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Rokfor Website Boilerplate running on PHP using

  • Slim Framework for routing
  • Jade for templating
  • Sass as CSS processor
  • Grunt and Bower to install dependencies



  • Access to a Rokfor Server
  • Composer and Node.js
  • PHP >= 5.5


$ git clone
$ cd rokfor-php-starter
$ composer install
$ cd config
$ cp settings.local.php settings.php

Connect to the Rokfor Server

If you check out the repository, the example will connect to the Rokfor Demo Server. There is a read only access and some dummy content available just to make sure, the application runs.

If you want to use the system for real, ping me @uphofer for an account or deploy your own Rokfor Server.

Edit the settings.php File and set the corresponding keys for the Rokfor Server:

'rokfor' => [
  'ro-key'    => 'YOUR_READ_ONLY_ACCESS_KEY',
  'rw-key'    => 'YOUR_WRITE_ACCESS_KEY',
  'user'      => 'USERNAME_FOR_WRITE_LOGINS',
  'endpoint'  => ''

Now you can fire up a local PHP Server using the command:

/usr/bin/php -S -t public public/index.php

Probably you can just type

$ ./

And open your Site in the Browser (http://localhost:8080)

Using Grunt and Bower and Sass

All files for the build task reside in the build directory

If you want to develop a site, you probably want to use Javascript libraries from Bower. To install the necessary dependencies, use npm:

$ npm install
$ bower install
$ grunt

There is a grunt watch task, which minifies javascript files and copies the assets from the build directory in to the web directory.

Per default, CSS is compiled with SASS. There are dependencies with Bourbon, Bitters and Neat which are installed automatically with Bower. As an example, FontAwesome is also copied and installed.

Templates and Routes

The main work, besides creating CSS styles, is to add routes in the src/routes.php file. Refer to the Slim Documentation for a introduction.

Example Route for GET /:

$app->get('/', function ($request, $response, $args) {
  // Load /api/books from the Server
  $result = $this->api->get("books"); 
  // Response ok?
  if($result->info->http_code == 200) {     
    // Decode JSON
    $args = $result->decode_response(); 
    // Render index.jade Template
    $this->view->render($response, 'index.jade', $args);
  // Throw Error Page
  else {      
    throw new NotFoundException($request, $response);

Example Template:

doctype html
  include parts/layout.meta.jade
        header='There are '.count($Books).' Books available.'
      each book, index in Books
        h5='Book '.($index+1).': '.$book[Name]
        each chapter in book.Chapters
          span='Chapter: '.$chapter[Name]

You'll find in the Template also a link to the live reload script to reload changes depending on grunt watch.


If you want to have an in-depth knowledge of what kind of Json data are transmitted from the server to the client, you can log it into the Chrome Console.

Open the settings.php File and set logger->path to false and logger->level to Monolog\Logger::INFO:

    'logger' => [                                           // Monolog settings
      'path'          => false,                             // Path to Log File. 
                                                            // If false, PHPConsole for Chrome will be used 
      'level'         => Monolog\Logger::INFO,              // Error Level: 
                                                            // Monolog\Logger::INFO shows a lot of stuff from the API
                                                            // Monolog\Logger::ERROR

Make sure, that you have php-console installed in the vendor directory:

$ composer require php-console/php-console

Additionally, you need to install the Chrome Extension from PHP-Console. If everything runs well, you can open your website and you'll see a dump of every API decode call. This eases the creation of templates quite a bit.


Rokfor Website Boilerplate running on PHP using Slim, Jade, Sass and Grunt






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