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File metadata and controls

249 lines (184 loc) · 10.8 KB

Object Boundaries for Web Archives

A flexible module for DOM modification and overlaying of replayed web archive content, allowing for specification of interactivity around links to missing resources.


If you're using a WARC replay system such as Pywb that allows for arbitrary HTML/JS to be injected into replayed pages, you can consume the sidebar component as so in a template file:

<script src="(link to component registering script)"></script>

In a script, register the boundaries:

let sidebar = document.querySelector('boundary-sidebar');
sidebar.boundaries = <boundaries>;

if you want to perform boundary DOM modification but you don't want to include the sidebar component, you can apply boundaries like so:

import { BoundaryList } from 'warc-boundaries/boundary-list';

let boundaries = new BoundaryList(<boundary data>)'

pywb example

The boundary sidebar can be injected into replayed pages by importing the module and using your tool of choice (this example uses Webpack) to transpile into a bundled JS file that can be injected into the frontend.

While pywb doesn't have built-in support for object boundaries, it does allow you to define a metadata.yaml for each collection, which we can inject into the frontend using the templating available in pywb.


      type: <type>
      query: <query>
    type: on-load
      type: disable
    resource: all
    description: removed links to outside pages.

Now, we can set up Node/Webpack:


const path = require('path');

module.exports = {
    context: __dirname,
    entry: './src/index.js',
    output: {
        filename: 'index.js',
        path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'static'),


  "name": "object-boundaries",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "main": "src/index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
  "keywords": [],
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC",
  "dependencies": {
    "warc-boundaries": "latest",

Then, we create the entry file that applies the boundaries:


import { BoundarySidebar } from 'warc-boundaries';

customElements.define('boundary-sidebar', BoundarySidebar);
// Once DOM content is loaded, apply boundaries
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
    let sidebar = document.querySelector('boundary-sidebar');
    sidebar.boundaries = meta;

Notice that this script refers to meta, which is a variable that doesn't exist. In our banner HTML template file, we need to define meta by injecting the metadata variable we defined in the YAML, include the bundled JS we produce with Webpack, and actually include the boundary-sidebar custom element in the page, in that order. We can do that like so:


    {% if metadata.boundaries != undefined %}
      var meta = {{ metadata.boundaries }};
    {% endif %}
<script type="module" src="{{ host_prefix }}/static/index.js" ></script>

Here, the host-prefix attribute, which specifies the host to query for backend CDX requests (see Attributes), is set to a value that is set on the backend and injected when the template is rendered.

Now, run:

$ npx run webpack
$ wayback

and visit localhost:8080. If you visit a page for the collection you included the metadata.yaml in, you should see the boundary sidebar and the boundaries functioning correctly.

UI Controls

By default, the sidebar UI can be toggled through different "views" using the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl-Shift-I): hidden, sidebar viewable, and sidebar "editable" (i.e. the properties of the boundary can be changed from the sidebar, see below in the Attributes section).


hidden: hides the sidebar UI. Boundaries will still be applied and the DOM of the replayed resource will still be modified. Defaults to false.

editable: Determines whether the boundary properties (overlay visibility, etc.) can be modified from the sidebar panel. Defaults to false.

toggle: Enables toggling of editablility with keyboard shortcuts. Defaults to true.

post-message-origin: Specifies the origin from which to accept postMessage messages (see the postMessage section below for more information). By default, the sidebar only accepts postMessages from the same origin, so if the replayed page is contained in an iframe with a different origin, post-message-origin must be set in order for the component to accept messages. Defaults to window.origin (i.e. only accepting same-origin messages).

host-prefix: The hostname to query on the backend for CDX queries.

cdx-endpoint: The specific endpoint to hit for backend queries. Defaults to /cdx.

embedded: If enabled, the enclosing sidebar div will be removed and the list of boundary expressions will be the outermost element. This is intended to allow for embedding of the list of boundary expressions into existing sidebars or other replay metadata UIs.

