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Gladiator Bot

Gladiator Bot is my first real JS project but he has come a long way in a short period of time! We now have a functional player vs player arena where gladiators are started with 100 health. They are then pitted against each other using the following commands: *head - 10% chance of inflicting 50 damage. *body - 33% chance of inflicting 30 damage. *legs - 80% chance of inflicting 10 damage. *potion - Restore 20hp during battle.

Potions are purchased directly from Gladiator bot by tipping him 150 TRTL on any server where trtlbot++ resides. These potions will automatically be added to your user ID and become available in your next battle or during the battle you are currently involved in.

Gladiators also gain experience per win and will level up over time. Levels are currently just for bragging rights but the next stage of development is stats.