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Dog Breed Classifier


This jupyter-notebook app (dog_breed_classifier_app.ipynb) uses a trained convolutional neural-network to classify images of dogs by their breed. The app is based on chapter 5 of the fastai book, but its uses the Stanford Dogs Dataset to focus on dog breeds only. This app is intended as practice and shows a generalized approach to creating image classifiers using the fastai API.


The model is created separately from the app notebook, in the dog_breed_classifier.ipynb notebook. The image dataset is downloaded directly to the colab notebook environment and briefly checked to understand the structure by opening a few images. The images are organized into directories for each breed, and a regex parser is included with the fastai DataBlock initialization to parse the breed name for each label. fastai provides a show batch method, so labels are checked on a batch of 9 images to make sure the labels are parsed correctly.

All images are presized to 460x460 pixels, so batch transforms can be applied to randomly crop down to the final size of 224x224. Presizing limits adverse affects from data augmentations, like rotate and warp, when applied after cropping. In this case, pixels near the edges could be missing and would need replaced as blank pixels or interpreted from the image, but either way is a loss of detail.

The CNN architecture used is a pretrained ResNet34 model. Transfer learning takes advantage of all the training performed for a state of the art model via its high quality feature detection. Transfer learning accelerates and simplifies training without sacrificing model accuracy.

The model is fine tuned and results are checked using the ClassificationInterpretation class in fastai before cleaning the data. This is done to get initial results and make sure a working model can be trained from the data. The source of the dataset is also a factor, because it has been curated by a reputable source, it's trusted that the data quality is reasonably high. Another reason is that fastai provides tools for cleaning data based on model performance.

The model is checked for issues after the initial training, specifically, classes it has difficulty with and images with the greatest loss. The initial model has difficulty with similar breeds: toy and miniature poodles, husky and Eskimo dog, and American Staffordshire terrier and Staffordshire bull-terrier. Checking images with the greatest losses shows most are fine, but there are a few, including one dog with sunglasses and in some sort of carrier/cage, that are not very representative of a dog, so it will be cleaned from the dataset. Any images with more that one breed are removed, and mislabeled images are updated.

Making Improvements

Fastai provides several tools to help ease the training process. Starting with the learning rate finder, the model is reinitialized and trained by varying learning rate on different mini-batches. Plotting losses to learning rate reveals the ideal rate or range of rates based on the current parameters. A rate of 6e-3 is chosen, and the head (last layer) is trained for 3 epochs. After fine tuning the head all layers are unfrozen for training, and the learning rate finder is applied again. This time the rate plot shows lower rates are better, so a rate of 1e-5 is chosen and the model is trained for 5 more epochs. The end error rate is slightly above the initial training, which fine-tuned the head for 1 epoch then trained all layers for 3 epochs.

Some experimentation was performed to find the right number of training epochs while the model is frozen and unfrozen. Training when layers are frozen (except for the last layer) has greater steps in performance, so these are favored over training with all layers. The final model is trained for 10 epochs to fine-tune the head with a learning rate of 6e-3, then unfrozen and trained for 5 epochs with a range of rates between 1e-6 and 1e-4. fastai applies discriminate learning rates when given a slice, meaning it varies the learning rate at each layer. Early layers get a lower rate than later layers to keep the initial feature detection intact. The number of epochs is chosen based on training time.


Validation accuracy reaches 85%, and checking the most confused classes it is seen that the similar breeds are still causing issues for the classifier. This dataset also includes images of puppies, which have less distinct breed features than older dogs, making them a little harder for the model to classify correctly. In a 2017 paper from Liu et al, the authors achieved an accuracy of 89% on the Stanford Dogs dataset. Achieving 85% accuracy for this model is satisfactory, as it is intended as a learning project and only took a weekend to create.

It is though the limitations of the model are a combination of architecture capacity and training time. A deeper model, trained well, will provide better feature detection to classify similar breeds and puppies. A test with the ResNet50 architecture was performed, but results were comparable to the ResNet34 version of the model discussed. The deeper model requires a different training approach that would allow it to achieve higher accuracy than the shallower model, but that was outside the scope of this effort.


The procedure used to load a dataset, create and train a model, then assess and make improvements is simplified via the fastai API. This makes it easily adaptable to new problems, datasets, and models. A end-to-end process to train a dog breed classifier with 85% accuracy was achieved in only a few hours.

Using the model

The final model is saved and implemented as a bare-bones web app using ipywidgets and voila in a jupyter-notebook. The notebook runs in a docker image via binder. Click the badge below to open a link to the app to try it yourself. Binder


@inproceedings{KhoslaYaoJayadevaprakashFeiFei_FGVC2011, author = "Aditya Khosla and Nityananda Jayadevaprakash and Bangpeng Yao and Li Fei-Fei", title = "Novel Dataset for Fine-Grained Image Categorization", booktitle = "First Workshop on Fine-Grained Visual Categorization, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition", year = "2011", month = "June", address = "Colorado Springs, CO", }

@inproceedings{, author = "J. Deng, W. Dong, R. Socher, L.-J. Li, K. Li and L. Fei-Fei", title = "ImageNet: A Large-Scale Hierarchical Image Database", booktitle = "IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition", year = "2009", }

@book{howard2020deep, title={Deep Learning for Coders with Fastai and Pytorch: AI Applications Without a PhD}, author={Howard, J. and Gugger, S.}, isbn={9781492045526}, url={}, year={2020}, publisher={O'Reilly Media, Incorporated} }

@misc{liu2017fully, title={Fully Convolutional Attention Networks for Fine-Grained Recognition}, author={Xiao Liu and Tian Xia and Jiang Wang and Yi Yang and Feng Zhou and Yuanqing Lin}, year={2017}, eprint={1603.06765}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CV} }


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