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Active listening

Active listening is a communication skill that involves fully focusing on, understanding, and responding to the speaker. By practicing active listening, you can improve communication and understanding, help problem-solving and decision-making, and foster collaboration and teamwork.

Key aspects:

  • Pay Attention: Give your full attention to the speaker. Minimize distractions. Avoid interruptions. Maintain eye contact and use non-verbal cues, such as nodding or leaning in, to show that you are engaged.

  • Encourage: Provide verbal cues, such as saying "Yes," "I see," or "Go on". Provide non-verbal cues, such as nodding, smiling, or maintaining an open body posture. Cues convey attentiveness.

  • Clarify: Seek clarification if something is unclear or if you need more information. Ask open-ended questions that encourage the speaker to elaborate or provide more details.

  • Reflect: Summarize what the speaker has said to ensure understanding. Paraphrase their main points or use statements like "So, if I understand correctly, you're saying…" or "It seems like you're feeling…".

  • Manage Your Response: Control your urge to react immediately or provide solutions. Avoid assumptions and suspend judgement. Show empathy.

  • Empathize: Show that you appreciate the speaker's point of view. Use statements like "I can understand why you feel that way" or "This sounds like it is exciting for you". This builds rapport and trust.