a comma, you can specify the values as follows:

-ArgumentName value1,value2,value3

In this case, the value of the argument named -ArgumentName will be a list with the three values "value1", "value2" and "value3".

Note: if you specify a separator for a multi-value argument, it is not possible to have an argument value containing the separator. There is no way to escape the separator. Therefore, make sure you pick a separator that will never be used in the argument values, and be extra careful with culture-sensitive argument types.

If a multi-value argument is positional, it must be the last positional argument. All remaining positional argument values will be considered values for the multi-value argument.

If a multi-value argument is required, it means it must have at least one value.

If an argument is not a multi-value argument, it is an error to supply it more than once, unless duplicate arguments were set to allowed using the parser_builder::allow_duplicate_arguments() method, in which case only the last value is used.

If the type of the argument is a container of Boolean values (e.g. std::vector<bool>), it will act as a multi-value argument and a switch. A value of true (or the explicit value if one is given) gets added to the list for every time that the argument is supplied.

Argument value conversion

Ookii.CommandLine allows you to define arguments with any type; the only requirement is that it is possible to convert that type to and from a string.

String conversion is performed using the ookii::lexical_convert template. The default implementation uses stream extraction (operator>> on an std::istringstream), so if such an operator is defined for your type, this is sufficient. Note that the operator must consume the entire contents of the stream, and leave the stream without badbit or failbit set, for conversion to be considered successful.

You can also provide a template specialization of ookii::lexical_convert to perform conversion without depending on streams. This template struct has a single method, from_string(), which you must implement. The method returns an std::optional<T>, and you should return std::nullopt if conversion failed.

struct ookii::lexical_convert<your_type, char>
    static std::optional<your_type> from_string(std::string_view value, const std::locale &loc)
        // Implement string conversion here.

If you are using Unicode arguments on Windows, use wchar_t and std::wstring_view.

It is possible to override the default conversion for a type by specifying a custom conversion function using the parser_builder::typed_argument_builder::converter() method. Note that even if you supply a custom converter, a default one must still exist otherwise your code will not compile. The custom converter is intended for situations where a default conversion exists, but you wish to deviate from that behavior.

In order to display default values, it must also be possible to output the type using stream insertion (operator<<). This is always necessary, even if you don't use a default value for arguments of that type.

An example of writing implementations of operator<< and operator>> for a custom type, as well as an example of directly specializing ookii::lexical_convert, can be seen in the custom_types.h file used by the unit tests.

If the argument is a multi-value argument, string conversion must be available for the type indicated by the container's value_type. Usually, this is the type of element in the container (e.g. for std::vector<int> it would be int).

If the argument uses the type std::optional<T>, string conversion must be available for the contained type T.

Conversion locale

For many types, the conversion can be locale dependent. For example, converting numbers or dates depends on the std::locale which defines the accepted formats and how they’re interpreted; some locales might use a period as the decimal separators, while others use a comma.

The locale used for argument value conversions is specified by the ookii::parser_builder::locale() method. If not specified, it defaults to the global locale set by std::locale::global(), which itself defaults to the invariant "C" locale.

For a consistent parsing experience, it's strongly recommended to always use an invariant locale for command line parsing. If you use the locale based on the user's current culture, the same command line may not be parsed the same for users with different regional settings (for example, if you use floating point numbers).

Long/short mode

POSIX and GNU conventions specify that options use a dash (-) followed by a single character, and define the concept of long options, which use -- followed by an a multi-character name. This style is used by many tools like cmake, git, and many others, and may be preferred if you are writing a cross-platform application.

Ookii.CommandLine calls this style of parsing "long/short mode," and offers it as an alternative mode to augment the default parsing rules. In this mode, an argument can have the regular long name and an additional single-character short name, each with its own argument name prefix. By default, the prefix -- is used for long names, and - (and / on Windows) for short names.

This mode can be enabled by passing parsing_mode::long_short to the parser_builder::mode() method.

POSIX conventions also specify the use of lower case argument names, with dashes separating words ("dash-case"). If you are using the code generation scripts, you can easily achieve that using name transformation. It's also common to use case-sensitive argument names in this mode, which can be enabled with the parser_builder::case_sensitive() method.

For example, an argument named --path could have a short name -p. It could then be supplied using either name:

--path value


-p value

Note that you must use the correct prefix: using -path or --p will not work.

An argument can have either a short name or a long name, or both.

Arguments in this mode can still have aliases. You can set separate long and short aliases, which follow the same rules as the long and short names.

For switch arguments with short names, the switches can be combined in a single argument. For example, given the switches -a, -b and -c, the following command line sets all three switches:


This is equivalent to:

-a -b -c

This only works for switch arguments, and does not apply to long names.

Besides these differences, long/short mode follows the same rules and conventions as the default mode outlined above, with all the same options.

More information

Next, let's take a look at how to define arguments.