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The status of the microbial census (2015)

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|- README          # the top level description of content
|- doc/            # documentation for the study
|  |- notebook/    # preliminary analyses (dead branches of analysis)
|  +- paper/       # manuscript(s), whether generated or not
|- data            # raw and primary data, are not changed once created
|  |- references/  # reference files to be used in analysis
|  |- raw/         # raw data, will not be altered
|  +- process/     # cleaned data, will not be altered once created
|- code/           # any programmatic code
|- results         # all output from workflows and analyses
|  |- tables/      # text version of tables to be rendered with kable in R
|  |- figures/     # graphs, likely designated for manuscript figures
|  +- pictures/    # diagrams, images, and other non-graph graphics
|- scratch/        # temporary files that can be safely deleted or lost
|- study.Rmd       # executable Rmarkdown for this study, if applicable
|-        # Markdown (GitHub) version of the *Rmd file
|- study.html      # HTML version of *.Rmd file
+- Makefile        # executable Makefile for this study, if applicable