Boundary Spec

Boundaries must be valid YAML/JSON objects. The specification for boundaries is as follows (YAML is the default format, but should be converted to JSON):

  resource: all | <resource URL> | <resource URL prefix with wildcard>
    type: css-selector | link-query
    query (optional): <CSS selector>
    options (optional):
      worker: true | false
      lazy-loading: true | false
  type: on-load | mutation-observer
    type: none | disable | style
    styles (optional): 
      <CSS property>: <value>
  overlay (optional):
      display: none | visible
      styles (optional):
        <CSS property>: <value>
      display: none | visible
      styles (optional):
        <CSS property>: <value>
  description: <boundary description>

Boundary Expression Properties


The resource property of a boundary can be used to specify specific pages to which a boundary should be applied. The all option will apply the boundary to all pages; alternatively, you can specify a particular URL to match, optionally using a wildcard character (*) to match a range of pages. For instance, resource: will match only that exact URL, but resource:* will match all pages on that domain. Wildcards are also useful for resources that include GET request parameters in the URL, so,* will match, etc.


selector determines how elements on a page should be chosen to be modified. A type of link-query will collect all elements with an href attribute, and query the backend CDX API (location specified by the cdx-endpoint attribute) to determine which hrefs point to in-boundary resources. css-selector will simply perform a query on the page (specifically, document.body) using the CSS selector defined by query.

The options, worker and lazy-loading, are primarily for improving the performance of link-query selectors. worker batches the backend CDX queries with web workers, which also limits the number of backend queries that can be made at one time. It is highly recommended that this option be used for pages that contain many links, in order to avoid performing too many backend queries at once. The lazy-loading option is another performance improvement; enabling it causes elements to only be queried when they enter the viewport, which means (depending on page layout) fewer queries will need to be performed at once.


The type property determines when queries and actions will be performed. on-load, the default option, will apply boundary expressions only when the DOM initially loads. However, if a page adds relevant elements to the DOM later on, based on user input or something similar, the mutation-observer option will query all new nodes as they're added to the DOM and perform boundary expression on them.


action determines how elements matched by the selector are modified. none, obviously, does nothing; disable (the default option) will disable link functionality by setting pointer-events: none on elements; and style allows for the application of arbitrary CSS styling. if type is style, then the styles property can be set to an arbitrary set of CSS styles, e.g.

    background-color: #ff0000
    width: 50px


The overlay property determines how elements matched by selector are overlaid. The properties box and tooltip are both optional, and if present will generate an overlay of their respective type. The display property determines whether the overlay is visible by default, and styles, as with in the action property, allows for the application of arbitrary CSS styling to the overlay elements.


description is a string describing the particular boundary expression. While technically optional, it is the primary way to provide context behind a particular boundary expression for viewers; additionally, description is used as the text for tooltip overlays, if present.

postMessage Specification

Because this module is embedded into replayed web pages, and replay systems like pywb often use "framed" replay where the page is embedded into the iframe, warc-boundaries provides an interface through which to communicate with the boundaries and modify the sidebar/overlay UI. A postMessage message takes the form of stringified JSON:

"{"type": <type>, "value:" <value> (optional)}"

You can send a postMessage as follows:

let frame = document.querySelector('iframe');
let msg = JSON.stringify({type: "style", value: {"#boundary-sidebar": {"background-color": "red !important"}}});
frame.contentWindow.postMessage(msg, 'http://localhost:8080')


messages with a type of hideSidebar do not require a value, and will hide the sidebar. This allows you to still apply boundaries without showing the sidebar and metadata.


Messages with a type of styles allow you to apply custom styling and appearance to the sidebar. The styles should be formatted with the keys as strings representing valid CSS selectors, and the values as objects with keys representing CSS attributes and values as CSS attribute values, as in the above example.


The frontend UI design is based on Lozana Rossenova's sidebar prototype for Webenact, which can be found here.