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Mirror Software:

To contribute to WizardMirror its important to understand how the software works. WizardMirror uses Electronjs, as an HTML rendering library. The main script is main.js, which uses Electronjs to convert main.html into a desktop application. main.html uses a black background, and displays in white text, to give it the mirror effect, while still displaying text. All Application processes occur in main.html. main.html has a script, which attaches scripts and css from apps.json to the document. Electronjs allows you to use node modules in html scripts, so you will not need browserify or any client side-implementation.

Improving WizardMirror

You can make pull requests to improve WizardMirror. While improving WizardMirror make sure that if you change any file like main.js or main.html, which have line numbers cited in this readme then make sure to also include those changes in the readme and if you need help doing so, then tell me so in the pull request. If I have not seen your pull request, you can email me, and I'll try to get back asap, usually once I'm free from school work :).

Making Apps

The time app is a great example for making apps. WizardMirror has some guidelines for App development, and some example links to the time app, for clarifiction:

The javascript file of the app that will be defined in the apps.json is injected in main.html by this script. So you can write js for WizardMirror similar to the way you would write js for an HTML document. The only difference is since electron is rendering the js, you can use your favourite node modules. This setting is defined here. I'll create a page soon where all 3rd party apps can be displayed.


Here is a list of positions, where you can place your apps Positions